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Pure Evil

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Posts posted by Pure Evil

  1. Hey guys im quiting Xisto, i joined to have fun and get a free domain name and a AD-Free Forum , but every time i requested a free web hosting application , it was denied by baffalohelp ( A message to baffaloHELP: THanks for the stupid help) I have 4 Accounts on Xisto , Smartking790, Evil Man, Evil Guy, Pure Evil, i didn't get what i wanted, i worked hard and made some speech to get my hosting credits high and get a free web hosting application approved, Thanks to jhaslip and other Xisto members for your support. Good BYE. THATS IT. I QUIT!!!!!!!!!!! ITS FINAL.

  2. OK then i got just the clan you need to join, The Clan is Called The Runescape Smarts Clan (RSSC), Our main website is at http://www.freewebs.com/runescapesmarts/ and Our forum is at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hope you join our forum with 50 members and 173 post for now, And HOPE YOU LIKE THE CLAN, FOR MORE DETAILS PLEASE JOIN OUR FORUM OR WEBSITE...

  3. Hey working on my new project at http://z11.invisionfree.com/PSP_Zone/index.php , this project is called psp zone (its a forum) i need a skin, if you think the skin which is in use is cool then reply and tell me that, and i need to know that what forums should be in the website like the following is what i thought of for right now:

    PSP Zone Front Desk
    ------- PSP Zone News
    ------- Introductions
    ------- Support

    Other forum ideas needed please reply and tell me what else i should add...

  4. what about this:Summary No strategies are working on smokers to quite there habit. The United States ?National Institutes Health? trying to increasing the demand for the treatments of smokers by motivates them. They are trying to do so by increasing the taxes of cigarettes, restricting advertising to stop smokers before start.How it?s related to economy:- As it is mentioned in the article that 70 percent out of 44.5 million adult smokers in United States want to quit smoking, but only 5 percent succeed in a year. That show that people are welling to smoke. Do you think they the care about those taxes on the pack of cigarettes? Government is raising the taxes on cigarettes to lower the demand but people are addicted they can?t stop themselves. They are buying it and in one way it?s good for economy because people are paying a lot taxes on a pack of cigarette. My other point of view is if they really want people to quite smoking then they should lower the supply of cigarettes in the market. However, supply is in equilibrium with demand. It have been prove that adults start smoking before age 18 and more than 20 percent in United States kids started smoking at age of 16 to 18. Our government applies lot money on finding the cures but there are 5 percent smokers quit smoking per year. It?s like a cycle, government raising the taxes and that money are using to find cure. But if we predict that demand of cigarettes got decrease in the market then the companies going to have a lot of lose and the government not going to get that much money from the taxes too. When the supply get less then the companies went to high school and give then a packets free so that they get addicted, in this way they not going to lose there buyers. Marbles and Camels have been exports to another countries and United States approve it. I read an article a month ago about how United States companies export cigarettes. In United States it?s illegal to give free packets in high school; however, in other countries they show the advertisement that American people are cool and they are smoking. These things attract the high school students from in other countries. In other words if smoking will be banned in United States (that not going to happed), still U.S government going to have a good money and economy because of exportation. Why I Picked it:- Well, I was finding an article for this assignment and I found 2 articles. I asked u which one is good to write about and u said ?any one?. Therefore I picked this one because it?s easy language and easy to understand. Another reason why I picked this article is that smoking being a big issue not even in United States but in all countries.Agree or Disagree:- I?m agree with the article that there very little people who are willing to quit smoking. However, government has many cures that may help a person to quit. Whatever United States is doing for there own country, rising the taxes or finding the cure. It is still good for United States economy. If people going stop smoking in U.S.A them there are other countries from which they can earn much money.

  5. I think that it needs to be the following:

    [find the string]network.http.pipeliningdouble click and change the value to True

    [find the string]
    double click and change the value to 57

    [find the string]
    double click and change the value to true

    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Quote tags added to deduct credits earned for previously posted information
    Please use the search feature, especially when posting old information. This method has been posted numerous times and I don't think it applies with the newer versions of Firefox.

