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Posts posted by yoofus

  1. wow i wish i couldve hacked some website or some *BLEEP*  Cuz look i know a good website for hacking it tells you how to hack and crap and it tells you how to get hacked to a website or a forum or some *BLEEP* like hotmail and msn messenger i think mostly they let you hack aim password!Man that website has everything about hacking it even lets you hack cell phones that is so cool but they give  what tpye of a phone they alowe to hack! :)  ;)  B)  B)  :D


    What website is it? It sounds interesting... :)





  2. Ps: I dont think the poll is any use I could only vote for one thing!! ;)


    Yeah, I don't see where that poll helps anyone because I own sever platforms. Here is the list Atari, Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Game Cube, Sega Genesis, Sega Saturn, Dreamcast, Playstation 1 (the origonal not the updated version) Playstation 2, XBox, and I know it's not a console but I'm gonna throw it in there... My PC.


    You might ask, "Why do you own all of these consoles?" Well, I have 2 passions in life (well 3, but we wont talk about the other :)) They are Web Design and Gaming. I am not rich by any means, but I've simply recieved them from various members of my family & my fiancee for the various holidays. For example one year for christmas My Dad got me an XBox, My Mom got me a Playstation 2, and My Fiancee got me the Gamecube... so needless to say I was pretty busy on christmas morning lol. B)




    You are both right, I forgot that the polls are circle things not ticks. So just ignore the poll and post what consoles you own. B)


    Oh and Forsaken, do you own the Sega Megadrive? I used to have it but I gave it to my cousin because I got bored with it. :)

  3. Loky,


    I think that you should save up your pennies and ny an Xbox 2 or PS3 when they come out. Buying an Xbox or Playstation 2 would be a waste of money because I have heard that the PS3 will be backwards compatible. I do not know much about the Xbox 2 but I think that it will also be backwards compatible.


    To sum up: Buy a PS3 :) It will be on the list of The Top 300 Most Powerful Electronical Items.





  4. Isn't it Nah - uhhh instead uf Uh - nah? It is pretty annoying, but fun to annoy your friends with :) I mean, when your doing an imitation of those people who try to immitate it, it can be funny.


    Nah uh is the original one, but on that TV show they say uh....nah

  5. Let's put things straight!!! How is it possible on planning to buy a console that even it's official name hasn't yet unveiled!?


    I instist on waiting till this May when E3 takes place.Then all the facts about next-gen consoles will be unveiled. After E3 we'll be able to express our opinions about PS3,Xbox2 and Revolution. Till then......we don't know anything actual


    Or do we? :)B)





  6. How very nice. But the person that made this post said the police were looking for CCTV footage but how could they when it happened in their own house....


    Anyway, I think it is pretty sick and sad. Surely he didn't get pleasure out of it.....


    Go on the link I posted earlier and you will see. They are looking for CCTV footage to find the person who climbed through the girls window. It was on a council estate.

  7. yoofus, I am getting the idea you don't like slang.


    I like slang but it is really annoying when people at school keep saying 'uh....nah' and trying to copy the actions that the people on My Wife And Kids do.






  8. I hate it when people say uh....nah instead of no. They think that they are really cool by copying 'My Wife and Kids'. Most of them can't even do the cool little action things properly. It used to be funny when Mike and Jay said it on TV but now its jut annoying. :);):)B)

  9. Everyone at my school is getting this really cool Vodafone mobile. I am not too sure what it is called but I know it is in the Argos catelouge and is Ł98. It takes video clips and pics and has Bluetooth.


    Is the Vodafone mobile on the Argos website / catalogue now?





  10. i will buy both as i love games and both but i think the ps3 will be bigger agen because i think its comeing out frist agen just like with the ps2 and xbox i have both of them to  B)


    unless halo comes to the ps3 then i mite not have a xbox but then there is xbox live  :)


    I heard that the PS3 will have built in Online Play so it will be like Xbox Live but without the microphones... Unless?

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