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Everything posted by marcio

  1. Sadly we only managed 6 members but the sites got good quality just needs members. Become a member and help us grow
  2. Good day to you all. I dont know if this is in the right place but I have finally opened (after 3 years having a sucessful site on wap) i have opened a gaming website much like this one, yesterday 15 dec 2007. I kindly asking owners for their kind support and inviting you all to particitate on our forums once in a while and help us grow. we also looking for ten members who are interested in being moderators and admin on the site. you can pm snake on the site for that. I ask again for your support (owners) and thank you.Also If you want free hosting all you have to do is post on our forums untill you have 100 posts than open a new topic requesting hosting and wait for approvel. you than have to post atleast 15 good posts a day to keep the hosting. WHAT DOES THE FREE HOSTING CONSIST 150 mb space 1 gb monthly tranfer unlimited mysql unlimited addon domins unlimited parked domains 5 cpanel themes a startup wizard a full auto cpanel a auto bandW add on everytime it reaches 80% usage also all owners that help us will get their site links on our site and will get hosted on our hosting company for free. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ thank you for your time.
  3. Anyone that can help me? I need this for my project.
  4. In the field of Economics we find many fields. In this toturial i will be explaining scarcity and a few points you should know.In any economy comprising producers and consumers and given scare and costly resources, a choice needs to be made about:1. What products and services should be produced?In order to answer this question we need to determine the needs of individual consumers as well as the economy in general. In al economy's a wide range of goods and services need to be produced in order to cater for the many and varied needs of consumers. The demand from consumers will normally determine what products and services to produce. The resources available for production purposes will also have an influence on the goods and services that are produced.2. How much of each product and service should be produced?The amount of each product to produce will be determined by the demand for the various products as well as the availability of the resources required to produce those goods and services.3. What resources should be used to produce products and services?The availability of the necessary resources may have a negative effect on the ability of an economy to produce the goods and services that consumers require. the economic resources required by a community to produce the necessary goods and services are known as the factors of production. They are land, capital, labor and entrepreneurship. A community therefore needs to have sufficient amounts of these resources in order to produce the required products and services. For example, a country may not have the land available to grow wheat required to produce bread for its consumers. It may however have more than enough capital and labour to produce computers. It is under such circumstances where countries are endowed with varying amounts of resources that trade between different countries takes place. We will examine the manner in which international trade takes place in my other toturial.4. For whom should goods and services be produced?The demand for goods and services will largely determine for whom they will be produced. If for example, there are sufficient consumers requiring washing machines, producers will supply washing machines given that necessary resources are available. Goods are therefor produced for those consumers who demand the goods, and have the ability to pay for the goods demanded. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Moved to Business forum
  5. still no one that can help me? I know thisnt a hard task if u know java so some just point me out.thank you.
  6. I have a wap site elitezone.co.za and what i want to add is a code to the index page that displays your operator and phone number. Does any one know the coding for this function if so please show me here. Help will appriacated. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Topic title modified.
  7. Heres a question i can relate too. I programed both in html and php. Im currently programing with php only. Its simple you asking why.beacause php has more potentual than html. If you want to compare functions php has alot more functions than html. Php is also a easy languege to learn compared with some other langueges i worked with for example cgi. With so much that can be done with php theres no doubt why php is the most used languege. So for one will stick with php.
  8. I dont have much knowlege with java yet. Im a php programer not a java programer but i want to learn java and i need this coding to correct so that i can carry on my learning of java. So please some one just take some time to help me. Heres what i need to do. public class HandlerFactory{ public String getHandler(String[] config, String requestUri) { }} Example input: String[] config: { "/", "MainServlet", "/nav", "NavigationServlet" } String requestUri: "/nav/test" Correct result: "NavigationServlet" Ok now this is what i start with and have to do as they say above. public class HandlerFactory{ public String getHandler(String[] config, String requestUri) { }}
  9. Thanx buf, i have pmed him. Hope he can help me as i need JSP for my project. Need it for running java applications. And this is the only free host i found with jsp so far.
  10. marcio

    Fifa 07

    agree fifa 2007 is by far the best of them all. Fifa 2007 have modified their manger mode so that as time goes by in the game and players retire you will be able to still loan them as in fifa 2006 once a player retired you could not sign any more contracts with him. Anther thing fifa 2007 have modified probaly because of the retire thing, is that when you start your carrer you can play with any team you want but you have to raise your skill level from there in order to play with anther big club.
  11. just abit of help. In this case your headers are the promblem,get rid of them. Also when a coding/script does work the way it should literly doesnt mean something is wrong with the script/coding, your server might not support it,and so displays errors such as a flash of the same page or displaying a blank page. So always keep that in mind when using new codes/scripts.
  12. so most of you guys know mig33. its a wap application,probaly java.most kindly to be java. does anyone have java knowlege or knows where i can get a chat script like mig33? i also know this server supports jsp so im planing to use it for my application. i was hosted here last year but moved because i found a better host. now im back just to use the jsp on this server. Im planing to run chat applictions so if any one wants to help me in my project let me know.
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