  6. Hey Can you guys grade my last speech for my speech class..
    Give Me An
    C or D

    Audience AnalysisPersuasive Policy Speech

    1. Perform a demographic Analysis of your audience, by exploring the following categories

    • There is all kind of audiences: white, African Americans and Asian. The ages of the audiences are between nineteen to late forties and the education is from high school diploma to bachelors. They are from different cultural background and multi religion. People are the members of religion, student and sports organization.

    2. Consider your answers from question #1. Explain how/why the policy you are arguing is significant to your audience. (If it is not, please go on to question 3)
    • My policy explains education future of a student. It explains how a person convinced of possessing drugs drop his/her studies because of being denied from aid. Moreover, the audiences are college going and aware of aids, loans.

    3. If your topic is NOT significant or applicable to your audience, what can you do to your topic to ensure applicability and significance?

    • N/A
    4. Does your argument risk angering your audience members? If so, how, and what can you do to prevent it?

    • I do not think there is any risk of angering my audience. My topic might let them think on the policy more closely.

    5. What ethical responsibilities (of the speaker) does your topic fulfill?

    • By talking about the policy of denying aid for student who convinced of selling drugs, I am trying to convince the audience that they should get one chance.

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Do not post directions that was handed to you as a "quality" post.

    The ability and the strength of the economy is producing even greater opportunity for Americans. Because of hurricanes in 2005 economy overcome with major shocks. For instance, over the past year, inflation adjusted Gross Domestic Products estimated to have grown at 3.6 percent rate, whereas in the period of 2001 total output and income have frown almost 14 percent. That shows the real loss in business. Many people were job less at the particular year. The unemployment rate which is 4.6 percent now is much lower than the average unemployment rates of the 1970’s, 1980’s and 1990’s. these rates shows that today the unemployment rates is fine means people quit one job an search for other jobs. Moreover, the economist believes that the unemployment rates will be lower in coming years.

    After the 2001, the jobs rate went really down. Many people were out of there jobs as a result the taxes went up mean clash in economy. People tried to spend less on the expenditure that’s what we called inelastic demand. Decline in the price would not let people mind to buy it. However, this loss is filled up now.
    Some Americans family have benefited directly from the growth in the economy. In addition to the strong job growth, they have seen real income after the tax. The income per person is increasing by 7 present. Then what about the people that don’t have strong job (good job). The people having lower income have to pay a lot because of this like tax, mortgages rates, all of the household expenditure taxes etc.
    Another thing is if the economy or social cost of unemployment rise, then workers insecurity will rise even if job stability or unemployment towards him is unchanged. For example, usually job loss is due to structural not by completion, but average job importance is unchanged. If the job loss is due to competition, the competitor will have job. But if it is structural and the loss is permanent therefore that particular job no longer exist anywhere, then it will be much more costly to be unemployed. Whereas if that worker rehired later to that same company in different occupation at really lower income. Does it worth?
    In today unemployment is mainly causing by two factors one is seasonal unemployment. Think about the people who worked in the field of agriculture. For instance, at Christmas there are many job that has been given to high school students, but after the Christmas time is over they don’t have work anymore. What does this do to the self-esteem as there first job? In addition, as we know the summer is getting short, what does u think about the ice creams trucks and the ice creams companies? They have fewer periods of job and earning.
    Other factor is the people having high education such as masters are not getting jobs in there profession. I read in the article that the “Sony Play station, company are hiring people with masters degrees to do game design, people with engineering degrees to work the help desk. This is our “high tech work force” today. I’m so sick of it. I mean my dad’s generation had a whole country to build and my engineering generation had computers and the internet to build. Now what do we have? Video games, since the only thing Americans want is to be entertained and watching their big screen TV’s. In my conclusion our education system should ensure the students from a particular degree they can go for at least two different kinds of job (I mean two professions). Our economy has jobs but not according to satisfactions of our youths.

