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Posts posted by pylorusrock

  1. just talk to her, it's a lot easier than you think it is. just walk up to her and start a conversation like no one else is around, ask her for her phone number, ask her out to dinner or something. find a common ground and talk about that. tell her about yourself let her get to know you. just don't be an emotional *BLEEP* and tell her everything about your past and deep dark secrets.just talk to her.

  2. the situation is kinda wierd here..REAL wierd....the body language and related stuff REFUSE to speak...but at times...the feeling that something IS possible is kinda seen....it kinda is hard to put in text....i DID do all the abovementioned stuff.....no positive results till date except close friendship.....
    ALRIGHT-i initally asked her" d ye wanna hear a sucky joke??" then..."the words came out!!!!!!

    let me get this straight you said do you want to hear a sucky joke and then you told her you liked her??
    wow. i could see why things are akward between you two. honestly i say just put her out of sight out of mind.
    you or any normal human being can be friends with a girl who they love, i mean honestly how is that possible?? you'll always want something more from the relationship and you'll always suffer because she most likely won't want the same thing as you. That's why i say get her out of your life and find someone new.

  3. well first off i'm sure you don't know if you love her cause it seems to me like you're infatuated with her, but anyways. it seems to me like you just need to keep things slow and just keep talking to her and let her get to know you more. don't be too pushy about getting her number or giving her your number just relax. i'm sure she'll see how much you care sometime.

  4. 1)i am 18....NOT 44 as my profile suggests :D2)tis has been round about 2 years now
    3)she responded well..in a surprisingly calm for the manner in which i asker er.....said thats all fine.....saw that coming..and we can be friends and all.....things never really changed after that....were more or less the same..
    4)Im afraid that i'll have to keep a secret.....gives me the shivers just thinking about it..

    dude you're only 18, since you're that young i'd say move on.
    if she doesn't want to be with you there's no use in waiting you're young.
    don't be tied down if you don't have to.
    i mean seriously don't wait for her cause you don't know if she's worth it.
    but then again there's no harm in dating other people if she is too.
    maybe you'll find someone who is better and actually wants to be with you.
    i say just move on.
    don't think about it too much just find someone new.

  5. if a girl is with a guy because they're "good" looking or "wealthy" then honestly i wouldn't worry about it cause they're with that person for the wrong reasons.i'm not that good looking of a guy so i understand what you're saying, girls always go for the wrong guys. if a girl is going for a guy for that reason i don't want to be with them.i think the same thing about guys if a guy is with a girl because she's "hot" or "wealthy" than a nice girl doesn't deserve them they deserve better.

  6. Guys if you ever are thinking of getting married, take a step back and look at everything. Do you really know everything there is to know about this girl/guy. Do you know everything that makes her tick, does He/she know what makes you tick? Is she/he everthing you are looking for, or just somethings you are looking for? I will tell you right now, everything may seem jack dandy right now, but when you say I do, those words transform your partner and you into two totally diffrent people then you were one second ago. I met my ex, we dated for about a year, we had a great time all the time, very few arguements. We rushed into getting married, way to early, before either of us should have been ready to. I didn't know everything I should have known, but there were also signs that I should have payed attention to, but ignored. Once we got married it was all downhill from there, it should have been a trip to the court house to annul but it was a trip to south carolina for the crappiest honeymoon on the planet. Then my ex went crazy, would get a job but would always call in sick, then she wanted to move to california to continue schooling at Stanford university. So we pack up everything in Indiana and move to california, she last less then a semester and drops out, moves back to indiana and leaves me to finish my school in California. Then when I moved back to Indiana she moved to Tennesse and left me in Indiana. Then one day I was working, I had a text message from her saying she wanted a divorce and that was that. 3 years of my life waisted, for nothing. Make sure you know what you are getting into!

    no offense dude but that's not cool. she shouldn't have left you in California you guys were married. i'm sorry that that happened. you learned a lesson though, crazy women suck.

  7. my first date went pretty bad too.we were going to a movie and i was supposed to pick her up at like 6 and my tire went flat and i had to change a tire and i was a half an hour late.then the movie sucked, but odly enough the relationship with the girl lasted almost a year.(fyi this was my first REAL date, middle school and early highschool doesn't count for me cause i couldn't drive.)

