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Posts posted by Colamusic

  1. y the war anyway there are other waysto get sadam outta of there.Such as Un England and the united states of america could present the un with evidence that sadam was tortuing the people of iraq and he had previously broke a rule in the book of geneva sumit like that and there would have to be no war no deaths no sons without fathers no wife without a husband or a mother seeing her child die first but its just the way it is but another grim discovery President Bush may be going into conflict with other african and asia countries to get the president out but you may have noticed most of these countries have small or big oil manufactors and ports which then would make big revenue.

  2. Get mozzila and visit /legacy mozilla will stop it from installing activex then search Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and imageready 7.0 or cs get the seriall copy and paste and there your all done but may i ask why did you buy it when you can download it free from download.com get the seriall or of limewire or summit most people dont pay for photoshop just they use serialls

  3. 1. Make a new image (File > New or Ctrl+N) with 400px in width and 100px in height: 2. Create a new layer (Layer > New > Layer or Shift+Ctrl+N) and then set your foreground color as white and background color as black: 3. Filter > Render > Clouds, then go to Filter > Render > Difference Clouds: 4. Filter > Distort > Twirl: 5. Filter > Artistic > Plastic Wrap: 6. Filter > Brush Strokes > Crosshatch: 7. Now your image should look similar to this: 8. Duplicate the layer (Layer > Duplicate Layer), then set the opacity to 50% and blending mode to Darken: 9. Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal: 10. Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation (Ctrl+U), make sure that the Colorize box is checked: 11. Now go back to the 1st layer and add a Hue/Saturation to it also (Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation or Ctrl+U), again make sure the Colorize box is checked: 12. Your image should look about the same as the one below: 13. Now click on your Brush Tool and select the brush named "Rough Round Bristle": 14. Create a new layer (Layer > New > Layer or Shift+Ctrl+N) on top of both of the other ones and set the opacity to 50% and blending mode to Lighten: 15. Now just click and anywhere on your image (only click and drag sometimes but only for about 3 pixels), repeat this step until you think you have enough dots: 16. Drag an image of something into your creation, select the layer of the image you just dragged in and go to Layer > Layer Style > Outer Glow: 17. This is what I got with my image: 18. Create a new layer (Layer > New > Layer or Shift+Ctrl+N) under the image layer you dragged in.19. Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool and set it to fixed size with 400px in width and 35px in height:20. Click on the image once and drag your selection to where you want your platform to be: 21. Set your foreground color to white, then go to Edit > Fill: 22. Change the opacity to 50% and blending mode to Overlay: 23. Layer > Layer Style > Stroke: 24. Now your image should look similar to this: 25. Create a new layer on top of the layer we just finished (Layer > New Layer or Shift+Ctrl+N).26. Grab the Horizontal Type Tool and type in whatever you want (name, nickname, etc.).27. Layer > Layer Style > Color Overlay: a) Add a Color Overlay: :) Add a Stroke:

  4. 1. Open up any background or make a new one.user posted image2. Add whatever text you want to it.user posted image3. Duplicate the text layer 4 times. There should be five layers of the same text now. Change the opacity of each layer so that each text layer is 20% less opacity than the one below it. (Most bottom text layer would have 100%, the one on top should have 80%, the next one should have 60%, and so on. The topmost layer should be 20%.)user posted image4. Now, you are ready for ImageReady. Jump to ImageReady (Shift+Ctrl+M). The animation palette shoud be open. If not, go to Window > Animation.user posted imageDuplicate the frame until there is 9 frames.user posted image5. Hightlight the first frame and make all the text frames invisible.user posted imageHightlight, the second frame and make all the text frames invisible except the one with 20% opacity. The third frame should only have the text layer with 40% opacity. The fourth frame should have the text frame with 60% opacity. Go all the way until the sixth frame with 100% opacity.Now for the seventh frame, use only the text frame with the 80% opacity. The next set of frames would have the text layers with decreasing opacity (60%, 40%, 20%). The ast/ninth layer should have the text layer with the 20% opacity.6. Change the speed for each frame to 0.1 second except the first and sixth frame, which should be 0.5 second. Click play to test it out.user posted image7. Go to File > Save Optimized As… and save.Here is my final product. Enjoy!user posted image

  5. Bare with me its my first Tutorial.Step 1: Make a new Document I Made 500x500 for mine, and put in any colour.(I Used Red and Black but you can use your own colours)Step 2: Filter>>Render>>Clouds To get thisuser posted imageStep 3: Now Go to Filter>>Brush Strokes>>Ink OutlinesWith These Settings:-Stroke Length =50-Dark Intensity =32-Light Intensity =23To get this or something similaruser posted imageStep 4: Filter>>Stylize>>Glowing Edges With these Settings-Edge Width = 1-Edge Brightness =10-Smoothness =7THen Vowla!!!!!user posted imageI Hope you all enjoy this tutorialYou always can mess around with the settings to get Different effects smile.gif

