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About TJTutten

  • Rank
    Newbie [Level 1]

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  1. It's probably not targeted traffic, so it would just be traffic for traffic's sake. I'm not too impressed myself, but if someone has a different experience, please let us all know.
  2. I also have reviews on my blog; http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - I personally like CashCrate the best, and GangsterGreed is coming up a fast second.
  3. I focus on GPT sites; I've posted an indepth review of CashCrate on my my blog, along with proof of earnings. In the coming weeks I'll be posting reviews of other sites as well.
  4. Yes, CashCrate really works! They pay you once you've earned $10, and they're extremely reputable, not to mention free to join. No one has ever called me from completing offers or surveys.You can read an indepth review of them on my blog, Our Debt Free Lives, along with proof of earnings. Our blog link is in my signature.
  5. A really great site is CashCrate, and I've posted an indepth review of them on my blog, along with proof of earnings. You'll be surprised at how much I'm earning with them!
  6. Google Adsense has a $100 payout, and until you get some traffic built up it takes quite a while to earn that. I use CashCrate almost exclusively, and I earn quite a lot from them. I've posted a review on my blog, along with proof of earnings. Click on the link in my signature, and once you're on the blog look for the CashCrate review.
  7. I've been making quite a bit with CashCrate; I've posted a review of them on my blog, along with proof of earnings. It's worth giving it a try, since it's totally free!
  8. You may not make a lot of money on mylot, but it's good for traffic and backlinks...
  9. I've posted an indepth review along with proof of earnings on my blog, which is in my signature. You can earn money on the site I've reviewed, CashCrate, and I'm about to post a few more reviews. Keep looking!
  10. Associated Content also pays for articles; they pay as soon as they accept them. It only takes a day or two for them to make an offer, so it's all pretty quick, plus you can get paid for page views.
  11. You can read my blog in my signature about how I'm making money online. It's a little time consuming to get started, but once you get going it's pretty much autopilot. Plus, hopefully you'll just find it an interesting read.
  12. Yep, it's a lot of work. I work hours and hours promoting my sites, and some sites get 2-3 hits a day, some 50, but none of them are breaking any speed records getting up there. It takes patience....
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