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Posts posted by eka_ys

  1. Brother, don't be too soft on a girl just because you like her - That's a fatal mistake for guys. Woman like a man who can stand for himself and doesn't "kiss her butt" (tell her you love her, apologize, etc) in the wrong time. If she's the one who make a mistake then she's the one that should say "I'm sorry", not you. If you act like a man then you'll be treated like a man, then you can find your real woman and separate the *BLEEP*es from your life.You should read askmen.com and read articles by "Doclove" and "David deAngelo" on "Dating and Love" section, I learn a lot from them and now I find a great woman who stick to me like a glue :XD:

  2. I was quite active in SFI and also get some regular checks from them since 2001. You can join a free member and start building a business, but it's not as easy as it seems though. You may make some money there but if you want to make residual income for years to come, you have to work with a supportive group. IMHO, it takes more than just joining tons of people under you and "take away their cash" to be respectfully successful on an affiliate program.

  3. IMHO, we as human being are much more unique and complicated than rock, plants or animals. One proof is the ability to create something new out of nothing that is only possessed by human, while other species just do things merely to survive. Another analogy: If you have a simple calculator then you can operate it easily, but if you have a brand new hi-tech computer then you will need to read the manual book (which is written by the creator) to use it for maximum capacity & not abuse it. Because nobody knows better about the creation other than the creator himself. Do we need our creator? the answer lies within yourself

  4. I think it's ridiculous, why should we forbid people from reading their own holy book? The oppression will only make people more violent than they already are, so why don't we try to build a bridge between religions not walls? For myself I think that studying and doing my religion is much much more important than pointing finger at others for the things that gone wrong, that's how we become a part of solution and not the problem.

  5. kuuldot, be very very careful if you want to join on HYIP since you have to play hit and run and most of the times you're not that lucky, I got burned several times on HYIP in the past. I'm sure that many of the HYIPs belong to the same person and he/she must be creating a lot of money, if one go down then he/she create another to attract new member. I think you better join a real online business that has real products & services and good track record, it will be best if you can be with a group that give you support on personal level because I think more than 90% people are failed making money online......Be responsible and wise with the your money and your money will pay you greatly, otherwise it will make you suffer.

  6. I think the best thing that you can do is try to control yourself and try not to get into a fight. Sometimes people are stressed out and need to flush their emotion on something or someone (usually their closest person like spouse). If he's a man, then usually he needs to be by himself for a moment and if she's a woman then you can lend her an ear. You can't control others but you surely can control yourself and influence others by your words & actions. If you can't handle it then try to find some place where he/she's not around and try to relax yourself first. Because if 2 person who can't control themselves confront each other, they can say/do something that they'll both regret later....

  7. First you can make a bit money through online survey or something else that require you work to get money, then you can make more by using it as a capital to run your own business on the internet (For building website, marketing affiliate, etc). IMHO that's how you make big money on the net :D

  8. I have a neutral opinion about money, even though the bible said Money is the root of all evil but it was said in the context of "worshiping money" so it means that you shouldn't make money as an idol or your no 1 in life, not the money itself. IMHO money is only an idea, a nominal terms that value a service or product. So the more valuable the product/service, the more expensive it is on the terms of money. If you want to have more money, make yourself more valuable for others by adding more skills, etc and the money will follow :D

  9. Hi Jimmy,What kind of business that you have in mind? Do you want to sell your own products/services or just simply want to sell other people's product? How much money and time that you're willing to spend in the business?You can start it in simple way by searching a legitimate online business but beware of the "get rich quick scheme" that seems to has low cost but will reap you off at the end (both money and time). In my opinion, it will be a lot easier if you have a mentor/group of people that can support you along the way and get regular training. If you need more help & info about online business, you can email me at eka_ys@yahoo.com and I'll gladly help you as much as I could.

  10. I used to be in affiliate marketing and have some success, but I found out later that getting a lot of 1st tier and 2nd tier people to help me market is not as good as giving personal help to a few people who are willing to help me sell the products. And if you have more than 1 products, make sure that they are complementing and supporting each other so you can get more selling.

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