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About AndrewM
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- Birthday 10/09/1990
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Thanks everyone Yeah, I got accepted for the hosting, so yeah lol, hopefully that will go well Also, thansk guys for the links too, should come in handy :PSee you all around!
lol, yeah, that would be a cool idea I;m not really sure if i will stay there again though 0.o maybe or or 2 nights and take a digital camera with me. Just take pictures around the house and se what i come up with! It wiuld be really cool if I did get "something"
Wow, that would have been REALLy scary! I mean, in a boarding school that was built on top of a burial ground? Freaky stuff dude. i was in boarding school too for my first year of secondary school. The mansion that we stayed in was built back in 1847 and was owned by the Cloncarty ( Not entirely sure on the spelling ) family. Well, Lady Cloncarty ( spl? ) was supposedly a lovely woman but, the hisband/father was a man who was corrupt and extremely paranoid, thinking that his wife was having multiple affairs on him which was again, supposedly not true. One night, whilst everyone was sleeping he dragged her from her bed, brought her to the the balcony of the marble staircase and after a brief scuffle, was thrown over the banister to her death. At the bottom of the staricase, is a mat which, underneath it is a blood splatter that we were shown the first night by the head priest I suppose you could call him. It was there, faded, but there. Above that was a very long painting and behind that ( although we were never shown as it was so large! XD ) is a a long splatter of blood that is covered by the painting.Anyway, they had a son, and, when this happened he literally died of shock! Now, all this happened on October the 17th and since then, every night, Lady Cloncarty is supposed to walk the halls, looking for her lost son, ringing this little bell as it is what she used to call him in from outside. On that night, we were all wide awake! And, about 5 times, the 6th years would come in, dressed in white and pull away our blankets! lol, anyway. We got a bit bored of it and were beginning to nod off, when the dorr very quietly opened and this sharp breeze entered the room. We are scared by this time! lol anyway, with the blankets over our heads, we don't hear any footsteps what so ever yet, it would get cold beside our beds whenever she came towards, always ringing the bell. Now, OK, this may not have been real, but, it happened to every other year too, as it always has.Well, yeah, it was scary There were a lot of stories which i don't really believe with what happened to some people. One guy, said f off to her, and she knelt beside his bed and said the full rosary, and, him thinking it was a trick, looked at her and went mad. Another one is that the boy was out of bed when she came in, waiting at the door for her, and swung a brush at her. The next day, he went to the woods and hung himself!i don't really believe those ones, but still, they were pretty freaky when it happened to us and when we were told those stories the NIGHT this happened! lolAnyway, just another story XD
Well, to be honest. I believe in ghosts. i believe that there is something there anyway. Also, i realise that i don't think that they could do anything to hurt you (well, a poltergeist could I suppose) Now, this was a really scary experience for me. Even you have to admit, you don't believe in ghosts, ok, but still, if something like this happened to you, you would be terrified man! loljust saying, plus, I just thought it might be interesting for some people
OK, well, this happened last year in August. Each year, we go down to Cork (county in Ireland, south) because my mam is from there. Well, this house that my aunt built years ago, always sort of had a weird feeling about it that myslef, my bro and my mam seemed to notice.Anyway, I was made to stay in the room where it is always cold, no matter even if you turn on the heating. So, I just could not, for the life of me, get to sleep, so I began reading. After about an hour or so, can't be certain, I hear this bang. It was loud,direct, sudden coming from the hallway. The thing is, this hallway is narrow so, there is nothing that could have been in it, and I can SEE down it so, I KNOW there was nothing in it. That kind of, i don't know, just sort of gave me a hop and a weird feeling but it was nothing, just sort of being on my own awake, in the middle of nowhere sort of feeling After that, I went to the window, and, out of the corner of my eye, I saw this, white rectangle to the left on top of th mountain. I mean, this was glowing! And it was a rectangle. Abot 5-10 mins later i went out for a smoke (quit about 2 months ago just so you know ) But, it was gone. Whilst I was out there, the wind was weird. It was still everywhere, no breeze at all, but, the trees to left had a mild one, well, they were shaking anyway. I didn't think about it then, but I do now, it was like a domino effect? gah, hard to explain, but, the wind wasn't at all of the trees, it was like, passing over them? Well, i hope you understand :PAfter that, I went back to bed, and yup, couldn't sleep. So, still began reading. I was a little worried about now, so, I just kept the light in the hall and in my room on. Now, I kept on hearing, noises. Nothing like voices or footsteps etc. just...noises. "Things that go bump in the night" if you will. My heart is kind of going faster than noraml by this time, because, I don't have a clue what is going on. Now...the other things could have been explainable, but, the following things, in my opinion, can NOT be. The first of which is this, the back door, which is bolted and and the padlocked, and then locked by a key...opens, and then closes. i cannot see it but, i can hear the locks. Less than a minute later, The kitchen door, opens, and closes. The kitchen door has one of the knobs on them that you have to turn to open...the thing is...i can SEE the kitchen door clearly!Now, excuse my irish, but, I am crapping myself by this time! I have all this cold, dry sweat and everything! 