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Paraphrasing--fix few words here and there--is still plagiarizing when you use other people's publishing as your own. Source http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  8. Tell me If it makes sence please i need to know for my speech class report...Sample Outline Persuasive Policy Speech Claim: There is a need to put into affect a policy making phone use while driving illegal. Preview INTRODUCTIONI. Story of 4 year old Hannah. A little girl who liked playing in her front yard, and making mud pies. Hannah, who was always a happy child, was killed when a driver, made a wild turn onto the sidewalk and hit her, killing her instantly. The driver was not drunk, rather on a cell phone. II. There is a need to put into affect a policy making convinced of possessing or selling drugs on FAFSA application should be eligible. III. Relevant because one the college age generation did something like this, they struggle a lot to get money to pay for there studies. Even though, they do not get job because of the policy. IV. I have researched articles, and news stories.V. I will discuss the need for this policy, the plan for this policy, and the practicality of the policy. BODYI. NeedA. Because current policy is outdated. 1. According to united nation educational scientific and cultural organization, 2002, they believe that it is a field that requires much greater investigation efforts than official areas of the economy and social activities.2. According to American civil liberties union, some people are actually try to make money by involving new people in the drug deals and complain to police officers about them. B. Because one chance can make their lives.1. According to FAFSA, they have drug-convicted worksheet. By filling that worksheet, there are no hopes of getting aid but hopes of might getting loans. 2. According to drug policy alliance, a teenager name Roger who was convinced of taking drugs is working in a restaurant. Every time he asked to rise he got denied. He was not getting job even after graduating from school because of criminal background check. He could not co to the college because of shortage of money. . Walk LeftTransition What are we going to do in response to this need? Walk right, gesture with right arm.Main Point Assertion II. PlanA. Appeal the lawmaker.1. According to stop drug war organization, June 22, 2007, the senate committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) passes legislation that among other things would remove the information ?drug question? from free application of Federal Student aid (FAFSA.)2. According to the government relation director at students for sensible drug policy, Tom Angell., we are thrilling that the committee has acted to make sure that students with drug convictions will no longer be automatically stripped of there aid and will be able to stay in school with the path to success. B. Make them eligible for financial aid.1. According to Educators for Sensible Drug policy, June 26, 2007, the reason aid for convicted students is necessary because once the student is denied for aid; he or she simply may decide not to go school. 2. According to Stop the drug war, august 12, 2005, DRCNet (Drug Reform Coordination network) is giving a gift to the members who are denoting $35 or more to the organization. This donation will support higher education act, our efforts to repeal a law that delays or denies college aid eligibility to students because of drug convictions. Transition How will this policy help solve the problem? Walk back left gesture with left arm.Main Point Assertion III. PracticalityA. Yes, because it will give help the democracy.1. According to drug policy alliance, Roger, school graduate who still managed to maintain good relationship with friends and family. Always get denied to get raise form his work.2. According to Daily California, January 24, 2007, Education is a means to success, it is a means to a future, and it is a means to a goal in life. Denying that is truly not fair. B. No, because it about only one chance.1. According to Educators for sensible Drugs Policy, 2007, you can be convicted of a rape, a murder, or for defrauding that federal government for student loans, but if you are caught with the small amount of marijuana, then you can?t receive money for school. 2. According to Public Education Network, April 14, 2005, Public education is a backbone of our democracy and it provides the basic building blocks of our communities. Restate purpose(review of Main Points)Clincher/tag/exit line or Final Appeal CONCLUSIONI. There is a need to put into affect a policy making convinced of possessing or selling drugs on FAFSA application should be eligible. (need, plan, practicality)II. Hannah?s crash could have been a lot worse and her luck will only get better if she decided to put the cell phone away. Walk back to the center.

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