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Posts posted by 3090

  1. Hello All. I am new to the web site arena. I am hoping to use trap.17 to create one of a few types of sites. I am uncertain as to which I will attempt to launch first. I would like to create a site that consists of several forums that will be geared towards medical transcription. I would also like to create a celeb news site. And, eventually, I would also like to set up a site for my 10 year old son for him to post whatever he wants. He is interested in news writing already.My question is...is Word Press, in conjunction with Xisto going to be enough for me to do what I hope to do in creating these sites. Will I have to learn some sort of language like PHP or HTML or does Word Press handle all of this.If I do the celebrity news site, it will be very important that I am able to upload images that will appear clear to the viewers. I intend to use AdSense on each of these sites. If anybody is aware of additional things that I can do to generate income via these site types, I would love to hear it.Also, I want to make sure that my websites work with most browsers, especially Mozilla and Internet Explorer. Any and all feedback and suggestions is much appreciated. I need all of the help I can get.

  2. After seeing this, I would think if all prisons across the world do this, they might be more enjoyable to be in and gang murders would be less or wouldn't happen as often, or something like that.

    Ha. That was very funny. I suppose this is more productive than letting them all sit around and watch television. U.S. inmates would never agree to something like this. For one, they would not be able to focus on their moves as long as there was a female around who also happens to be wearing a halter top.

  3. I'm who I am.. =]I like graffiti =]
    I need to learn to skin IPB =[
    I like GFX =]
    I'm looking for free hosting :P

    Thats basically me =]

    Notice from Plenoptic:
    Edited topic title to better fit topic post

    Hello Fuze. I am also new here and am very excited about the possibilities that exist with Xisto. I am doing lots of reading here and am also learning lots. I wish you much success.

  4. I think that EPXLINS it all.. :P

    That's wild. I absolutely cannot stand seeing web content that is loaded with misspelled words, typos, and grammatical errors. As I stated in a previous post, I think that it is essential that people have someone to review content of their sites for typos and errors.

    Personally, when I see a site with misspelled words and poor grammar, it does not have much credibility in my opinion. No matter what type of site it is, it just makes me not take the content seriously. If it is a site that is selling something, I think, okay...if they are not careful enough in ensuring that their site is presentable and professional done, how efficient are they going to be in processing my order? Is my credit card information safe?

    Just my two cents...

  5. I was just wondering what everyone else thinks is important when they design their website?
    Personally i like simple, easy to read websites with minimal actual graphics. Most of the websites i make are very graphics light and are usually very dial-up friendly. Just plain but attractive (or at least i try to make it that way :P)

    I think the MOST important thing is that the site is accessible to viewers at all times...(no page errors). I also agree with a previous poster who stated that 'simplicity' is important. I think that sites must be formatted in a manner that is user friendly.

    I also see lots of nice looking sites that are filled with typos and grammatical error that would otherwise be excellent sites. There is a product review site that comes to mind that I will not mention. The site looks great, has a great layout, is user friendly...the whole nine yards. But, when you look a little closer and begin to read the articles...they are hideously written.

    I know that not everyone is a spelling and grammar master, but if you know that you are a poor writer, then PLEASE have someone proofread your content. I'm sure that some viewers of your site won't mind it, but keep in mind that you could possibly lose visitors as a result.
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