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Posts posted by saqib431

  1. I think php is more powerful then html. php is a scripting language and html is used to display and texts on net. php is related to powerful programini and html is just basic for web designini. in html you can do such basic things. and i think in php you can do high and professional level scripting. and now a days php is becoming more and more popular rather then html... :D

  2. Hi there all. Can somebody tell me about C and C++? I mean whats the difference between C language and C++? I have used C , but once i used C++ I am a little bit confused about there compilers. i hav'nt got any difference between them. But people says that they are different from each other. Plz help me to get out of this confusion! Waiting for your responce...

  3. Hey I don't think so that u can install windows xp with out your cd rom! i guess that microsoft should work on it and i think after 5 to 10 years we will be able to install windows xp without cd rom! and that cd rom name will be Ghost instalation of windows hell.... :P I hear about that u cannt install windows xp without cs rom, But you can boot your window cd rom in case your window is corrupt... :D

  4. Hey friends i m having trouble with some window media audio formats. when i try to play them it says download media player security license. i tried to download but it says url not found. Plz can some body help me? and i don't think that microsoft has designed this for some purpose! It is useless.. i'll must say that it is just a way to tease you. what do u think that microsoft should remove this feature?

  5. Hi there. I think that windows media player 11 OR Jet audio is the beat for online streaming. They both have latest codecs and better playback. just go ahead and try these. i m sure you will be quiet happy after using this. plz do tell me about your experience.

  6. i dont know how much it helps on broadband and stuff - i tend to have a lot of windows open and noticed a big difference on my system..hope it helps though :D

    Hey this really works, this is a first thing that i cam to know about firfox. i m really excited. i works beter then before. Thanxxxxxxxxxxx Alotttttttttttttttttt...

  7. Hi, This is Saqib here. I Just read this topic and founf it very interesting. that's why i couldn't stop me to post a reply here. I know that mobile phone hase some kind of radiations but i don't think so that they coulb be harm full to your health. all mobile phones are designed according to some rules and regulations. and all mobile manufecturing companies are bound to make mobile phone according to your health. This topic is very worst and i want to talk more about it but i have to leave now. i'll talk about this later. bye!

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