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  1. King of HellOk, i got an invite to a custom game one time, and i saw the most amazing game type i ever saw.Now dont be alarmed by the fact that it takes place at midship, because i know alot of people dont like midship. The map seems to be designed for king of the hill thoough, and it becomes AWESOME with this.This should be played with ALOT of people (preferable over 12)Number of Rounds = 1Score to Win Round = 3 MinutesRound Time Limit = noneRound Reset Map = OnResolve Ties = OffMax Active Players = 16Lives Per Round = UnlimitedRespawn Time = 3 secondsSuicide Penalty =noneShield Type = Normal ShieldsMotion Sensor = OnAvtive Camo = 0ffExtra Damage = OffDamage Resistance = OffNo TeamsAll hill options Set to OffVehical Options do not matter.Starting Weapon = RandomSecondary Weapon = RandomStarting Grenades = OnWeapons On Map = random setWeapons Respawn Time = Half TimeGrandes on Map = OnOvershields = OnActive camouflage = OnNow, people spawn around the middle circle, the ring. At random you will get a rocket or a sniper, Or anything else. If you dont ahve one, you spend ur time killing people on the sides looking ofr one.The people with the rockets are jumppin towards the middle, and shooting across. So you have a hail of rockets flying EVERYWHERE.In the midst of this, you have people jumpping for just a second of time in the center, while getting blown up.During this, you have the snipers, shooting anyone crossing hte middle right in the head.After the game, the top players had upwards of 300 kills after only about 10 to 15 minutes of play.Its INSANE!play with me, my tag is :kingofhalo(im obviously not hte king of halo, but i needed to scramble to try and get a gamer tag with halo in the name before it was taken)
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