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Everything posted by OwrLam

  1. For instance if begin the problems, that forum it is necessary to update! PHPbb over and over again broke and without letters!
  2. This truth simply echo "<span class=\"mystyle\">".$giorno[$gisett]." ".$mese[$mesnum]." ".date("d")."</span>"; =) bjrn - he is a rights
  3. I make script of images galery: <?php$title="Galery";$head=$html="";$Find_Img_name=0;$Dir="./img/galery/";$OpenDir=opendir($Dir);while(($File=readdir($OpenDir))!==false){if($File!="." && $File!=".."){if(md5($File)==$_GET['id']){$Find_Img_name=$File;break;}}}$Img="data/images.dat";$ImgFile=file($Img);$Yes_Print=0;for($i=0;$i<count($ImgFile);$i++){$ImgSPL=split("::",trim($ImgFile[$i]));$Img_src=$ImgSPL[0];$Img_name=$ImgSPL[1];if($Img_src==$Find_Img_name){$Yes_Print=1;break;}}if($Find_Img_name && $Yes_Print){$Image_size=filesize("$Dir$Find_Img_name");$html.=<<<HTML<table align=center border=0 style="border:1px Solid #8994B1"><tr><td align=center><img src="$Dir$Find_Img_name" alt="$Find_Img_name ($Image_size bytes)" border=0><br></td></tr><tr><td align=center><b>$Img_name</b></td></tr></table>HTML;}else{echo "<font color=Red><b>Error!";exit;}include "inc/_small.php";?> But he doesnt work! Error is - can`t get image size!
  4. I have BMW X3 and BWM 528. For me BMW - BMW is better! Mersedes id too cool buy I voted for BMW =) It cool!
  5. I think better on file. My page stand on my script and works at 100 %
  6. ` style=background:url(javascript:document.images[68].src="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) I think it`is hav some problems. Dont you?
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