  6. My friend, the stoner.Track this topic | Email this topic | Print this topicVis Posted: Feb 9 2005, 04:52 AMReport PostSenior Member*Group: MembersPosts: 311Member No.: 785Joined: 30-January 05 February 8, 2005The seventh of February, 2005 is when all this happened. Me and my friend Woody got to school just as the bell rang and everyone was talking about how we had homeroom for an HOUR!! We were like nah man, were not going. So instead we decided to go over to McDonalds to eat some food because we were both hungry. so we were walking across the street to go over there when we saw it. We saw the perfect opportunity! The city bus!! We knocked on the door as it was in the middle of the street; the driver was like what the *BLEEP* are you kids doing. he pointed over in the parking lot and we guessed that that meant to go over there and wait for him, so yeah, that?s what we did, lol. We were in front of Eckerd waiting for the bus to come one over. it finally came and we got on and were about to pay for the tickets to ride or whatever but we only had a five so we had to get change from Eckerd, we walked in there to get it and the bus driver left! We saw him though, he was over there by the Chinese food place so we had to run our asses fast as *BLEEP* over there so we could catch him before he left for good and wed be totally *BLEEP*ed and have to go to school, ugh, lol. But yeah, we got on the bus finally and sat down. so we were riding and stuff all over town thinking about what we were going to do that wonderful day of skipping bigsmile.gif there was this one bald guy on the bus that was sleeping and his head kept touching the "request stop" button and the damn driver kept looking at us thinking it was us just playing around being trouble makers, so she finally said something about it and was like you guys need to stop touching that button! We were like nah man, it?s not us, it?s that guy. So we woke him up and he was like haha oops. Then we went through UNCW and all over town and finally arrived at the parking lot near the Eckerd and Harris Teeter and everything over there ya know, so we got off the bus. It was right across the street from the mall as well. We arrived here though at about 9 I think it was. We went into Harris Teeter and stole some free cookies and got change for a dollar in dimes so we can ride the bus back home, but that?s not how we got home...anyways, we left Hariss Teeter with a bunch of free cookies in our hand and were walking over towards eckerds. We saw some seagulls and you know what everyone would do, we threw the cookies at the birds? haha. And seagulls being seagulls ya know, they attacked the cookies and were fighting over them. It was pretty amusing to watch haha. Then we go the bright idea to throw some cookie son a car and let the birds attack the car, muahaha. It actually worked too! The birds all got on the car and were fighting on the car over the one cookie, so we threw more. That guy?s car was all shitted on by the birds and a little scratched up haha. Oh well, I'm sure whoever it was he deserved it. So we were done with our cookies and we walked on over to Eckerd to steal some drugs of some sort. It was never fun to skip just to skip ya know so we needed some drugs to keep the day amusing! Lol. So we walked in there and set our backpacks down in the front so they wouldn?t think we were being bad or anything, lol. We're all smart like that haha. so I went to the front and was asking for change for a dollar to stall the lady so woody can gank some drugs and I was like "hey, lemme get this dollar in all quarters" and she went into some stupid *bottom* long explanation that she cant open the cash register, that *BLEEP*. So then I was like "okay fine, can I get it in all dimes?""I can?t open the cash register...""2 quarters and 5 dimes?" I was trying real hard to stall this dumbass."I still can?t open the cash register" she was starting to get pissed off now haha."Okay okay, how abut all pennies?""..NO."so then I was like fine fine, I walked back to woody to tell him that I couldn?t get change not that I cared or anything because it was just to stall her but I was going to tell him that I couldn?t stall anymore. He had already shoved some pills in his boxers but they were the wrong ones! We were aiming for 'Coricidin Cough & Cold' not *BLEEP*ing 'Cold & Flu' but its straight haha. I knew he had gotten the wrong ones because when I walked to the medicine aisle I saw the cold and flu box open and the pills missing. I was like god dammit woody haha. So I ganked the 2 boxes of triple c's, the 'Coricidin Cough & Cold', hence the name is 'triple c?s'. And like RIGHT after u picked them up the PA thing announced "security scan areas A & B" whatever the hell that *BLEEP* means. But anyway, yeah, we bought a Pepsi so we could take the pills and trip and have fun. We were at the checkout thing buying our Pepsi and the lady was trying to stall us I think, she was like look, I got my cash register open. I just wanted to get out of there because I think they were going to call the cops or something because I think they knew we had stolen then pills so I was like damn dude, let?s get out of here! But that *BLEEP*ing *BLEEP* was stalling us, ahhh! I was like yeah well, we need to go. So she checked out our Pepsi and we left. The pills in our pocket wink.gif damn were good haha. So we were walking across the parking lot of chick filet I think it was when he pulled the cold and flu from his pocket and they were white, not red. The right ones are supposed to be red! He was like dammit man, I got the wrong ones. So we threw them on the ground and were like nah man, *BLEEP* those. But I had 2 boxes worth on me! So we crossed the street over to the mall parking lot and were about to enter the mall but they were locked and we were like *BLEEP* man. We were at the entrance over there by Ruby Tuesdays. are plans were to eat there for lunch then just leave without paying and run thru the mall and lose all heat, but we never got a chance to do that...since the doors were locked, we just walked over to the Belk part and sat over there on the bench and took the pills, 16 each! A whole *BLEEP*ing box each man! Damn were crazy. After we took them we walked around to the doors of Belk and just sat inside for a little while, waiting for the main part of the mall to open. we were sitting there just chilling and thinking of how great it was going to be that day, tripping at the mall, stealing food, not being at school, then riding the city bus back to school and getting on the buses. but me of course, I had an after school detention for calling my teacher an arrogant bastard (he wouldn?t let me order subway, lol) so I had to go back and stay after school till 4:30 so yeah man, I was pretty stoked haha, not! But I had to go anyway. But of course all of our plans had changed soon enough. We left the Belk part because we saw