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Dungeon Master

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Posts posted by Dungeon Master

  1. I like to go up to children and beat them up. Thats my anti-drug. No, what i do for fun is basically some what same and different from you. I basically go hang out with my friends. When i do go hang out with my friends i go and vandalize. This includes braking windows and or spray painting. When i do spray paint i usually just end up writing "Communism Lives" all over walls. When not doing that we like to get in touch and with our creative side and try to do some funny acting for videos. The most daring thing that ive done is go to the mall and stand up to cholos. By "cholos" i mean hispanic gangsters of course. What gives me the most thrills is playing D&D with my buddies.

  2. I dont really believe that racist jokes has any positive impact. I honestly do not. I once just to find amusement in that type of humor, but i found it to be antiquated and somewhat cliched. Its usually the same old stereotypes over and over again. I dont see how racist jokes help our society accept our differences and come together. For me it created the opposite effect . When i see a white comedian making fun of Hispanics or African-Americans i tend to grow more hate for the whole white race overall. This has happen to the point where i distinctly do not associate myself with people outside my race. I know this is somewhat a type of ethnocentrism.

  3. i love vulgar jokes so racist joke fit right up there to me. i am not racist at all but i like making fun of minorities. like wemon races old people just anybody. i think people need to learn to take racist jokes. i mean it is one thing to hate someone for there race but to mess around to get someone to laugh. i think it is ok.

    I do not understand why it amuses people to make fun or cultures or races. Racist jokes like that simply imply old stereotypes as true.
    Why do you think we need to take racist jokes?

  4. Well ok let me explain it a bit better.Im your usual case of brilliant but lazy and my friend knows that. So in his own depraved mind he decided to give me some inspiration by filling me with hate. So he posed as a stalker and pretended to stalk me. He told me that i was nothing but a talentless smurf, or something like that. He later then send me some death threats. He did this for quite a while. After this whole prank he explain to me why he did it. His objective was to inspired me in his own weird way. Why do you think my friend has a false sense of friendship?

  5. First of all most of you probably haven't seen this but i want to share it with you anyway. the movie is sunshine. and it is about nothing other than the sun.
    the plot of the movie is a group of people are going to the sun to try to keep it from going out. they plan to through a 'payload' bomb into the sun.

    sunshine is from the makers of 28 days later. which i also consider one of my favorite movies.

    but the reason why this movie really stands out for me is because of the filmography. you know the way it was directed. there is some really good acting in it for a dramatic movie. usually i think movies like this suck but this one is different.

    i saw it by downloading it. i don't even know if it is out on dvd yet but it is definitly worth the watch. i don't want to reveal anything about the movie because it might give away the ending. the ending is definitly one of the reasons i liked the movie.

    so give it a watch and tell me what you think.

    Do you happen to have the link or the name of the site where i could go and check it out.
    Are their any know famous actors in this movie?

  6. Turn of chat and play the game. I personally play GunZ and many people call me a newbie even though it is very ironic that they say so considering they're still only on the second bracket. I just turn chat off because it's not really important even in team battles. Nobody has anything worthwhile to say except for accusing decent players of being hackers.

    I am going to keep that in mind and turn off chat once and for all. I am hating having to be called a sprayer or a noob. People sometimes take the game way too seriously.

  7. I would have to agree with haslip although your friend played a trick on you, nonetheless the way he did it is completely wrong especially the way social sites have become a place for stalkers to get someone. You should also tell your friend that those messages are stored on a database and if someone did notice them he can get into serious trouble regardless if its a prank or not.

    I think he is already aware of that but he still did it. Even if i did warned him about it he would just dismiss it as a prank. I think this whole prank really affected our friendship cause now things have being a little awkward. I cant help it but look forward when this back fires on him. It sounds very cruel of me but he took things too far. Because of his little prank i am taking in consideration all his faults and im thinking if its really worth it being his friend. Sure, he is sometimes self-centered he also happens to have a giant ego, but until now i had the patience to handle all that. This hasnt being the first time that he has played a prank on me. I fear this is just too big to let it go.

  8. Well, I would consider forgiving him after giving it some thought. After about a week, go back to him and ask him if he is sorry and then forgive him. Oh god, I sound like my mother... ><' So yeah, just do that, it helps...usually.

    The problem is that this guy isnt just any "internet friend" he is a very close friend of my. He kept the joking going for about a week or so. During that whole time i was barraged with death threats and insults. I wasnt really scared at all just a really angry. My friend was alternating between sending me death threats and chatting with my in MSN. During the whole time he was pretend to be scared. He even asked me if i was scared. I told him that in reality i was not because i didnt really take the guy seriously. He kept on doing this for quite a while until he just blurred out that he was doing all this.

  9. Threats and security is not something to be dealt with lightly on the Internet.
    If I were you, I would be looking for a new friend. The next 'stalker' may be for real. And the next time it may not be a friend.

    I so far have stop talking to him, but i would soon going to have to confront him. For he is supposedly one of my very close friends. I just dont really know what to say to him. Because i still hold resentment and my mind can only think of just ripping out his eyes.

