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Iron Eagle

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Everything posted by Iron Eagle

  1. nice, but my guess is that a drive capable of reading such a disk would cost more than a 160+ hardrive. Infact when the 160 gig HD first came out it would cost you a whopping $4000 and that was back in early 2000
  2. if you have a friend with xbox live get him/she to put their gamertag onto a memory card. that way you can put their gamertag onto your xbox and still enjoy the maps
  3. if you have xbox live and you also have halo 2 go and download the new maps now availablethey areContainmentWarlockSanctuaryTurfgo get them
  5. I was reading an article from my xbox magazine and scientists were coming up with theories about a disk with 1 terrabyte of space now the basic idea was to use multi layers of gold filming, it would be the same size as a DVD but the only problem was getting a DVD drive powerful enough to read the multiple layers of gold filming. has anyone else heard about this?
  6. i really wont to get it working again because that beam is so godamn cool have you ever used or seen one, you can actually see the beam at night it has a range of about 2 miles (in your language)
  7. your right i did buy it from a store or rather a company called Onpoint Lasers but i will try what you suggested. if all else fails i will take it to a repairer or somthing but there is just one problem, I live in Australia and i think green laser pointers with 5mW are illegel here and you guessed it Onpoint lasers is an american company......hmmm
  8. Well i have only used it for a total of at least 15 minutes and now it doesn't work i dont know if it is the batteries (iam pretty sure two AAAs last for more than just 15mins) or what but before it stopped it flickered for a couple of seconds and now its just dead. Any help would be appreciated BTW it cost me $140 at the time i purchased it.
  9. i like my GBA SP has some pretty cool games like the Dragonball Z series, but the next console i will buy is an Xbox 2 i just hope it is not as bulky
  10. those new powercords are excessively big and bulky, they have a red test switch and a green switch for power
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