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Posts posted by Galgy

  1. Some day we need a bill like this to pass or something even harsher on the Illegals


    Fact Sheet: Bipartisan Border Security and Immigration Reform BillPresident Bush Urges Members Of Both Parties To Support The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill Now In The Senate. The status quo is unacceptable – by acting now, we can ensure that our laws are respected, that our borders are secure, that the needs of our economy are met, and that our Nation helps newcomers assimilate.


    The Lessons Of History Are Clear: All Elements Of This Issue Must Be Addressed Together – Or None Of Them Will Be Solved At All.

    Illegal immigration is a serious problem that has been growing for decades. Past efforts to address it have failed because they did not do enough to secure our Nation's borders, failed to address the underlying economic reasons behind illegal immigration, and failed to provide sensible ways for employers to verify the legal status of the workers they hire.

    Comprehensive Immigration Reform Must Accomplish Five Clear Objectives


    1. Securing The Border Under The Bipartisan Immigration Reform Bill, Temporary Worker And Z Visas Will Not Be Issued Until Meaningful Border Security And Worksite Enforcement Benchmarks Are Met. These triggers include:


    Increasing border fencing.

    Increasing vehicle barriers at the Southern border.

    Increasing the size of the Border Patrol.

    Installing ground-based radar and camera towers along the Southern border.

    Ensuring resources are available to maintain the effective end of "Catch and Release" at our border.

    Ensuring a reliable Employment Eligibility Verification System (EEVS) is established and in use.

    To Show The Government Is Serious About Meeting These Benchmarks, The Bill Provides $4.4 Billion In Immediate Additional Funding For Securing Our Borders And Enforcing Our Laws At The Worksite.


    2. Holding Employers Accountable For The Workers They Hire


    The Bipartisan Immigration Reform Bill Sets Up A Sophisticated Electronic EEVS To Give Employers The Tools They Need To Verify The Status Of Workers. EEVS will require workers to present a limited range of stronger and more readily verifiable identification documents, which will be checked electronically against Federal and State databases.


    EEVS Will Allow Employers To Verify The Authenticity Of Documents By Providing Access For The First Time To Identification Photographs In Government Databases.

    The Bill Imposes Stiff New Criminal And Civil Penalties On Employers Who Continue To Hire And Employ Illegal Workers. Under current law, the civil fine for employers who hire illegal workers is between $275 and $2,200 per alien for first-time offenders and between $3,300 and $11,000 per alien for four-time offenders. Under the bill, the civil fine for employers who hire illegal workers will be raised to $5,000 per alien for first-time offenders, and to $75,000 per alien for four-time offenders.


    3. Creating A Temporary Worker Program


    Under The Senate Bill, A Temporary Worker Program Will Allow U.S. Law Enforcement To Focus More Resources On Apprehending Violent Criminals And Terrorists. The temporary worker program will help meet the needs of our economy and reduce the number of people trying to sneak across our borders by providing a lawful and orderly channel for foreign workers to fill the jobs that Americans are not doing.


    This Temporary Worker Program Has Tougher Labor Standards And More Robust Protections For U.S. Workers Than Any Existing U.S. Nonimmigrant Worker Program.

    Before hiring a temporary worker under the bill, an employer must first try to recruit U.S. workers for 90 days – three times longer than any other temporary worker program.

    Temporary workers under the bill must be paid the prevailing competitive wage, which is based on the wages paid to U.S. workers, and ensures that the wages of U.S. workers cannot be undercut.


    4. Resolving The Status Of The Millions Of Illegal Immigrants Already In The Country


    The Bill Will Strengthen Our National Security By Bringing The Millions Of Illegal Workers Already Here Out Of The Shadows – Without Amnesty. This will allow law enforcement officials to know who is in the country and allow immigration enforcement officers to focus their resources on finding and apprehending violent criminals and terrorists.