other people entering the mall at the part where we just tried and they were locked. But other people were getting in and were like what the *BLEEP* is up with that. So we walked over there where everyone else was getting in and we just walked in as well. So we were like wow, the mall is empty haha. There was like no one in there at all. Me and woody were just walking around and *BLEEP*. I was at the cell phone kiosk looking at the fake phones and was like sweet man; look at this so I put it in my pocket lol. after that we were about to just go to the JC Penny part and walk down there and go to the Time Warner store but I saw someone I knew that knew my parents so I was like oh *BLEEP* and hid behind a trash can, lol. I was like nah man, we can?t go down there shell see me! So we just went down the Dillard?s part instead. We walked past the EMPTY food court; it was really weird to see no one in it, reaaallllly weird hahaha. so we walked past that to the couch part and just sat there waiting for the trip to start bigsmile.gif we were sitting there for a while talking about how we were going to walk over to the Flaming Amy's and eat the chips there, they were really good. It was like a dollar and 25 cent to get unlimited chips and salsa there. That?s a good *bottom* deal too! Muahaha, so we were going to go there and chill and eat some food while tripping. Suddenly we both felt sick as *BLEEP* and had to puke! We were like oh *BLEEP* dude!! We ran outside and sat down near the plants and were shaking and trembling and *BLEEP*. He was like yo, I need the hospital. I thought he was joking but like he couldn?t walk and was puking every time he stood up, I was like daaaaaamn man, damn. Then I puked all over! It was so sick. After we were all puked out we just laid there like damn. We were hurting and tripping fairly bad haha. You always start tripping pretty bad right after you puke too. So yeah, we were like whooaaa. Everything was spinning and moving. It made me nauseas as *BLEEP* too! Lol. Him too obviously because he puked again, lol. As we were sitting there like puking and looking like *BLEEP* some damn black lady pulled up and was like looking at us in her car as we were lying there on the ground like uuughhhhhh. She got out of her car and was like you guys okay? You don?t look too good. Why aren?t you in school? What?s wrong? She was a *BLEEP*, I wanted to kill her but I couldn?t move. :\ I was like yeah man, yeah. I?m fine. She?s like why aren?t you in school? I was like IM FINE! Then she walked away and I like fell over and just laid there sick as *BLEEP*. Woody was lying there too talking to his girlfriend on the phone like yo I need a damn ambulance. He hung up and was like "Patrick?""Yeah?""I feel like *BLEEP* man.""Yeah, me too.""Want to go to Flaming Amy's now?""Yup."We both wanted to go and were about to but we couldn?t move, lol. So we just lied there for a few minutes, it seemed like forever though. And then like all my worst dreams and everything I never thought would happen, did! as we were lying there looking drugged as *BLEEP* the security guard pulls up in her gay little SUV and was like why aren?t you guys in school? Another rent a cop was walking behind the SUV. we were like "uhhh yeah" they definitely knew something was up so there like were going to need some phone numbers and addresses from you guys and get you back to school. We were scared as *BLEEP* man. We just looked at each other and were like *BLEEP*. I was all up for running and preventing everything that happened but I grabbed my stuff and looked at woody and he was like already halfway in the car. So I wasn?t going to run alone, *BLEEP* that because he?d probably tell them who I was and then id get in more trouble. So after those *BLEEP*ers arrested us and took us in there little office they called our parents and got our phone numbers and everything. Me and woody were like laughing and like "Hahaha, were caught, this is great!" We were too trippy; we thought that like it was fake or something. So were sitting there in the rent a cops office just talking to each other about how we were caught and like haha, this is cool. It really wasn?t though but at that time we thought there was nothing cooler. The rent a cops were like yeah, let?s get some real cops in here and contact the EMS. I was like oh *BLEEP* man, were *BLEEP*ed. Then I burst out laughing haha. The real cops got there and they searched our stuff. Then us. It was fine because the cop, she was hot as *BLEEP* haha. After that we sat down for another life time it seemed like then the EMS arrived. That stands for the emergency medical something hahahaha. But they came in and were looking at us and were like what did you guys take? At first we were both like nothing man, nothing. Then they were like "Are you sure?" Then WOODY was like nah man, we took some triple c?s! Haha, they taste like candy and they *BLEEP* you up! They are so cool! The EMS man was like what?s a triple c. He?s like I just told you man, damn. They looked them up and were like ah, I see. Well then, Woody you have to come with us to the hospital. They asked me if I took them and I held in all laughter and was like nah, I didn?t do that too. They were like oh alright; you can go back to school then. I was like hell yeah man! Saweet. So I had to put those damn handcuffs on and sit in the back of the cop car. I was in there for about 5 minutes then the cop guy got in and was driving away when the girl cop was like wait!! So we went in reverse and came back to her and she?s like let me talk to you real fast. He got out and was talking to her and then he opened my door and was like so you took them too huh? I was like no man, I didnt, I told you that already. They were like well darn, your friend just ratted you out so you have to go in the ambulance too. He took the handcuffs off and made me get in the ambulance. I was pretty pissed but it was pretty fun to ride in the back of an ambulance, that?s seriously like a once in a life time thing, lol. I got in and Woody was like "Hey buddy! It?s me, Woody!" It was funny as *BLEEP* haha. I sat down and I was looking around. Woody had a big *bottom* needle stuck in his arm. I was like ah HELL nah; I don?t want that *BLEEP* in my arm too. He?s like too bad, you?re getting it too. He took out this huge *bottom* needle that had like 2 prongs at the end and it was pretty thick too. He stabbed my arm with it and then we hit a damn speed bump o.gif it hurt so badly. It like didn?t stab me but the speed bump made my arm jump up into the needle, it hurt like *BLEEP*. After that though he took like 6 bottles of my blood and I was like whooaa, this is fuuunn. I was still pretty trippy and woody was just sitting there like rolling his head around talking about nothing haha. He was like Patrick your my best friend man, don?t forget that, I was like ok Woody, I won't. Then he was like damn