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Posts posted by Juanmi

  1. Well I think that noone here on this forum is able to help you with your problems! It is about decision and not about advices and all that stuff...If you listen to these advices you'll only learn the way other guys do it with THEIR women but that most certainly does not mean that the women or girl you are after is going to react in the same way or that she is looking for the same thing in guys. You have to be strong, have curage and most importantly WAIT! If you are 16 you are most certainly very young and at that age you only begin to realize yourself and your body. Do not rush into things..just let it happen naturally and when you are comfortable enough, then go to the women...
    best whishes

    Maybe it can be true... they are just telling me what they did to their Womens... but at least that gimme an idea that what can i do... Im on Summer Vacations right now. im waiting to start school Aug 22 and from there is where im taking my second change... if i see her that day.. what should i say to her?? should i say this?

    Hey(her name)
    How was ur summer...
    what did you do on summer?
    Well we talk later.. i hope we are in same class again...

    Should I? say that.................

    But you guys are telling me what can i do... and what i need is what can i tell to her...

  2. Its true everything you guys says i should talk to her... at least she knows what i feel for her... But really i wasnt shy all my life... when did my shyness started? When i got my first "No" and it wasnt a a Real "No" Because that girl told me that we are still friends we need to know more each other mayb if we continue we can hit up with something but... 2 months later she was whit my friend... and i feel so bad about it :P:P but dam is just that know it was like my life of pimp with girls never existed cause i dont know what to tell them... and thats the focus of all my problem what can i tell her... what should i say to her... just for starting cause if i can start easily the date will be a cake... i just need to start... thats it and i need to know how.. and telling her what..Thx people for the advices... :P:P

  3. I have a Real Bad story but the problem is that Im Shy... and i really dont know what to do... I dont even know from where i can start.. but here i go


    1-)Im just 16 Years old now... and im really shy... i hope that never doesnt exist but.. i like someone from my class she sitted 3 chairs front of me... (Sitted because im on Summer Vacations now) But i really wanted to be with her i am in love with her, sometimes... i talk to her and i dont know what to say to her im always get nervous because im Shy... anyways i think she doesnt like me idk y... For Valentine's Day I gave her a Gift and a Letter... In that Letter i Told to her What i feel for her but i was so nervous and Shy that when i gave her the Gift i just... Ran Away idk why... my friends that were close to her hear that she said..

    ''I Knew It...'' i was so nervous and omg i Think i Dissapeared... and I was even more Shy the next day that i even talked to her... it was too difficult to me because i was thinking ''Omg what she will say now... and blah blah'' but i didnt talked to her... and i was always looking at her and sometimes... i can tell everyday we cross looks we look each other for like 1-2seconds and done.. no more... and im not getting the courage to talk to her... when that happen... I dont know what to say to her... and thats my point... im Starting class in like 2 weeks and I think i can have a 2nd try on this and i need help on what can i tell her, and what to say her because I REALLY DONT KNOW :P:P:D



    But Everything Doesnt Stop here....


    2-)One time i wanted to know if she had a BF and i asked to her and she Answered me: ''Im not Really into Getting a Boyfriend I wanna Continue with my School Studies first... I get Dissapointed when i Hear That... But i dont know... Maybe Talking to her and becoming more her Friend She can Change her mind about it... Thats What i Think.. What u guys think i can do..


    3-) This is another problem... when i Meet People on Internet they always fall in love with me and blah so i start to feel something too but not like the girl up there :P:D:P anyways sometimes i doesnt know what to tell them... neither haha Too much Problems huh?... Im a Shame...


    I havent Had a GF before... Well yeah i Have Kissed but is not the Same a GF Kiss that a Friend Kiss :S...

    I wanted to know too If i start do what u guys says to me...How do i know that Im in Progress with That Girl?? THe First one... :D


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