  10. I am growing tired of playing Gunz online and being called a noob and being mocked on. It simply irritates me so much that i cant enjoy playing my favorite game. It also bothers me that most gamers take games so seriously. They take it so much they even create their own realm where your not accepted if you cant level up. Theirs endless merchandise that keep their little realm going. I by no way insulting any gamer, im just quite tired of encountering Halo fans over Xbox live. They were the reason why i stop playing Halo. I couldnt believe that theirs actual books that further more the story. I thought to myself when i saw them, " Isnt enough with just playing the game?" Even when ive heard of a movie coming out, i almost decided to give up on gaming forever. I hate how every where i go and say i dont like Halo im looked at as if im an alien. It seems that when a good franchise comes out the creators decide to milk it dry. Until they create something that gradually decays from its foundation.

  11. First of all, I am Black and proud. But the past few weeks I have been the victim to quite alot of racism.

    So my question to you guys, is at what point is racism gotten to far?


    Is it the little jokes that can be taken racist and an innocent joke. Or is it when they are at your face calling you race names.

    This goes out to all races; black, white, whatever.

    Me myself im a proud Mexican. I get upset when ever i see that buffon Carlos Mencia parading himself, and just spilling out racist jokes at the cost of almost of all races. I myself have being discriminated upon but it could be worst. Its not like Russia where their immigrants are beating almost everyday by skin-head savages.

  12. Source
    Microsoft claims that Linux, the free operating system, is violating over 200 of their patents. This is the silliest thing. If Microsoft wins, Linux may no longer exist. Open-source software as we know it will no longer exist. This is the silliest thing i have ever seen Microsoft try to doi can't stress this enough. I believe in open-source. Some people, even though there may be an open-source alternative, will still choose to buy commercial software, so there shouldn't be a problem. As far as i'm concerned, Microsoft is just money hungry. I, for one, don't see Windows winning this; there are many open-source supporters out there that i'm sure will support Linux. Microsoft is already a huge company, but i guess the rich just wanna get richer...

    Yup the rich get richer. But you just gotta keep in mind that Microsoft is a monopoly. What does a monopoly tries to do? Have control over the market. If they get Linux out of the way, the consumer wouldnt have any other choice but Mac or Microsoft. We all know what the obvious choice is. Microsoft is sort of like the Borg they want to assimilate everyone into their ways.

  13. Im chewy...not litterally though. :P I like to post on forums and talk to people. I love anime/manga and spend hours drawing. Im not really chewy so dont ask. I like to be funny when the time is right. And I plan to have a good time here at Xisto and host my own website. So yeah. Some people may know me as Crunchy from other forums.

    Well hey hi, Im Dungeon Master, I obviously play D&D. I draw and do some really funny comics and i detest anime. In other forums I am known as frisby002003. The forums that im speaking of course are the [adultswim] forums.

  14. Recently my friend decided to play a prank on me. He created a myspace for a fake person. He pose himself as this psychotic emo stalker. He then proceed it to sending me really insulting messages. They usually said that i was a talentless spineless person. He then threaten to kill me because supposedly i had wronged him some way. I was a bit worried because i thought this person was for real. After a couple of days my friend then later announces that in fact it was him. He laugh and ask me why if i was really scared. I scuffed him away. I later ask him why he did all this, was it all out of boredom? He simply responded, "Cause i wanted to hate this guy so much that it would inspired you to proof him wrong.". I was amaze that my friend did all this just to inspired me, but i was still quite annoyed cause he had me going really good. So what do you guys think should i get back at him or should I just thank him for his effort to give me some inspiration?

  15. I've been thinking. Everyday in schools across America we say the Pledge of allegiance, without really listening to the words. I've recently noticed that it doesn't really make much sense. "I pledge allegiance to the flag, and to the united states of America. And to the Republic for which it stands.." The more I think about it, I'm not so sure that makes much sense. I thought it was supposed to be a nation for the people, not a people for the nation. Isn't the nation supposed to pledge allegiance to it's people?
    What do you guys think?

    I never really thought of it that way and i listen to the pledge of allegiance almost every other day. I dont really recited but i just show my respect to the people who do. I always thought that when Americans pledge allegiance to the nation they are pledging their allegiance to the ideals and the people of the United States. If only George Bush would pledge allegiance to the constitution if that ever happen then this country would be better off.

  16. I don't really think its fair to compare wow and DnD. Since one is a computer game and one is pen and paper, they are completly different.I can totally understand how you enjoy DnD more, but you can't campare the two directly.

    What else didnt you like? Because me myself have seen it and im hoping to playing it. Even though i sometimes criticize it i would like to experience it.

  17. I dont think that WoW is the best RPG. For me D&D is one of the best RPG out their. Simply for the fact of full control that you have with it. In D&D you could bend the rules for the sake of fun. You socialize and have fun at the same time.

    Ofcourse you cant compare them directly but im just comparing them RPG wise. The point that im trying to convey is the following:
    WoW does not offer the same RPG interactivity as DND.
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