dude, look at this, the first time we hang out we get in a lot of *BLEEP* haha. Then me and him got in a great conversation of life and what the point of it is. We soon realized that there IS no point in life and that we were going to have a suicide party and kill ourselves. It was great stuff lol. Well we finally arrived at the hospital and had to get out. The ambulance driver was like alright Patrick you first, I couldn?t really walk so I was like nah man, get woody out first he?s in a stretcher. He?s like no, you get out. So I got out first and like stumbled across the back of the ambulance and fell out. It was so crazy. I stood there while they carried woody and his stretcher out of the back. We walked inside the ER and Woody went to room 1 and me in room 2 so we couldn't talk to each other. Well you know what we did lol, we yelled to each other. We were like"HEY MAN WHATS UP""NOTHING MUCH, YOU?""NOTHING MAN. THIS IS GAY.""YEAH, I KNOW."then the nurse was like you guys cant do that, there are other patients in here. so I was like "HEY WOODY, WE CANT YELL ANYMORE!" the nurse was like "SHHHH!" since we couldn?t do that anymore we had to just lie there for a while, a long while. They came in my room and stuck these weird things on me and were pumping water in me, saline, whatever that *BLEEP* it is. after that I really don?t remember what happened to well because I was tripping pretty badly but I?m going to describe what happened as best as I can...after they hooked up the saline stuff to my arm to pump it in my blood I was laying there for a while. I was just staring at the ceiling and looking at the lights for like an hour. They brought me a nasty *bottom* drink though and were like drink this. I was like ugh man, what the hell is this. She said it was charcoal. And it tastes like *BLEEP* too haha. It made my mouth all black and my tongue black and my teeth and everything. You can actually still see it because this was about 12 hours ago. I?m writing this the day after all of this happened; amazingly I still have my computer so I can write this. I didn?t get grounded or anything, no punishment whatsoever. But anyway, I drank that *BLEEP* and it was so gross. It tasted like rotten grape soda or something like that. I was like"WOODY?""YEAH MAN?""YOU DRINK THAT CHARCOAL?""HAHA, YEAH MAN. IT TASTES LIKE PEPSI.""NAH, YOUR SICK!"I drank it anyway though because I had nothing else to drink so I was like yeah whatever haha. Then the worst part came, my parents showed up! Well, my dad at first. he walked in, he was so pissed looking. I just stared at him. He was like moving and swaying and it looked funny so I started to smile. He?s like "You think this is funny? HUH?!"So I was like "well...YEAH HAHAH!"Yeah...you could imagine hoe pissed he was after that. But I explained the whole thing to him and he just stared and listened. He told me that when he got the call to come, he couldn?t even speak he was so upset. He said the phone call was like "Mr. Linsday, your son Patrick was skipping school today and was found in the mall parking lot overdosed on some drugs passed out. We need you to come to the hospital in the emergency room section he immediately." He said didn?t even talk he just hung up and drove straight there, and then I was just surprised he wasn?t yelling or anything and I found out why. He simply said "Everyone makes mistakes in there life Pat, I know I have...I did the same thing when I was seventeen...so at least you learned from this." Then we just sat there and talked about how he used to do this and about how I learned my lesson and what we were having for dinner haha. It was cool. He thought I was wearing lipstick though because my mouth was black from the charcoal drink I had to drink. It was for coating my stomach liner and absorbing the toxins from the drugs. That damn charcoal lol. He was like you sicko, why the hell did u drink that?! They told me to I said. He?s like ugh, don?t drink that. Put that down. Hahahaha. So yeah, I did, it tastes bad anyways. A few minutes later my mother showed up! She was like"Patrick I love you no matter what you do to yourself, I just want you to remember that"This is a complete lie because I know she hates me and I hate her so yeah. She?s a *BLEEP* and she knows it, she?s so damn 2 faced. Maybe I?ll get into all that later in a different chapter but not now. I told my dad I hated her before she came and that I didn?t want her to come. So my dad was like "He doesn?t want you here ok?" so she left and didn?t come back haha. So I was there with just my dad until like 4:30. We got there at like 10:00 so we were there a while too. It seemed like an hour for me because of the triple c?s, lucky me haha. Then that gay *bottom* doctor came in and she was like "I need you to urine in this cup" so yeah, I had to do that but like it wouldn?t come out because that?s what the drugs do to you haha. So she?s all like "if you don?t do it...ill make you and pulled out like a tube and was like "I bet you know where this goes. AND I bet you don?t want this so you better pee in that cup. I'll be back in 5 minutes and if there?s no urine, I?m having fun with you." So I was like ahhh, *BLEEP* that *BLEEP* so I pissed in the damn cup lol. After that my dad came back in and we talked some more about stuff, I don?t really remember any of it but we got to leave shortly after that and we were out of there at 4:30 as I mentioned earlier. On the way home he was like "You uhh, want some McDonalds?" "Sure man, lets go, I?m starving""Alright, but you have to eat it before we get home, I don?t want your mom knowing that I 'rewarded' you for being bad...""Okay."So we went to McDonalds, got some food then Hariss Teeter and my dad ran in for a while and got stuff. I was sitting in the truck listening to the radio when I saw my friend will coming from school, Hoggard. I got out of the car and was talking to him. I told him about my great day and he was like I told you man, I told you. Then my dad came back out and I was like damn so I went to the car again. As we were about to leave some radio station van was parked there and it was the station my dad listens to so we listened real fast to see what they were doing and they said if you find them you will get something for free. So I was like oh *BLEEP* and ran over there. I was the first one there so I got a dinner for 2 at sweet and savory. bigsmile.gif I?m actually going there tonight with my dad I think. Then yeah, I came home after that and went upstairs and passed out on my bed I believe. I might have gotten online but I don?t remember that too well. I just went to sleep then woke up this morning and my moms like you have to stay home today because you ODed yesterday and you have got the shakes I?m sure. And sure enough, I did. I was trembling and couldn?t really walk so it was pretty crazy. I woke up this morning and started typing this and now I?m finished

