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Randle Densmore Jr.

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Posts posted by Randle Densmore Jr.

  1. You dont have a legal document for the copyright dude.....And the poem isn't that good who is gonna make a topic about a poem they made anyways......And I'll slit your throats thats a little harsh I don't think you should say that because it's not right!

  2. Wireless Access to Email 

    Always on, office email while you're mobile.

    Receive and answer email from the BlackBerry 7520 handheld wirelessly.

    Microsoft Outlook, IBM Lotus Notes and ISP/POP3 email capable.

    Digital Cellular Phone - Operates on Nextel's National Network as a digital cellular phone. Talk with or without a hands-free device.



    Included Accessories

    BlackBerry Standard Battery without Door 

    BlackBerry Cradle 

    Blackberry 7520 Black Holster 



    This phone doesnt look that great I don't think but it's still pretty cool with all the featurs on it....All these are standarded so you could up grade this baby into something awesome.


    Notice from snlildude87:
    Long unnecessary post (with a two lined response) shortened. If you wanna see more features, Google will kindly help you..

  3. Unleash the power of the Gods and embark on a merciless quest as Kratos, an ex-Spartan warrior driven to destroy Ares, the God of War. Armed with lethal double chainblades, Kratos must carve through mythology?s darkest creatures? including Medusa, Cyclops, the Hydra and more, while solving intricate puzzles in breathtaking environments. Driven by pure revenge, nothing can stop Kratos from achieving absolution.* GOD OF WAR introduces a brutal slice of life set in the mythological Greek era. Players can live according to their own nature. Even if it is by brute force. * Defining the next evolution in gaming, GOD OF WAR presents an explosive gameplay mix: raw melee combat fused with traps, stunts and story driven puzzles. * Huge collection of moves: players can swing on ropes, scale mountain cliffs, swim through rivers, slide down zip lines. * GOD OF WAR delivers an extensive combat system based on uniquely linking combos for a myriad of fighting moves. Take the combat in air, take out a number of enemies at once, and utilize "context sensitive moves" ? moves that in particular situations, allow you to grab, kick or throw an enemy. * Kratos' main weapons are two blades ? one attached to each arm by a long chain that wraps around his arm. This allows for both short-range and long-range attacks. * Encounter some of the greatest mythological beasts and enemies: Medusa, Cyclops, Minotaur, Harpies and more. * Unleash an innovative magic system that grants the power of gods and monsters: use Medusa's head to freeze your enemies, strike them with Zeus' thunderbolt, cut them down with Ares' blades. * Explore and unravel numerous puzzles that range from simpler lever pulls to the most mind-bending, sadistic twisters around. * Players can experience a real-time world of interactivity: soldiers battle and die, structures fall to the ground, and the dark, violent world of Greek mythology comes to life in gory detail. * From the creative director of the Twisted Metal and Twisted Metal:Black franchise.Kratos is an ex-Spartan soldier possessed by Ares, the God of War. Over time, he becomes the most vicious warrior in Ancient Greece to a point where he can't bare it anymore and sets out on a journey to kill Ares. However, the only way to destroy Ares is to find Pandora's Box, which is located in a temple that's perched upon a hill and guarded by traps, puzzles, enemies, etc. The story is told as a flashback of three weeks prior to where the opening movie starts and then sets the stage for the game...

  4. The sony PSP is able to put music on the memory stick and play it. I would rather have that than an mp3 player because it acts like one and you can use it to play games. When it first came out I didnt have moeny to buy it but I stayed at Best Buy for like 2 hours messing with it. That thing is so cool. I jsut cant wait to get it.

  5. The most thing that I hate is when you say your are sick and people are like no you don't. I mean come on how do you know what people feel it's just erks me and drives me nuts.Another thing that makes me mad is having a bad day of golf that really makes me mad I just can't stand it. You play good on the front nine and then you go to the back and suck. I shot 3 under once on the front and went to the back and shot 6 over I was heated.One more thing annoys me is when my dog just keeps barking at no one when she thinks someone is at the door. It's annoying. She has a high pitch bark and she does it for like 2 mins straight everytime she does it. AHHHH

  6. Honestly I don't like any of the street games. I just don't think they are fun. I would just rather play the real sport. Just like NBA Jam I don't think it's fun 3 on 3 and you can jump all the way across the court. It's unrealistic and not fun. But thats just my oppinion some people may find joy in the games.

