If you want some think for you're guest's to do when they get bored or just want to chat to people i suggest you get a chat or some think similar as what i have done i have made my own chat site with a digichat for you's who no how much digichat's cost, yes they are very expensive but they bring great traffic to you're site's and if you have google ad's you can even make money off you're chatters and if you manage to creat a great online comuity people even donate but what i am trying to say is digichats,flash chats any think similar to them bring great traffic to you're site's.If any one is interested in a digichat i could talk to my digichat hoster he normaly charges $30 a month but you might be able to get it cheaper and if you think $30 a month for a digichat is riduculus visit the digichat inc website and see for you're self.Email/msn :james_nuggas@hotmail.com