  7. My friend, the stoner.Track this topic | Email this topic | Print this topicVis Posted: Feb 9 2005, 04:52 AMReport PostSenior Member*Group: MembersPosts: 311Member No.: 785Joined: 30-January 05 February 8, 2005The seventh of February, 2005 is when all this happened. Me and my friend Woody got to school just as the bell rang and everyone was talking about how we had homeroom for an HOUR!! We were like nah man, were not going. So instead we decided to go over to McDonalds to eat some food because we were both hungry. so we were walking across the street to go over there when we saw it. We saw the perfect opportunity! The city bus!! We knocked on the door as it was in the middle of the street; the driver was like what the *BLEEP* are you kids doing. he pointed over in the parking lot and we guessed that that meant to go over there and wait for him, so yeah, that?s what we did, lol. We were in front of Eckerd waiting for the bus to come one over. it finally came and we got on and were about to pay for the tickets to ride or whatever but we only had a five so we had to get change from Eckerd, we walked in there to get it and the bus driver left! We saw him though, he was over there by the Chinese food place so we had to run our asses fast as *BLEEP* over there so we could catch him before he left for good and wed be totally *BLEEP*ed and have to go to school, ugh, lol. But yeah, we got on the bus finally and sat down. so we were riding and stuff all over town thinking about what we were going to do that wonderful day of skipping bigsmile.gif there was this one bald guy on the bus that was sleeping and his head kept touching the "request stop" button and the damn driver kept looking at us thinking it was us just playing around being trouble makers, so she finally said something about it and was like you guys need to stop touching that button! We were like nah man, it?s not us, it?s that guy. So we woke him up and he was like haha oops. Then we went through UNCW and all over town and finally arrived at the parking lot near the Eckerd and Harris Teeter and everything over there ya know, so we got off the bus. It was right across the street from the mall as well. We arrived here though at about 9 I think it was. We went into Harris Teeter and stole some free cookies and got change for a dollar in dimes so we can ride the bus back home, but that?s not how we got home...anyways, we left Hariss Teeter with a bunch of free cookies in our hand and were walking over towards eckerds. We saw some seagulls and you know what everyone would do, we threw the cookies at the birds? haha. And seagulls being seagulls ya know, they attacked the cookies and were fighting over them. It was pretty amusing to watch haha. Then we go the bright idea to throw some cookie son a car and let the birds attack the car, muahaha. It actually worked too! The birds all got on the car and were fighting on the car over the one cookie, so we threw more. That guy?s car was all shitted on by the birds and a little scratched up haha. Oh well, I'm sure whoever it was he deserved it. So we were done with our cookies and we walked on over to Eckerd to steal some drugs of some sort. It was never fun to skip just to skip ya know so we needed some drugs to keep the day amusing! Lol. So we walked in there and set our backpacks down in the front so they wouldn?t think we were being bad or anything, lol. We're all smart like that haha. so I went to the front and was asking for change for a dollar to stall the lady so woody can gank some drugs and I was like "hey, lemme get this dollar in all quarters" and she went into some stupid *bottom* long explanation that she cant open the cash register, that *BLEEP*. So then I was like "okay fine, can I get it in all dimes?""I can?t open the cash register...""2 quarters and 5 dimes?" I was trying real hard to stall this dumbass."I still can?t open the cash register" she was starting to get pissed off now haha."Okay okay, how abut all pennies?""..NO."so then I was like fine fine, I walked back to woody to tell him that I couldn?t get change not that I cared or anything because it was just to stall her but I was going to tell him that I couldn?t stall anymore. He had already shoved some pills in his boxers but they were the wrong ones! We were aiming for 'Coricidin Cough & Cold' not *BLEEP*ing 'Cold & Flu' but its straight haha. I knew he had gotten the wrong ones because when I walked to the medicine aisle I saw the cold and flu box open and the pills missing. I was like god dammit woody haha. So I ganked the 2 boxes of triple c's, the 'Coricidin Cough & Cold', hence the name is 'triple c?s'. And like RIGHT after u picked them up the PA thing announced "security scan areas A & B" whatever the hell that *BLEEP* means. But anyway, yeah, we bought a Pepsi so we could take the pills and trip and have fun. We were at the checkout thing buying our Pepsi and the lady was trying to stall us I think, she was like look, I got my cash register open. I just wanted to get out of there because I think they were going to call the cops or something because I think they knew we had stolen then pills so I was like damn dude, let?s get out of here! But that *BLEEP*ing *BLEEP* was stalling us, ahhh! I was like yeah well, we need to go. So she checked out our Pepsi and we left. The pills