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About BaSsMaNjR5
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I went to /legacy and found that they have 1 terabyte email accounts capable of sending and recieving 500 mb attachments....They are doing this for those who want to upload their music and pictures and movies to the account and keep them all safe there and use it as a seperate hard drive where space isnt a problem....I havent yet recieved spam on it and havent really gotten any emails due to not sending anyone my email address to it but feel free to test it out by sending me an email at BaSsMaNjR5@hriders.com. But go check it out and get your huge storage there.
Ok dude....we cant live a healthy life without eating meat....Well you can but how idiotic is it to not eat meat....Its a fact in life that things are going to be killed to obtain for food to make energy for us humans at the upperside of the food chain...Just look at how we kill living plants to eat them...They may not be moving, talking things but hell, they are still alive....Just think about how you will survive on artificial food.....not long....we need meat for protein although it seems wrong to kill it, it isnt and is just the way things are...lol eat meant...its good fer ya.
I probably have many more embarrassing moments that are even more embarrassing than this one but I remember this one time at my church, me and my friend were swingin across this one very thin rope...My friend was the first to swing across and made it without a problem....Then was my turn hahahahahaha I grabbed onto the rope and jumped and SNAP the rope untied and snapped and SPLAT I go into the muddy stinkin creak thing and was sort of stuck....I got up and all over me was this nasty smelling mud that smelled very close to dog crap....So I go to my mom and run into the bathroom and tried to wash it off a little but couldnt really get rid of the smell and mud on the clothes...So my aunt had clothes she was taking to goodwill and got them out and I had to get into those through a whole chruch dinner lol!!! So I was in women clothes with mud stained hair and a that horrible sand in the pants feelin and really felt like just getting naked there in the chruch to feel better.....I hadnt ever felt that embarassed but luckily the church isnt too big and I knew everyone there and no hot chicks were there to make fun of me or make me lose my cool lol....wow that was really messed up...
I dont reall have a comment about it......I truly like how easy it is and how simple accessing everything is but really prefer linux due to its different functions and stuff...But out of all of the past windows distros....Xp has made its mark due to its amazing swiftness and not many snags other than constant viruses and trojans and hacks that have gotten out of hand....I just think alot of other problems have arrisen and caused many government issues to arrise....The whole Piracy stuff has causes a big issue with windows by how it is so easy to just copy it and run it....Also I would like to comment on its crack on this situation though which is causing those who cant afford a decent OS cannot obtain it unless they rob a bank to get the money for it hahaha....I dunno but no comment here :-\
Go with ebay's computers.....Dont buy one off there unless you want to but they give you and idea of what other people have done with their computers to use as servers....Also it depends on what you are wanting to so such as using it for a website host or a game host machine or what......I used to use this one computer in my room as a shoutcast server to play 24 hours of nothing but music.....But one day the pc locked up and I decided I would wait until I got my linux distro to do anything else with hosting.....But yea hosting computers are not cheap at all...they are expensive due to the machines speed and dependability and that sort of stuff...I hope you get a nice machine
Actually when those suckers are modified like crazy and you stick a nice sound system in it, it rocks....But me personally, a close to new driver, am looking for the best affordable truck (cars suck) and have come to the conclusion that the chevy S-10 is the best truck to get and the best looking truck when modified.....So everytime I get spare cash it goes into customizing the truck....I dont think its sad people spend money on those vehicles because if you think about it, those hummers will save you in any situation of a wreck unless you and a semi gets into it....Those trucks are built to be tough and rolll on.
Linux Vs Windows Which one is your first choice?
BaSsMaNjR5 replied to BaSsMaNjR5's topic in Software
Also the thing about linux not being the best, Not any Operating System is the best....Its just a fact that computer users have to face....I know I sound Pro Linux but its the opinion I have over OS's....Not many people By and OS to study it and learn it, they get what the seller recommends. Neither Linux, Windows, or any future OS will be the worlds most perfect OS due to the fact that there are smarter people out there who can go in and cause security issues and viruses and that such of thing which gives the OS creators ideas of advancement in technology which then those hackers and smarter people get in eventually and it goes on...Its a vicious cycle...I was tryin to fight you but I was just trying to state my opinion over what I feel is a good OS and can do some cool stuff and teach you alot... -
Linux Vs Windows Which one is your first choice?
BaSsMaNjR5 replied to BaSsMaNjR5's topic in Software
See now thats what I understand....It depends on what you are trying or wanting to do on your machine.....If you want to run a free webserver or something in that such, use linux/unix....If you want to do a gaming related thing or you just want a system that is set for you to get on the internet or to play games or do the basic functions, windows is for you.....Its not worth going into an argument over something that no one is right....Both OS's have their good, both have their bads....lol so we both win i guess.... -
Linux Vs Windows Which one is your first choice?
