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Posts posted by cj-real

  1. Hi, I think I can help you with this one.


    If you are trying to use a link (on the main page or in another frame), which will then change the content/external page in another frame, you need to do this.


    On the frames, you need to add this to the code:

    your frame name" name="your frame name" _linenums:0'>id="<strong class='bbc'>[color= #FF0000]your frame name[/color]</strong>" name="[color= #FF0000]<strong class='bbc'>your frame name</strong>[/color]"
    Replace stuff in bold. The stuff in red has the be the same as the stuff in red on the other code boxes.


    For example,

    your frame name" id="your frame name" src="http _linenums:0'><frame name="<strong class='bbc'>[color= #FF0000]your frame name[/color]</strong>" id="[color= #FF0000]<strong class='bbc'>your frame name</strong>[/color]" src="<strong class='bbc'>http://yourlinkhere.com/file.extension</strong>"'>http://yourlinkhere.com/file.extension</strong>" frameborder="<strong class='bbc'>1</strong>" border="<strong class='bbc'>1</strong>" align="<strong class='bbc'>center</strong>" scrolling="<strong class='bbc'>auto</strong>" height="<strong class='bbc'>1000px</strong>" width="<strong class='bbc'>1000px</strong>">
    Replace stuff in bold. The stuff in red has the be the same as the stuff in red on the other code boxes.


    Now, if you wish to change "http://yourlinkhere.com/file.extension" to, say, http://yourlinkhere.com/file2.extension you need to put this in the link (i put the whole link here for you):

    http _linenums:0'><a href="<strong class='bbc'>http://yourlinkhere.com/yourOtherFramePage.html</strong>" target="<strong class='bbc'>frame name</strong>"><strong class='bbc'>Your text here</strong></a>
    Replace stuff in bold. The stuff in red has the be the same as the stuff in red on the other code boxes.


    Also, please explain your other question in more detail, I got confused. If you are trying to get frames side by side in certain positions, you use frameset, cols, rows.


    Lastly, to put frame 2 next to frame 1, inset this in frame 1 tag:


  2. Hi,


    I made tips for this HERE. They are specifically for online businesses.


    You need to be very clear about your brand, and find someone to fund and make your business, without selling all the rights (DON'T SELL LEASE OR OWNED).


    Try HERE and HERE.


    Once you get them made, you will need a good design and system (eCommerce shopping cart as such). Web templates HERE and excellent web hosting HERE.


    You might need to advertise, to save your budget. Try Adsense.


    Then to make the amount of money that it has cost to advertise, use Adversal and Adsense on your website!


    If you wish to also save money (e.g. start your company for COMPLETELY free, to see if it works), then you can:


    1). Use Ezyrewards to get a FREE domain (availiable WORLDWIDE), you just fill out forms, and get points. *note any other people reading this CAN sign up to get free STUFF and free domains+hosting from Optinom and Godaddy*.

    2). Use Freehostia to be hosted with (they are good, and work with, optinom, from ezyrewards. I am hosted with them at the moment until I get my servers up!


    You will need a PayPal account (no doubt), if you are going for paid hosting. It is most popular way of paying people, and being paid for items.


    Lastly, to sell your merchandise, you can set up an EBAY SHOP. It's secure, and guarantees traffic! Auction your items or buy it now them! If you sign up to Ezyrewards, the owner might let you have ebay shop price as a custom reward!




    Notice from Plenoptic:
    Removed referral link for Adversal. No referral links are allowed. Also, use your signature to sign off your posts because signing off isn't a contribution to the topic. Go to "My Controls > Edit Signature"

  3. 1). Always plan. you need to be sure about what you are doing, and how you are going to do it.

    - Make sure that it is legal

    - Check that people want what you are (selling) to them

    - Find out more about what you are doing or selling, become a novice expert in it, so you can answer any question thrown at you

    - MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE TIME TO DO IT. Whilst it might sound fun to have an internet business on the sideline... when people start to get impatient and it is down-rated, you are wasting lots of money in profits.


    2). Make sure you have, or can find the requirements to make your online business.

    - If you arn't a webdesigner, make sure you can find the necessary elements from seperate companies, that will build it for you.

    - YOU MUST HAVE FULL CONTROL over your website. Don't get hosted with companies that don't register the domain in your name... etc.

    - Have the skill to do it. You don't want to make an expert technical computer support site, and not be able to answer any questions...


    3). Don't go rushing ahead. It might sound pleaseant to buy your domain (and) hosting before you know exactly what you are doing, yet when you can't get it off of the ground, then you will have wasted money. There are a few people I know who bought resellers, and paid hundreds over the year, without a single customer.

    - Plan where you will advertise (if you are going to)

    - Plan the customer support systems

    - Plan the website design and customer panels

    - Plan every scrap of website page to make sure you are fully in control of every account.



    Lastly... and most importantly...


    You will no doubt shut it down soon-after. Plus make sure you have the time!




    Lastly, please visit Ezyrewards better for US people, but completely amazing for anyone, even international. You can get free domains and hosting from there!

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