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Posts posted by musicfreak

  1. i want to say that ron paul will be this nation's next president...well atleast thats what i want....then the people will kill him just like what happened with kennedy then there will be a revolution....civil war...i wont even give 5 years more to this country,...this country is gonna die you guys., is gonna be distroyed....so why worry about immigrants now? worry about this freakin nation...do the right thing...hispanic people wont kill this country...nor they are....we are.

  2. same here....though this was over spinned the bottle so this girl named Cristy she was 13 at that time i was 15 so i just though she was like really damn cute well turned out she goes to photoshoots./...well no wonder why she was hot at those pics...well i gave her my # she called me and we talked and talked for hours and like after a month she came to my house....but thats not at...her parents wanted to met my parents./...WOW what a dissaster right? well everything seem to work fine...my mom and her mom really liked eachother and stuff so yeah after a couple of days we started going out and stuff....we had out adventures as you know what i mean....but i only got to see her like 7 times because she was able to come to my house like once a week because she lived like 30 mins away from me...but after awhile well the 7th time she like broke up with me...and from that moment on....i said....NO MORE LOCAL ONLINE CHICKS they mess up your life lol...well it wasnt funny but thats just my testamony! :XD:

  3. Well you're advancing now your're talking to her now well what i would suggest is that keep her as a friend get to know her LIFE see what she is all about and when you think you can handle that you may ask her out but it tskes times...me too i wish i could see a girl and 30 mins later i can ask her out...but its not like that you know....and if shes stadious too then there is no reason you should be distracted as you very well said you are stadious....i tell you i might not get girls im a straigh dumb in school...i dont do crap

  4. i would defently go for the nano...my friends have the video one which is 30GB and i just dont like it...too big nano is the best because you can store the money and alot of it and u can even put it in the mini pocket of your jeans well they wouldnt fit on my jeans due to the fact that i wear xtra tight jeans...lol no im not gay..

  5. Very nice article dude...but shouldnt just copy and paste...the ideas comes off of ur mind not the internet...and where ever u ggot it from please put the link

    Notice from truefusion:
    You can't state this without proof, or else it's just inconclusive. Until then, this post is off topic. Please remain on topic and avoid any accusations that are without proof. Thank you.P.S. Furthermore, if you find a post that is copy and paste, please report and do not post in the topic saying that it is plagiarism. Thank you.

  6. You guys are nuts...just let it be dont worry about it aint your problem...and if i dont want to go know on his door you're not gonna make me...that doesnt make me a bad person...im aproaching of what sir god gives me and i'll accept it as it is and where it is so i mean i'll use the network for as long as i want to and if they remove the service i wont cry but for now i'll use it all day long baby!

  7. i wanna share this will yall...a Turbocharger works with gases that are wasted by the engine and normal air so what it does is puts those two gasses together and sends them in back into the engine...no just because it uses exhaust gasses doesnt mean it uses all of it....it uses only 1/4 of them just so that the combustion will be equal

  8. Why do people brag on smokers all the time? whi cant you just leave the smokers alone? its their lifes and thanks for caring about them but aparently they just dont even care about them selfs...and its ok cuz its their lifes and not yours....or is it that when they smoke it affects you? well im sorry but move...people im sure the smoker wont give a damn so just let smokers die....its better for them to die than to have them alive here contaminatingAND GUESS WHAT! IM A SMOKER TOO! and im sorry but thats thee way it is im trying to quick...i bet you every smoker wants to quit and if he doesnt its because he really dont care about his life at all...got nothing to loss

  9. I had been there and its just horrible because you feel like..WTF and that friends dont seem to care about you thats why they judge you the way they do but i think those people should be ignored...just like a did ignored couple of people just because they just dont deserve to be around me im a good person and they're not so i should i keep them as friends? i want real friends and reals friends are not just anywhere im not saying u gotta look for a real friend....but a real friend could be your cousin or even your GF now u dont need to have 50 friends to be popular or tu have fun....all you need is 1....to advice you protect you and have fun with you Thats what i think about friends...now i know everyone has different opinions...but this is just my opinion

  10. My story is kinda similar.im 16 also and last year in school i saw this girl that she wasnt like WOW but she had something special that yet i cant see but i feel it u know but i didnt even had class with her i use to see her in the halls and she used to c by me in lauch time which i was very shy and jelaous i did wanted to tell her somthing but nothing would come out and what ever i would think of was all crap so its about the end of the year now and i knew i had to do something and guess what? i didnt i lost the girl...i have her # and her home adress...guess what? never called her neither went to her house...so my advise to you is dont let this girl space from you because i know how it feels look if ur in a class with her do this...try to sit by her and whatever the teacher says even if u understand it...as her what the crap she was talking about and then tell her to help you a little bit then be like...oh really? awsome hm so thats what it is huh? kool...well my friends and i are having a party( i know u dont...but make a party tell ur friends to make a party out of nothing just for the hell of it and put the money cuz im sure ur friends will not waste the money just because u want to party) and invite her and tell her to bring her friends too...now i know she wont go to the party but ask for her # and once u have her # it dont metter if ur gonna party or not but atleast u got it and u can call her up anytime to go to the mall and watch movies or anything...u get it? awsome

  11. Reading the post, i see there was a (very) quick end to convincing your dad (which, by implication, is capable of affording the service that can be provided by an ISP) to get your own Internet service. If you truly love your neighbor as you say you do, then you would stop using their service and get your own. Just 'cause you have the ability to steal—doesn't mean you should. Even if you are not able to afford it, you shouldn't resort to stealing. See, TikiPrincess did a good thing (although she should have done it before using it, and not waited a month): She went over to her neighbors house and asked permission. If i were you, Mark, i would reconsider my actions.

    hey i would go knock on his door...but i dont know where the connection is comming from and im not fixing to go knock on people's door...i am gonna look stupid...plus i dont think he ever uses it cuz im doing full speed and so so on signal....so if u are not with me about steeling Signal...its ur problem...many people wishes they could get signal...not very people have the ability so THANK you...but what a negative post gosh!

  12. My favorite game even though is not the best game but its an online its called Live For Speed "LFS" its an online Racing simulator...guys there use a track for Drifting Drag Racing and Even rally there are a varity of cars to pick from and you can even tune them for drift(drift set up) and drag and ETC even for wheeli and other fun stuff so check it out at https://www.lfs.net/ and download it and play online...with me..lol

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