  8. leave it be.
    There is no use in trying to get her to understand you right after this break up. When things cool down, and most of all when you cool down, you see things from a different perspective. This helps in doing the right (for you) thing.
    For now, find yourself a new hobby. That usually helps in getting back on track :D

    well she says she still wants to be my friend.
    we're hanging out today, and idk what's going to happen cause every time i've seen or talked to her since the break-up she's rushed off to her friend and got mad at me and said that she had to leave cause if she stays around me too long she'll go back out with me.
    she's confusing.
    she got mad that othder day cause she thought i was with another girl.
    idk what the hell is going on anymore.

  9. If telling her doesn't suffice, then leaving herat least in theoryto go and succeed in your life should. If you have already confronted her with this issue, and she still persists in having a loose or unstable (not-willing-to-work-on-it) relationship, then inform her one more time that you picked her over yourself and "threaten" to leave her. If she still does not show interest, then i suggest leaving her. If she shows interest, then consider staying with her longer. However, if she shows interest but later sticks with her friends again, then leave her. Make sure you leave a note saying that you left and why.
    If you only told her once that you picked her over yourself, consider telling her a couple of more times if she doesn't show interest. If she continues to not show interest after telling her again, then follow my previous advice. Remember, a relationship is for building each other up, not for bringing others down.

    well that would be good advice if she didn't already break up with me.
    life sucks.
    i'm stuck going nowhere
    and now i'm alone

  10. I'm not an expert in this area, but I'll tell you what I think. Before you gave up your dream did you realize that if things didn't work out with her that you will have to start again? It was ultimately your choice to stay where you are to be with her. You can try to talk to her and tell her how you feel. The only way she is going to realize what you did and how you feel about it is to just tell her. Sit her down one day and have a talk about it and tell her why you feel like it was a mistake. But then she may feel obligated to you because of what you did and that probably isn't what you want either. Things aren't really going to be perfect in either case but if you want her to know what you did for her then tell her.

    all that she cares about is her friend.i hate how she lies to me because she's with her friend.
    it's so much crap that i don't want to deal with.
    i hate being lied to and if she does it again idk if i should break up with her.
    i hate this crap.

  11. So, I've been with my girlfriend since I graduated High School, and let it be known right now music is everything to me.Well here's the story, I've been out of school for over a year now. Before this girl I had plans to go to Full Sail in Florida and everything was working out for me to head down there. Well then I started dating her and I fell completely and madly in love with her before the summer was over. I ended up changing my plans on going and stayed here. Well, I'm still here jumping from job to job and paycheck to paycheck waiting fo rsomething better to come along and help me out.Here is the thing I don't get, I gave up my dream to be with her and she doesn't apprciate it at all she'll make plans with me and then ditch out to go out with her friends. One friend specific is a total B**CH and when she's with her she is too, she lies to me she stays out all night and doesn't answer her phone when I call. Well I could be off soo much better in my personal goals if I were to have left and went to school and she would probably see me the same. Why did I have to stay here if she's going to treat me like crap? Her so called "friend" is moving to dad's house in Florida and she's a saint to my girlfriend.What should I do to get her to realize what I gave up for her??

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Topic title modified.

  12. to be completely honest girls like guys who are themselves.don't put on an act to impress a girl cause if they end up liking you they dont really like you.don't rush into the whole girl thing head first.girls are just guys with boobs and vaginas.well some girls are.hahahahaif a girl doesn't like you for who you are then forget them they don't deserve you.::edit::i'm a guy but this is what i've notticed....::end edit::

  13. i'm a tad confused about this poll.first off it was proven he didn't have WMD's.second off, innocent of what??he was guilty of killing millions of people.he was innocent of the whole WMD's.and honestly i'm not sure if Iraq would be better with him.i do think he was a horrible person but the fact of the matter is who gave us the right to go into other countries and take them over.aren't we techincally taking some sort of freedom away from them by doing that??i mean when we were in civil war did the English come over here and take over the country and let a certian power take over???what about the French did they?? no they didn't cause they had no right to, we won our independence and Iraq was never under our control in the first placeso why exactly did we go over there to "FREE" them.So Bush could finish his daddy's job.

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