    Illegal Workers Already Here Must Come Forward And Pay A Fine. In order to obtain a Z visa granting temporary legal status, workers in the country before January 1, 2007, must come forward, pay a $1,000 fine, pass criminal background checks, remain employed, and maintain a clean record.

    Z Visa Workers Must Pay An Additional Fine, Learn English, And Meet Other Requirements To Apply For A Green Card, And Cannot Receive One Until Years In The Future. Z visa workers must apply at the back of the line and wait until the current backlog is cleared, pay an additional $4,000 fine, complete accelerated English and civics requirements, maintain employment, leave the U.S. to file their application, and compete in the merit system based on the skills and attributes they will bring to the United States.

    Satisfying The Requirements In The Bill Will Take Most Green Card Applicants More Than A Decade.


    5. Finding New Ways To Help Newcomers Assimilate Into Our Society


    The Bill Will Strengthen The Assimilation Of New Immigrants. The bill declares that English is the national language of the United States and calls on the United States Government to preserve and enhance it. It also enacts accelerated English requirements for many immigrants. In addition, the DHS Office of Citizenship will be expanded to include coordinating assimilation efforts in its mission, and the Secretary of Education will make an English instruction program available for free over the Internet.




    This bill is one that is curently traveling around out goverment an I believe that President George W. Bush says it best, "I view this as an historic opportunity for Congress to act, for Congress to replace a system that is not working with one that we believe will work a lot better. In other words, this is a moment for people who have been elected to come together, focus on a problem, and show the American people that we can work together to fix the problem."

    There are still some problems with this bill, yeah the borders will become tighter but we need to strangle them, all borders should have 30 fences with military trained snipers on top with a free fire zone allowing them to shot and kill those who are comming into the country illegally. All the house within 50 miles need to be searched for tunnels, all the ground should have sonar go over it to find the tunnels, the tunnels then should be collapsed and laced with anti-personal mines, The area towards which the illegals are coming from should have mines.


    Once this is all completed it come close to stopping the illegals from getting into the United States. Then those who are found to be here illegaly should be taken before a court and found guilty of illegal immigration and the penalty should either be deportation or capitol punishment, they should be killed.


    It doesn't make sense to do this half heartedly we need to send a message and the best message would be the removing of all illegals in the United States of America, because they are taking advatage of use and they are here illegally. All ilegal immigrants are breaking the law and all deserve to be punished.


    Notice from Velma:
    Has modified the post that was originally from https://www.whitehouse.gov/issues

  2. Throughout the course of history many men and women have fought for their country and given their lives for the defense and preservation of their nation. There is nothing wrong with this. The one thing with war that is wrong is the feeling that politicians get that they need to make the military policies. Many lives have been lost and time wasted because soldiers had to talk to the goverment to decide whether or not to attack something while they them selves were being attacked. Politicians to often don't give there fighting men a chance because they deny them funding and make up crazy rules of engagement, where in some areas you can shoot and kill anything that moves and in others you have to talk to the president before you can attack something even if it means not defending your self. In my mind this is obserb. Why should the commanders on the ground not be able to do what they believe is necesary to save lives of soldiers and to speed up the war. The best example of this is the Vietnam war. There were many places that were free fire zones and you could shoot and kill anything or anyone without questions from the chain of command. Also like the war in Iraq, the US Congress can't make up it's mind wether or not to give the soldiers the funds they need to have the best equipment availible. Rather than ratify and pass a bill that gives the soldiers money and the ability to use it in a way that is productive the congress tells the soldiers how to spend the money and at the same time gives them a time table on wich they need to operate and leave a country that they are not done fighting in. This is obserb. The military knows what the military needs and those needs change. Just because they say they need this or that doesn't mean that by the time that congress is done giving them funds that the military will still need that exact thing for that reason they could have a shortage of something else. The point here is that you need to leave politics out of war and you need to stop letting the polticians run the military because other wise there will be needless deaths and needless time spent in a country. God bless the USA and let god be with our troops in afghanistan and Iraq.

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