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Posts posted by ImageFilez.com

  1. Hi Guys, I am really proud & happy at the same time to announce to you all that Imageflez is now hosting more than 100,000 images. We really had a tough time recently cleaning spam on the server, then came the big server upgrade, then bot attacks.. it was really tough times, But finally we are now as strong as we were ever before. So spread the word and use Imagefilez & now let's grow. :) Admin - Imagefilez.com

  2. That is really sad, I think that we are just getting popular :)

    Bad news: The government proxy in British Colombia currently bans ImageFilez
    The government proxy is the proxy used by public schools and some Universities as a filter to block and censor material. This doesn't mean the government of British Colombia, Canada blocks the site, because that would be ridiculous :)... Canada is probably the last place you would call authoritarian. But yes, the proxy problem is probably caused by someone uploading adult images. I wonder if it's still blocked... I didn't check for a while.

  3. Hi Guys, On an image hosting site there should be some moderation in place to control the amount of content that is uploaded. Also the porn images are just uploaded to spam the servers. We really don't want compromise the image hosting experience of the members on our site.On an average about 2000 + images are uploaded (we went down on that) & I am trying my best to moderate all the images that are uploaded. Even I am human, If you find any image that is pornographic in nature or you think that should not be on our site, Just send me a pm and I will delete that image. So If you have a really personal or private image which you do not even me to have a look at, then please don't upload it to protect your privacy.Please let me know... If i have missed any point in replying to your questions. :rolleyes:

  4. Hi Guys,

    I have made a blog post relating the recent Google PageRank Update & some conclusions that can be drawn from it.

    Small Excerpt.

    Now here comes the pinch with this Google Update when established directories (dropped by PR) and be compared with the new directories awarded higher PR. I really dont think PR now is the metric for comparison right now & will be influenced with many other factors.
    Here are some of the conclusions that can be drawn from this PageRank Update

    1. Google is not against directories (I know that this will make a lot of people happy).

    Read the complete post at the below link.


    Amit :rolleyes:

  5. Hi Guys,


    Starting on with Good news first. We have moved Imagefilez.com on a new & more faster dedicated server and the site is now loading really fast, so you guys can upload all your images ;)


    Now some serious stuff is that we were spammed some days back, with the upload of adult images in huge numbers from some Japanese/Chinese IP's, we have deleted all the images & also banned these IP's. I request you all not to upload pornographic images or we will be forced to delete your account & also BAN your IP. We really don't want to compromise the image hosting experience for our members.


    So start sharing your images & let's make imagefilez as one of the best image hosting sites on the web :rolleyes:



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