10 mins later, with me not even able to take the book away from my face, I'm so scared, the bloddy stereo, in the sitting room, at the end of the hall, beside the kitchen turns on! Blaring out Nat king Cole! The stupid thing wasn't even plugged in!I didn't know what to do, i didn't want to go down there, but I had to! So, i leg it down, turn off the stereo, plug it out, about o run back when there, in front of me, is...something. It was staring at me, i don't know what it was, it wasn't an orb, a shadow, a mist, an aparition, it was nothing, but it was there, and it was staring at me. I think i must have blacked out for a second or something, but, when i came to, the room was grand, but, the spot where I was was standing was...just cold, not freezing or anything, just plain cold. Naturally, i ran back to my room and didn't go to sleep until it was bright outside.Now, when i told this to my family, cousings etc who were down with me, I believed me which was weird, well, a few did anyway. I don't ever want to stay the night there again or just be on my own there. But, we go down every year so, yeah, I might have to!Anyway, I think it might be a good place to investigate? but the weird thing is that it was built by my Aunt. No previous owners (obviusly) etc etc. So, yeah, just weirdWell, thats my story.Also, very sorry about making it soooo long! lol. Just thought that this would be the best way to explain it
The Digital Fortress by Dan brown. Brilliant book and the Angels and Demons is also another great read if those of you who haven't read it yet...go read them! lol
Also, with Dumbledore being dead and all { }, there is a lot to play on. But, just something that I was thinking about, do you remember in the Philosipher's Stone (Sorecerer's Stone for the American Edition) it said on the back of the Bertio bott's every flavoured beans card that he killed that dark wizard whatever his name was...What if, Dumbledore made a Horcrux after that?Well, i don't know if this is a huge possibilty or not, but still, it does leave some specualtions open....
Well, I don't realy have a top 5, but, I suppose this:1. Harry Potter2. Eragon series (It has a certain name, can't think of it now though)3. Lord of the Rings4. Dan Brown seriesmeh, I SUPPOSE thats what I like, lol. Not too fond of the Lord of the Rings series though, I read them when i was a lot younger and found them a little hard, haven't really gone back to reading them yet lol.Oh, the Hobbit though, that was a great book, really enjoyed it *EDIT* Sorry, i just added in the the dan brown series
In this tut, I'm going to show you how to make this sig: OK then, lets get started, Step1. Start off with a new document with whateve size you use. I use 350 x 150, but it is upto you. Then, set your colors to basic by pressing D Step2. Fill it all with black by either using the paint bucket or pressing ALT + BACKSPACE I have this: Step3. Make a new layer by going to Layer>New>layer or by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + N and click OK. In this layer, take out your favourite brush set, set the mode to soft light (It's on the right side of where you pisk your brush set) and start brushing in white on the second layer. I have this: Step4. Next, take out your render that you are going to use, select all of it by right clicking>Select all or press CTRL + A , then, press CTRL + C to copy it, then go to your sig and press CTRL + V to paste it onto your sig. It will make a new layer itself so no need to make another one. When that is done, press CTRL + J to copy the render layer. To resize the render if it is too big, press CTRL + T and press the chain that is in the nav bar when you press CTRL + T, this will keep the right ratio for the render and not bake it squashed. Hide the original render layer by clicking on the little eye beside it. I have this: Step5. Now, with the copyed render layer, right click on the layer>Blending options> and pick the Soft Light mode for it. Then, go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur and pick the settings that you like. It won't show that much colour when this is done, but, copy it a few times (CTRL +J) and move it them around until it covers the sig with the amount of colour that you would like. I have this: OPTIONAL Step6. When that is done, merge all the Soft Light render layer by going to ayer>Merge Down or press CTRL + E untill all the soft light, blurred layers are all together in one layer. This colour will go but, all you have to do is copy it again by pressing CTRL + J. All that this is doing is making the layers less, so it is easier to navigate and will leave you with the same result as in Step5. I would recommend doing it, but, if you don't want to, it's fine I have this: BLENDING Step7. now, your sig should start to take shape. Bring your none blurred render layer above all the other layers by holding it down and dragging it up. Take out your Polygonnal Lasso tool, and draw all around the render (Make sure that you are on the render layer and not another one). When that is done, Right Click>Select inverse. this will put those dotted lines all around the sig as well as the bit that you have selected. Now, Right Click again and click on Feather. Set the feather part to 20 px (You can put this higher or lower, depending on how you like it). This is going to change the dotted lines around the render, to smooth them out. Now. with taht done, press DELETE. (again, make sure that you are selected on the render layer) Your render will be faded at the side of it and will blend in more with the background. You can press delete as many times as you like. When you are satisfied, Right Click and press deselect. Now, take out another or the