in our pocket wink.gif damn were good haha. So we were walking across the parking lot of chick filet I think it was when he pulled the cold and flu from his pocket and they were white, not red. The right ones are supposed to be red! He was like dammit man, I got the wrong ones. So we threw them on the ground and were like nah man, *BLEEP* those. But I had 2 boxes worth on me! So we crossed the street over to the mall parking lot and were about to enter the mall but they were locked and we were like *BLEEP* man. We were at the entrance over there by Ruby Tuesdays. are plans were to eat there for lunch then just leave without paying and run thru the mall and lose all heat, but we never got a chance to do that...since the doors were locked, we just walked over to the Belk part and sat over there on the bench and took the pills, 16 each! A whole *BLEEP*ing box each man! Damn were crazy. After we took them we walked around to the doors of Belk and just sat inside for a little while, waiting for the main part of the mall to open. we were sitting there just chilling and thinking of how great it was going to be that day, tripping at the mall, stealing food, not being at school, then riding the city bus back to school and getting on the buses. but me of course, I had an after school detention for calling my teacher an arrogant bastard (he wouldn?t let me order subway, lol) so I had to go back and stay after school till 4:30 so yeah man, I was pretty stoked haha, not! But I had to go anyway. But of course all of our plans had changed soon enough. We left the Belk part because we saw other people entering the mall at the part where we just tried and they were locked. But other people were getting in and were like what the *BLEEP* is up with that. So we walked over there where everyone else was getting in and we just walked in as well. So we were like wow, the mall is empty haha. There was like no one in there at all. Me and woody were just walking around and *BLEEP*. I was at the cell phone kiosk looking at the fake phones and was like sweet man; look at this so I put it in my pocket lol. after that we were about to just go to the JC Penny part and walk down there and go to the Time Warner store but I saw someone I knew that knew my parents so I was like oh *BLEEP* and hid behind a trash can, lol. I was like nah man, we can?t go down there shell see me! So we just went down the Dillard?s part instead. We walked past the EMPTY food court; it was really weird to see no one in it, reaaallllly weird hahaha. so we walked past that to the couch part and just sat there waiting for the trip to start bigsmile.gif we were sitting there for a while talking about how we were going to walk over to the Flaming Amy's and eat the chips there, they were really good. It was like a dollar and 25 cent to get unlimited chips and salsa there. That?s a good *bottom* deal too! Muahaha, so we were going to go there and chill and eat some food while tripping. Suddenly we both felt sick as *BLEEP* and had to puke! We were like oh *BLEEP* dude!! We ran outside and sat down near the plants and were shaking and trembling and *BLEEP*. He was like yo, I need the hospital. I thought he was joking but like he couldn?t walk and was puking every time he stood up, I was like daaaaaamn man, damn. Then I puked all over! It was so sick. After we were all puked out we just laid there like damn. We were hurting and tripping fairly bad haha. You always start tripping pretty bad right after you puke too. So yeah, we were like whooaaa. Everything was spinning and moving. It made me nauseas as *BLEEP* too! Lol. Him too obviously because he puked again, lol. As we were sitting there like puking and looking like *BLEEP* some damn black lady pulled up and was like looking at us in her car as we were lying there on the ground like uuughhhhhh. She got out of her car and was like you guys okay? You don?t look too good. Why aren?t you in school? What?s wrong? She was a *BLEEP*, I wanted to kill her but I couldn?t move. :\ I was like yeah man, yeah. I?m fine. She?s like why aren?t you in school? I was like IM FINE! Then she walked away and I like fell over and just laid there sick as *BLEEP*. Woody was lying there too talking to his girlfriend on the phone like yo I need a damn ambulance. He hung up and was like "Patrick?""Yeah?""I feel like *BLEEP* man.""Yeah, me too.""Want to go to Flaming Amy's now?""Yup."We both wanted to go and were about to but we couldn?t move, lol. So we just lied there for a few minutes, it seemed like forever though. And then like all my worst dreams and everything I never thought would happen, did! as we were lying there looking drugged as *BLEEP* the security guard pulls up in her gay little SUV and was like why aren?t you guys in school? Another rent a cop was walking behind the SUV. we were like "uhhh yeah" they definitely knew something was up so there like were going to need some phone numbers and addresses from you guys and get you back to school. We were scared as *BLEEP* man. We just looked at each other and were like *BLEEP*. I was all up for running and preventing everything that happened but I grabbed my stuff and looked at woody and he was like already halfway in the car. So I wasn?t going to run alone, *BLEEP* that because he?d probably tell them who I was and then id get in more