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Posts posted by Graeme

  1. Hows this code for the main page -


    <html><head><title>My Page</title></head><frameset rows="100,*" border=0 frameborder=0 framespacing=0><frame src="http://glwebstuff.trap17.com/top.htm" NAME="top" scrolling="no"><frameset cols="160,*" border=0 frameborder=0 framespacing=0><frame src="/left.htm" name="leftside" scrolling="no"><frame src="/right.htm" name="rightside"></frameset></frameset><body></body><noframes><body bgcolor="#000000" text="#FFFFFF" alink="#FFFFFF" vlink="#FFFFFF" link="#FFFFFF">Hi and welcome to GL Web Stuff.<br>Unfortunately, your browser is not allowing you to view our website properly.  We use a framed layout which your browser is blocking.<br>In order to view this website better, please look into unblocking this.<br><br>Here is the main content that you would find on our page.<br><a href="/contact.html">Contact Us</a><br><br><a href="/right.html">HTML Scripts</a><br><a href="/javascript.html">Javascript Scripts</a><br><a href="/php.html">PHP Scripts</a><br><a href="/perl.html">Perl Scrips</a><br><br><a href="/webtools.html">Web Tools</a><br><a href="/forum.html">Forum</a><br><a href="/send.html">Send Us Your Script</a><br></noframes></html>

    And then on the /left.htm page, the code for the links are -


    <a href="/index.htm" target="rightside">Home</a>

    so that when the link is clicked, it appears on the right side of the frame.



    Is that all correct or does some of it need tweaking?

  2. A few years ago, I had a new phone for about a week and it suddenly stopped working. I took it to my phone shop and they said the phone had been currupted with a virus.I've learnt since then that the virus was sent through Bluetooth. The most common of bluetooth viruses is called Blooover/Blooover 2. It can be downloaded all over the internet and then sent to other phones via your phone.ALWAYS - keep your bluetooth hidden unless someone asks you to change your statusNEVER -accept data from someone you do not knowI hope this prevents anyone making the mistake I did, let me know if you've had previous experience of this and wether you think that what I have said is worthwhile.By the way, there are many many more viruses and hacking software out there for mobile phones, so dont let people see your on bluetooth.

  3. Here is the code that i picked up from a Javascript book that will tell you wether you are using Firefox or Internet explorer.


    obviously the (navigator.appName =="browser name") can be changed to different browsers.



    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 - Transitional//EN"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/;<head>		 <title>What's your browser?</title></head><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><h2>		   		<script language="Javascript1.5"		type="text/javascript">		<!-- Hide script from old browsers		if (navigator.appName =="Firefox") {		document.write("You are running a Firefox browser")		}		else {		if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") {		document.write("You are running Internet Explorer")		}		else {		document.write("You're not using Internet Explorer or Firefox, maybe you should!")		}	}		// End hiding script from old browsers -->		</script></h2></body></html>

  4. If you mean so it always stretches, just set the width values to percents, such as 100%. It can be anywhere from 1-100%

    Say There is a menu at the side, a menu on the right, and the main bit in the middle.

    I want the two bits on the sides to be fixed there all the time.

    I want them to stay there when i go to another link on my site, I want them to stay there when I scroll down and up.

    How can I do this? Which code is it? Are there any other threads on here that will support this?

    Thanks for any help given.

  5. From personal experience, I find that instead of taking shortcuts when you are writing html code, use the full link. It doesn't take that long to do, and you are then positive that the link will work.Use full links for links and images.do not use -

    <html><body><a href="/games.html"><img src="/games.jpg"></a></body></html>

    use -

    <html><body><a href="http://http://ww38.yoursite.com/games.html src="http://http://ww38.yoursite.com/games.jpg;</body></html>

    Hope this helps :)

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Always use proper bbcode tags. In this case
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