  7. You dont really need a music playing, If you have Macromedia Dreamweaver you can just put a code in and then in between the "s you would put the name of the file and it will play on that page only. So if you wanted to put a song on each page you would have to put taht code on each page you want music to play.

  8. Yes this is a good computer but it is mainly for gaming and thats what I have an xbox for. I use the computer for doing things like CAD and other things like that. But if I had money to just spend on a computer I would probably do it this computer has the ebst looks out of any of the computer. It has really cool things on it that include Windows? XP Home Edition Microsoft? Windows? XP Professional Edition and running Intel? 925XE* / ICH6R Express chipset /Intel? 925X / ICH6R Express chipset and Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM at 533MHz Four DDR2 DIMM sockets Up to 4GB of system memory and the drives are Four 5.25" for DVD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD/CD-RW, or DVD?RW drives Two 3.5" for floppy drive, 8-in-1 digital media reader / writer, or front accessible 1394. So it is cool and if anybody wants a good computer for gaming I would get this if you have the money for it.

  9. I have seen that watch to and also Oakley is making sun glasses that ear buds come off the part that the frame goes behind your ear. You put the buds in your ear of course but teh nyou upload the songs through your computer with usb and it's cool cuz when you wear them when you run or play a sport or do whatever its conveniant.

  10. I love Digital cameras you dont have to mess with taking your photos to a developer you can just plug it into the usb port on your computer and load them. My friend has a camera were it shoots video and takes pictures which it pretty cool. I don't really like the camera itself I would rather have something else. But still who ever invented these is awesome thats all I can say.

  11. I want to hear your reviews about this game. I don't belong anywhere to rent this game. So I would like you to tell me what you think is good about this game and what is bad. I want to buy it but I don't want to waste my money if it is stupid. The game looks really fun from commerials and things on G4TV but I still can't trust it. So if you could do this for me I would appreciate it. Thank you :)

  12. Yes it is. I think it is the best racing game around. I wasn't to fond of Grand Tursimo. I love how you can customize your car more than the frist underground. You can add audio parts in your trunk to give your car a better rating. The roam feature is the best I love it. They also have a lot more things to put on your car than the 1st one.

  13. I honestly love this game. And I love war games and fighting games in general. Medal of honor is one of the best game series. They should keep it up too. But back to Call Of Duty the mission and objectives are just wonderful. I love the game play on it and how it is set up. So I think everyone should get this game.

  14. I think this game totally sucks its just like true crime. It looks cool but when you play it, it is no fun. The advertising for both games were good but the gameplay on this game just sucks. I don't get how people comepar this game to GTA. This game totally stinks. The creators of Driver should've just stopped after the first one.

  15. I am not sure if this game is out yet I don't think it is but when it does I am going to get it because this is a really sweet looking game i seen commercials on it and I want to get it so bad. But a lot of games do that have good commercials then it just sucks. So hopefully this doesn't do it becuase it really looks good.

  16. Thats a hard question both of these games are really gonna be sweet. Well when Doom 3 comes out. I have been a Doom fan for a lot of my life it is great. Than recently my friend got me playing Half life at his house one day and I feel in love with teh game. So when HL2 came out I had to go get and it is one of the sweetest games ever. I recommend it for anyone who loves a good game.

  17. I love mp3 players.....You can hook them up into your card or plug them into your tv and use them for a sterio. You can hold so much on it to its better than messing with a bunch of cd's....You can have like 20 days of non-stop music on there that is more than anyone could listen to its crazy. So I love them and I think everyone else should too.

  18. I really like adobe photoshop because it is a lot easier I think and it is cool what it can do on there I love it. I don't think that 3d can compare to photoshop. Adobe is just a good company and they have really good products. You can change photos like iff you were to go to the store and change the eye color you can do it on photoshop. You can also make your own pic. It's great.

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