same brush set that you have been using, and brush a little bit in white on the render layer. The render should no blend in realy well with the background This is what I have: OPTIONAL If you notice that my sig here is a little bit differen, that's because I sharpened the render layer. All you have to do here is, (If you want to) is go to, Filter>Sharper>Sharpen. This gives a more realistic look and looks pretty cool You can also fiddle around with how much you want sharpend by going to Filter>Sharpen>Unsharp Mask. Step8. We are nearly finished now! All we need to do now is add a border, text, scan lines etc. What evere it is that You would like to do. All that I added was a border and very faint scanlines. To add a border like mine, make a new layer, press CTRL + A or Right Click>Select All, to select the whole sig. Right Click again and select Stroke. In the stroke option, make it 3 px with a black colour. Then, Right Click again, Stroke but this time pick 2 px and a white colour. Right Click and press deselect. The border won't look very good, but, not to worry, Right Click on the layer>Blending Options>Mode: Soft Light and the border will look good. If it is topo faint for your liking, duplicate the layer by pressing CTRL + J. Look below on how to make Scan Lines Scan Lines Now, making scan lines. This is done differently, I'll show you how I did mine: First off you need to make a new document, with a 5x5 pixel height and width, with transparency on. When you make the new document, zoom into it's full zoom Then grab you Pencil Tool with 1px and do this: Once you've done that, go to Edit at the top and down to Define Pattern Give you pattern a name if you wish. Then go back to your USig document. Make a new layer, Right Click>Select All or press CTRL + A. Right Click>Fill. When you are here, pick Pattern in the drop down box and then, click on the newly made scan lines pattern. You can pick how string you want them with the opacity level. If it is still too strong, you can go to Edit>Fade Fill or, (What I do) Right Click on the layer>Blending Options>Mode: Soft light and this also looks pretty good. Now! You are finished! This is my result: They can all vary, depending on the options you pick and customise. I hope you liked it! please, post your results if you want, I'd like to see them
OK, I am going to show you how to make these: OK then, lets get started! 1. Now, there may be an easier way to do this but i haven't found out yet so, if people know how to, please let me know in a post and I will add it to the tut to make it easier. Once you have your image open, go to; Image>Mode>Grayscale. This will make the eye all grey for that effect that we are looking for in the final image. When that is done, save the image as .psd as it has better quality. 2. When this is done, open the saved image but, go to Image>Mode>RGB Colour so that you can use colour on the image. 3. Now, finally to work!. Firstly, make a new layer by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+N. Once that is done, get out your Polygannol Lasso Tool by looking at the following image: You have to hold down your mouse button to get it up. 4. Once this is done, zoom in as it is much easier, draw around the pupil. 5. Now, the last bit. Pick a colour that you want the eye to be, use your paintbucket tool and colour the inside bit of the eye that we have traced around. Set the layer to either: Overlay Sof Light Hard Light Darken Multiply It depends on what colour that you choose. Now, you are finished! you may add anything else that you would like to it but I just left mine basic. here is my outcome: Here is an other outcome: Anyway, I hope that you all enjoyed this and post your C&C and also your outcomes! Any problems, also state in your post
OK, in this tut, I am going to show you how to add shine to any text. For this example I will be using the TigerAds affiliate button. (the board is since closed so, I'm not really advertising ) OK then, lets get started! 1. Open up the image that you will be using, this is mine: 2. Now that your image is open and making sure that its the .psd so you can edit the text on it. In your layers menu, hold down CTRL and click on the text layer so that only the text is selected. Once done right, your text should have all those dotted lines around it. If so, you got it right like so: Once it is all selected, make sure to make a new layer. 3. Now that we have this done and making sure that we are working on our new layer, get out your paintbucket tool making sure that it is set to white or #FFFFFF. Simply fill in the text in white. Like so: Your whole text should now be coloured in white. 4. Now, we are going to add in the shine and vut away some of the white. Get out your Rectangular Marquee Tool located here: Once selested, drag it over part of the white text layer, about halfway or so. Once thats done, hit Delete. You should now have about half of the white text now like so: 5. This is the last tep to give it that "shine". Right click on the layer with the half white text on it and select "Blending Options". All you do is adjust the opacity so that it is faded and gives a nice look to it. Now, your done! If you find any problems with the tut, please, let me know. So yeah, I hope that you all enjoyed this, and, if you do use it, lets see your outcomes
AndrewM replied to OpaQue's topic in General Discussion
Ummmm...I understand with the images thing, but, do they have to linked? I mena, if they are small do they have to be? I'll post up my tuts now but i will provide links to them just in case but, if I am allowed to, I will add back in the pics -
Hey all, my name is Andrew. I am from ireland and also living here. i love to make Graohics and have posted in the SOTW #60 with my entry I'm 16, well, yeah, i don't really post a lot on intros because i just don't really know what to say lol.Anyway, hope to get to know you guys
I'm a member of the clan :DIts great fun really lol