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Posts posted by catforum

  1. I like Physics,Mathematics and Additional Mathematics because I am good at calculating and thinking.Also,I don't like to revise lots of information so I prefer to study Science Subject.During Form 4,I find Physics,Mathematics and Additional Mathematics the most interesting.I like the algebra and trigonometry part and they are easy.However,the differentiation part is the most difficult among all the mathematical subject.How do you think?????

  2. connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw, $dbname, $pconnect); $msg = ''; $quit = FALSE; $curr_os = PHP_OS; $curr_php_version = PHP_VERSION; if($curr_php_version < '4.0.0') { $msg .= "$lang[php_version_400]\t"; $quit = TRUE; } elseif($curr_php_version < '4.0.6') { $msg .= "$lang[php_version_406]\t"; } if(@ini_get(file_uploads)) { $max_size = @ini_get(upload_max_filesize); $curr_upload_status = $lang['attach_enabled'].$max_size; $msg .= $lang['attach_enabled_info'].$max_size."\t"; } else { $curr_upload_status = $lang['attach_disabled']; $msg .= "$lang[attach_disabled_info]\t"; } $query = $db->query("SELECT VERSION()"); $curr_mysql_version = $db->result($query, 0); if($curr_mysql_version < '3.23') { $msg .= "$lang[mysql_version_323]\t"; $quit = TRUE; } $curr_disk_space = intval(diskfreespace('.') / (1024 * 1024)).'M'; if(dir_writeable('./templates')) { $curr_tpl_writeable = $lang['writeable']; } else { $curr_tpl_writeable = $lang['unwriteable']; $msg .= "$lang[unwriteable_template]\t"; } if(dir_writeable('./customavatars')) { $curr_avatar_writeable = $lang['writeable']; } else { $curr_avatar_writeable = $lang['unwriteable']; $msg .= "$lang[unwriteable_avatar]\t"; } if(dir_writeable($attachdir)) { $curr_attach_writeable = $lang['writeable']; } else { $curr_attach_writeable = $lang['unwriteable']; $msg .= "$lang[unwriteable_attach]\t"; } if(dir_writeable('./forumdata')) { $curr_data_writeable = $lang['writeable']; } else { $curr_data_writeable = $lang['unwriteable']; $msg .= "$lang[unwriteable_forumdata]\t"; } if(dir_writeable('./forumdata/templates')) { $curr_template_writeable = $lang['writeable']; } else { $curr_template_writeable = $lang['unwriteable']; $msg .= "$lang[unwriteable_forumdata_template]\t"; $quit = TRUE; } if(dir_writeable('./forumdata/cache')) { $curr_cache_writeable = $lang['writeable']; } else { $curr_cache_writeable = $lang['unwriteable']; $msg .= "$lang[unwriteable_forumdata_cache]\t"; $quit = TRUE; } if(dir_writeable('./forumdata/accesslogs')) { $curr_accesslog_writeable = $lang['writeable']; } else { $curr_accesslog_writeable = $lang['unwriteable']; $msg .= "$lang[unwriteable_forumdata_accesslog]\t"; } if(strstr($tablepre, '.')) { $msg .= "$lang[tablepre_invalid]\t"; $quit = TRUE; } $db->select_db($dbname); if($db->error()) { $db->query("CREATE DATABASE $dbname"); if($db->error()) { $msg .= "$lang[db_invalid]\t"; $quit = TRUE; } else { $db->select_db($dbname); $msg .= "$lang[db_auto_created]\t"; } } $query - $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $tablepre"."settings", 'SILENT'); if(!$db->error()) { $msg .= "$lang[db_not_null]\t"; $alert = " onSubmit=\"return confirm('$lang[db_drop_table_confirm]');\""; } else { $alert = ''; } if($quit) { $msg .= "$lang[install_abort]"; } else { $msg .= $lang['install_process']; } ?>

    One of the example is above

  3. I like using Ulead PhotoImpact.The quality of it is very good.It can easily change many textures and qualities of a photo.It is easy for me to design a logo for my website rather than the simplest tool of Windows called small drawer.Small Drawer is very childish for me to draw a beautiful picture.So I don't use it at all.Only my little brother often use it.

  4. BVE is a driving games that we can drive trains all over the world,including Hong Kong.It is very real to our world's railway.

    Although I have given up playing for two years,I still found the game very interesting and good.It is free also.I don't need to pay any money,that's good and can save my money.

    You should download the game as soon as possible,the link is below.


  5. The game sounds very interesting to me.However,I cannot find a link to download the demo version of it.It is a driving game that contains many cities and vehicles.It is better than Midtown Madness games.While I am playing the game,I prefer Europe because of lots of sightseeings.Also,I can enjoy driving very much.If you can provide the link of demo version download,please tell me and I will thank for your help.

  6. Is the game about a city making.It sounds very interesting.I have heard this name of the game many times but I don't know to download it.It is hard to find the latest demo version in the website.Once I download some of the game on the website,it takes me for a very long time to download it,which is about one to two hours.I am really angry and have lost my temper when downloading it.Why I should wait for a long time to download it???I use Window XP that it should be fast in connection speed and lowered the time for downloading.Do you know how to download the game???P.S. I don't want to wait such a long time while downloading

  7. Yes,I think so.I have been to Yahoo for few years and find Yahoo that it is the best and the fast website in Hong Kong.I can quickly search a lot of websites and use a much space email.The space of the email has been upgrated to 1GB.I can receive and send emails in a best way.Also,I find the email of HongKong.com is much worse than Yahoo.com.The speed of loading in HongKong.com is a bit slow and I should wait to login for half a minute.I don't like using HongKong.com

  8. In addition,this game is better than the game posted above.It contains 13 levels which the difficulties of them are increasing.

    A few days ago,I have played only some of the levels which takes me for about half an hour.Then the remaining levels are harder for me to finish it.I cannot get the enough things to solve the problem.Poor me!!!!!!!!!!I want to win all the levels in the game within a shorter period.

    Can you teach me how to complete all the levels if you know how to play????I would be very happy to win all the levels and thankful to you.

    the link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  9. The quality of the game is very good.It tests my thinking to find the most suitable way to get away the room somebody stayed into.It is very interesting but difficult for you to finish the game.Maybe it takes you 1 day to finish the game.

    I have played it few days ago.I found the game is very difficult that I cannot get away the room easily.Poor me!!!!!Have you played it before???If you have,please give comments and teach me how to finish the game.I look forwards to hearing from you soon.


  10. The game is very good,especially Midtown Madness 2 and 3.I can drive in some cities.The vehicles are very real when compared to the real vehicles in the world.I like Panoz because it runs very fast and its functions are very well.You can buy a CD of Midtown Madness 2 from a lot of shops,which prices only twenty to thirty dollars.Give comments after you play them.

  11. When compared many free hostings,I found Xisto is the best among all.The connection speed of Xisto is fast and the quality of it is good.I have used my friend's Discuz forum,which was supported by Xisto.The functions of the forum is very good and easy to control all the settings.I like Xisto very much.I will make good use of Xisto and I hope Xisto is the best free hosting among the others free hostings.

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