trouble. So after those *BLEEP*ers arrested us and took us in there little office they called our parents and got our phone numbers and everything. Me and woody were like laughing and like "Hahaha, were caught, this is great!" We were too trippy; we thought that like it was fake or something. So were sitting there in the rent a cops office just talking to each other about how we were caught and like haha, this is cool. It really wasn?t though but at that time we thought there was nothing cooler. The rent a cops were like yeah, let?s get some real cops in here and contact the EMS. I was like oh *BLEEP* man, were *BLEEP*ed. Then I burst out laughing haha. The real cops got there and they searched our stuff. Then us. It was fine because the cop, she was hot as *BLEEP* haha. After that we sat down for another life time it seemed like then the EMS arrived. That stands for the emergency medical something hahahaha. But they came in and were looking at us and were like what did you guys take? At first we were both like nothing man, nothing. Then they were like "Are you sure?" Then WOODY was like nah man, we took some triple c?s! Haha, they taste like candy and they *BLEEP* you up! They are so cool! The EMS man was like what?s a triple c. He?s like I just told you man, damn. They looked them up and were like ah, I see. Well then, Woody you have to come with us to the hospital. They asked me if I took them and I held in all laughter and was like nah, I didn?t do that too. They were like oh alright; you can go back to school then. I was like hell yeah man! Saweet. So I had to put those damn handcuffs on and sit in the back of the cop car. I was in there for about 5 minutes then the cop guy got in and was driving away when the girl cop was like wait!! So we went in reverse and came back to her and she?s like let me talk to you real fast. He got out and was talking to her and then he opened my door and was like so you took them too huh? I was like no man, I didnt, I told you that already. They were like well darn, your friend just ratted you out so you have to go in the ambulance too. He took the handcuffs off and made me get in the ambulance. I was pretty pissed but it was pretty fun to ride in the back of an ambulance, that?s seriously like a once in a life time thing, lol. I got in and Woody was like "Hey buddy! It?s me, Woody!" It was funny as *BLEEP* haha. I sat down and I was looking around. Woody had a big *bottom* needle stuck in his arm. I was like ah HELL nah; I don?t want that *BLEEP* in my arm too. He?s like too bad, you?re getting it too. He took out this huge *bottom* needle that had like 2 prongs at the end and it was pretty thick too. He stabbed my arm with it and then we hit a damn speed bump o.gif it hurt so badly. It like didn?t stab me but the speed bump made my arm jump up into the needle, it hurt like *BLEEP*. After that though he took like 6 bottles of my blood and I was like whooaa, this is fuuunn. I was still pretty trippy and woody was just sitting there like rolling his head around talking about nothing haha. He was like Patrick your my best friend man, don?t forget that, I was like ok Woody, I won't. Then he was like damn dude, look at this, the first time we hang out we get in a lot of *BLEEP* haha. Then me and him got in a great conversation of life and what the point of it is. We soon realized that there IS no point in life and that we were going to have a suicide party and kill ourselves. It was great stuff lol. Well we finally arrived at the hospital and had to get out. The ambulance driver was like alright Patrick you first, I couldn?t really walk so I was like nah man, get woody out first he?s in a stretcher. He?s like no, you get out. So I got out first and like stumbled across the back of the ambulance and fell out. It was so crazy. I stood there while they carried woody and his stretcher out of the back. We walked inside the ER and Woody went to room 1 and me in room 2 so we couldn't talk to each other. Well you know what we did lol, we yelled to each other. We were like"HEY MAN WHATS UP""NOTHING MUCH, YOU?""NOTHING MAN. THIS IS GAY.""YEAH, I KNOW."then the nurse was like you guys cant do that, there are other patients in here. so I was like "HEY WOODY, WE CANT YELL ANYMORE!" the nurse was like "SHHHH!" since we couldn?t do that anymore we had to just lie there for a while, a long while. They came in my room and stuck these weird things on me and were pumping water in me, saline, whatever that *BLEEP* it is. after that I really don?t remember what happened to well because I was tripping pretty badly but I?m going to describe what happened as best as I can...after they hooked up the saline stuff to my arm to pump it in my blood I was laying there for a while. I was just staring at the ceiling and looking at the lights for like an hour. They brought me a nasty *bottom* drink though and were like drink this. I was like ugh man, what the hell is this. She said it was charcoal. And it tastes like *BLEEP* too haha. It made my mouth all black and my tongue black and my teeth and everything. You can actually still see it because this was about 12 hours ago. I?m writing this the day after all of this happened; amazingly I still have my computer so I can write this. I didn?t get grounded or anything, no punishment whatsoever. But anyway, I