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Posts posted by madbomberman

  1. I am seeking a game idea to develop. It can be any genre or theme. I have not determined what the final destination of the game is to be, but it could be anything. I have time, skills, resources and energy for developing a game, but I do not have a game concept. Contact me if you can help.

    i would like a mutiplayer game wereyou fight in the army along side other people and talk into headsets to communitcate with them you could be a fighter pilot a marine a fleet commander fly helicopters ands you verse orther people you register online and play on the tv and in a jet you can eject to survive and have fully destructable enviroments credits to buy weponry and veicals or clothing . or if you dont like fighting battles you could be a spy and go on reconissance missions,or assasinnation missions or in capagian mode you can earn credits train or buy items
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