BaSsMaNjR5 replied to BaSsMaNjR5's topic in Software
Lets see.... IBM gave linux with their pcs, there is a 300 or 400 dollar laptop that gives linux on every system with NO OPTIONS, they sell fine, ummm Dell is getting ready to sell desktop computers with linux on it, this goes to show, yes there are big companies giving out linux with or on their systems....go and check out this laptop and tell me I cant name these things...http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Linux is making its way....Linux isnt dissing on anyone, it is true, people are lazy with windows and its a fact people have to face due to the fact that there is no work in using windows other than minor problems. If anything, that OS makes you a little dumber because your not thinking about what your doing therefore your using less of your brain making it just got patuy.....Also, you talk about linux dissing windows, what about bill gates talking about how linux isnt fair...Doesnt that sound childish for a billionaire to whine and say, itssss noottttt faiiirrrr they give their OS away for free while ours is too much money.....durrrrr....It is easier for us teens (im 15) to use linux because it doesnt cost money that we cant get, thats why piracy is getting spread more due to the fact the government takes our working rights away and makes us wait forever to get a job so therefore we cant buy a 200 dollar OS. Linux is just a much more convenient way to go since it is free and is just a much cooler and much more stable OS. I know you want to argue this and fight for Gates but windows is just a system that is considered good due to its ability to play anything and everything made....Linux is a system for people to learn and expand their minds and get a better idea about computers and scripting and command prompts....Linux is just one of those things that you have to be willing to learn to use it, and alot of windows users dont want to learn to do such a thing or take the time to use it which is sad when you learn sooo much and can do the same things you do on windows only in a different way... -
Linux Vs Windows Which one is your first choice?
BaSsMaNjR5 replied to BaSsMaNjR5's topic in Software
Wow many mixed feelings lol.....Well first off i feel ya xboxrulz 100%!! Now for those who dont see why anyone would use linux.....Linux CAN be used with windows games....you just have to know how to use linux and how to use the programs to do so...The furthest I got with windows programs was probably winamp because I wanted to use wine and see how far I could get with it and I did good....I also messed with some P2P programs but couldnt get them to connect for dwonloading music....Also linux is very very very stable and is free! Why and I will stand by this forever, why in the world would you go and #1 not use your mind with and OS #2 pay 100+ dollars for an OS that doesnt do anything but makes us lazy people even lazier and #3 we lose money and are supporting a greedy billionaire that doesnt deserve that money.....The soldiers of america and people who actually mean something to our freedom are the ones who deserve that money. So basically those who use linux arent supporting the horrible non educative OS and the OS that costs as much money as an ipod or even a computer...yea a crappy one, but a computer lol. Just think about it for a while and you will understand why us linux fanatics are ordering 15 ubuntu cds and getting codes for linspire OS and downloading every Fedora cd there is...Linux will soon dominate windows and will be a leader in OS's.....trust me -
They havent released the cds yet...it says on their site that they release the cds in april so you will recieve them in mid april but I ordered 10 of the 86x and 5 of the PowerPC and 5 of the AMD64 one....so im all set....i orginally was goign to get 80 86x and 10 AMD64 but its not fair to the company. But linux rules!!!! thanks for that link man you rock!!!
Hmmm spend 100 or so dollars on windows or get linux for free.....Tough choice for someone with no money eh? Most programs are based around the cough wonderful cough operating system of windows....One day I decided to go to the world of linux and try it out....It was the most amazing experience I had on a computer lol.....You constanly are reading tutorials and getting assistance from people on IRC chats and annoying people on forums to get help with tasks other linux users think are simple...I was shocked by how much control you have over the operating system of linux and how stable it was for something that is created by people all over the world. So my choice is going with linux yet everthing that is made is run on windows....Yes there is a way to get around that in linux using the program wine or some other programs out there....But I think people would rather get it easy and use windows like I do now lol....But here in a few years I am sure I will be a full on linux user and be happy with it all....Why would you pay 100 or so dollars for an operating system that is less stable and you have less control over and is probably less secure than a free OS? The reason linux is so secure is because of how many people acutally use it....there are a hadful compared to the windows users...Its very funny I think that people would just rather stick with easier things that require less thinking and more frustrating problems unlike linux that is a bit harder and is frustrating until you learn about it but hey thats my view....so which OS would you go with?
Lol I probably wont get one either because I just turned 15 and a half today so I can get my temps which means I need to save up for my driving classes and a car and also worry about insurance and all other things I need for driving....Basically I will have too much on my hands to worry about a gaming system that isnt playable with games that are actually cool....Plus when I do have breaks of money and everything I will be spending them on mods for my car....Its all about the car man, not kiddy toys
I am trying to install a temporary message board through cpanel using fantasico but everytime I click on the link for fantasico, It only loads forever showing the little status bar with 4 boxes and wont let me go any further...Is the trap 17 server slow or is my cpanel just being screwy? Everything else seems to be working... Ill let you guys know if it loads finally but please let me know whats wrong.