drank that *BLEEP* and it was so gross. It tasted like rotten grape soda or something like that. I was like"WOODY?""YEAH MAN?""YOU DRINK THAT CHARCOAL?""HAHA, YEAH MAN. IT TASTES LIKE PEPSI.""NAH, YOUR SICK!"I drank it anyway though because I had nothing else to drink so I was like yeah whatever haha. Then the worst part came, my parents showed up! Well, my dad at first. he walked in, he was so pissed looking. I just stared at him. He was like moving and swaying and it looked funny so I started to smile. He?s like "You think this is funny? HUH?!"So I was like "well...YEAH HAHAH!"Yeah...you could imagine hoe pissed he was after that. But I explained the whole thing to him and he just stared and listened. He told me that when he got the call to come, he couldn?t even speak he was so upset. He said the phone call was like "Mr. Linsday, your son Patrick was skipping school today and was found in the mall parking lot overdosed on some drugs passed out. We need you to come to the hospital in the emergency room section he immediately." He said didn?t even talk he just hung up and drove straight there, and then I was just surprised he wasn?t yelling or anything and I found out why. He simply said "Everyone makes mistakes in there life Pat, I know I have...I did the same thing when I was seventeen...so at least you learned from this." Then we just sat there and talked about how he used to do this and about how I learned my lesson and what we were having for dinner haha. It was cool. He thought I was wearing lipstick though because my mouth was black from the charcoal drink I had to drink. It was for coating my stomach liner and absorbing the toxins from the drugs. That damn charcoal lol. He was like you sicko, why the hell did u drink that?! They told me to I said. He?s like ugh, don?t drink that. Put that down. Hahahaha. So yeah, I did, it tastes bad anyways. A few minutes later my mother showed up! She was like"Patrick I love you no matter what you do to yourself, I just want you to remember that"This is a complete lie because I know she hates me and I hate her so yeah. She?s a *BLEEP* and she knows it, she?s so damn 2 faced. Maybe I?ll get into all that later in a different chapter but not now. I told my dad I hated her before she came and that I didn?t want her to come. So my dad was like "He doesn?t want you here ok?" so she left and didn?t come back haha. So I was there with just my dad until like 4:30. We got there at like 10:00 so we were there a while too. It seemed like an hour for me because of the triple c?s, lucky me haha. Then that gay *bottom* doctor came in and she was like "I need you to urine in this cup" so yeah, I had to do that but like it wouldn?t come out because that?s what the drugs do to you haha. So she?s all like "if you don?t do it...ill make you and pulled out like a tube and was like "I bet you know where this goes. AND I bet you don?t want this so you better pee in that cup. I'll be back in 5 minutes and if there?s no urine, I?m having fun with you." So I was like ahhh, *BLEEP* that *BLEEP* so I pissed in the damn cup lol. After that my dad came back in and we talked some more about stuff, I don?t really remember any of it but we got to leave shortly after that and we were out of there at 4:30 as I mentioned earlier. On the way home he was like "You uhh, want some McDonalds?" "Sure man, lets go, I?m starving""Alright, but you have to eat it before we get home, I don?t want your mom knowing that I 'rewarded' you for being bad...""Okay."So we went to McDonalds, got some food then Hariss Teeter and my dad ran in for a while and got stuff. I was sitting in the truck listening to the radio when I saw my friend will coming from school, Hoggard. I got out of the car and was talking to him. I told him about my great day and he was like I told you man, I told you. Then my dad came back out and I was like damn so I went to the car again. As we were about to leave some radio station van was parked there and it was the station my dad listens to so we listened real fast to see what they were doing and they said if you find them you will get something for free. So I was like oh *BLEEP* and ran over there. I was the first one there so I got a dinner for 2 at sweet and savory. bigsmile.gif I?m actually going there tonight with my dad I think. Then yeah, I came home after that and went upstairs and passed out on my bed I believe. I might have gotten online but I don?t remember that too well. I just went to sleep then woke up this morning and my moms like you have to stay home today because you ODed yesterday and you have got the shakes I?m sure. And sure enough, I did. I was trembling and couldn?t really walk so it was pretty crazy. I woke up this morning and started typing this and now I?m finished

  8. anyone want to have a grsphics battle with me.

    Here are the rules and guidelines.

    Only photoshop so you cant use corel bryce cinema 4d or 3d studio max

    any theme like ,grunge,tech,abstract,logo,vector

    must be 400x100 can be downloaded brushes so you may download from

    http://www.deviantart.com/ only

    got 2 have a text,no animation.a maximum oif one render no stealing.

    if you are found to be stealing you will lose by default

    If we can have a prize of 3 credits

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