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Posts posted by onyxgem

  1. Alright so you want to make millions in 2 hours. First you need to work yourself up to get the millions, What you do is with about 60+ str kill flesh crawlers and start fishing. Once you have 300 k cash start tanning Green d hide; Which after tanned will be called green leather.Math:300 000 spent on supplies.Around 500 green d hides can be tanned every 15 mins.Buy green d hide at med, Which would cost 1698 ea. Which will get you about 177 which you can do in like 2 mins. You sell the green d hide back for 1850 ea, A little below med price. Which is 327 000 thats 27 000 in 2 mins!.Ok here comes the big bucks. Once you have 3 396 000 gp buy 1998 green d hide tan them and sell back for 3 700 000 guess how much cash that is an hour.3 396 000 - 3 700 000= 304 000Wow thats 304 000 an hour! Well done.! I use this way alot if you did this for 2 hours a day thats 608 000 a day for 1 week and u'll have 4 256 000 a week.In 1 month thats about 18.8 m around the same amount as rcing until your lvl 91 rcing. Hope this helps since it takes no skill. I would say this is better then rcing, since theirs no revants or any abysal creatures. Plus you need no requirements except the cash to spend.Warning:Please remember to have about 45 k left over to tan 2 k green d hide in 1 hour. And remember to have varrock tele tabs and ring of dueling ( its not necarily but it makes it go faster. Say thank you if you think this is a good gudie by.

  2. Ok the new game of grand theft auto has finally came out.Tell me what you think of the game. Im not saying that i got the game but i want to know how the game play is.Compare Grand Theft Auto IV to Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and Grand Theft Auto vice city. just those three games i want to see if i should buy it please also Tell me if the graphics our good.thanks and start posting.

  3. Recently ive benn playing halo 3 on x box live my gamer tag on x box live is SoilderBROSKI well anyways when i started playing this i thought it was dum but then after playing it online for like a week i got realy realy good i became luitenent Srry if i didnt spell that right. anyways i got realy good at using the sniper and the shoygun as a combo i sniped three guys with 1 shot how many pepole can say they have ive goten over kills triple kills and double kills like nothing anyways i wanan know your opinion on halo 3 ty.

  4. Id like for all of you guys that play games to help me out here. I need help in finding my very own runescape like game as you all know jagex messed up rune scape by taking stalking and pking the only means of fun and the only excitment in the game but now i need you guys to go look up on any serach engine and look up a game that has similar things to pking and stalking in other words the game must have pking and stalking in it it must have range and mage and mellee ty .

  5. well i was wondering instead of playing playstaion2 y notbe in in itiwas thinking of making a game wear humans can be in the game ivebeen thinking this for a long time untill finally some japnes guy inventedthe way it worked is ude have to get in this machine and and this laser thing would circle around u and ude wear some gogge ls and ure in the game preety what do u think

  6. i would choose and exotic fish my resonevreyone this days havea gold fish they getthem free at the faire by eather throwing a coin in a jar or shooting basketballs and thats not cool exoticfish is something someone else wouldnt havethe fish id like to have is a nurse shark some ppl keep them as pets becuse there nice and they dont bite well they do but not like a shark there a nice breed there small there up 2 less then a meter and there babys are born in a sack .well thats the type a fish i would have ure brothers and sisters or friends cant say they have 1 of this.

  7. Java GUI

    Making a Little Java Program

    Sec. 1: Imports and starting it off
    Sec. 2: Variables
    Sec. 3: Frame and Stuff
    Sec. 4: Declaring buttons
    Sec. 5: Adding buttons
    Sec. 6: Action Listening
    Sec. 7: Using this for a learning experience

    Section 1

    Now, let's think. What imports do we need? We obviously need GUI imports. We also need the action Listener. So,
    let's declare this at the very top:


    import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import javax.swing.*;
    That's all we need to get all our supplies. Now to start us off.
    Skip a couple lines and add:

    public class Tutorial extends JFrame implements ActionListener	  {
    Section 2

    Let's declare our variables.
    Right below the class, add

    private static Tutorial frame;	   private static JTextField text;
    I will tell you about this later.

    Section 3

    This is in all java programs. To start it and load everything, you must add:

    public static main(String[] args){
    We must now add the frame, so skip a 2 lines and add:

    frame = new Tutorial();		  frame.setTitle("Tutorial of GUI");		  frame.setSize(400, 100);		  frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE);		  frame.setVisible(true);
    Ending the statement, add one last "}"

    Section 4

    Now add:

    public Tutorial()	{Next add:

    setLayout(new BorderLayout());			  JTextField text = new JTextField(10);			  JButton button = new JButton("JButton1");			  JButton button1 = new JButton("JButton2");			  JButton button2 = new JButton("JButton3");			  JButton button3 = new JButton("JButton4");			  JPanel panel = new JPanel();
    That adds the button vars.

    Section 5

    Let's add the buttons now. Add right below that, add:

    panel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());			  panel.add(button);			  panel.add(button1);			  panel.add(button2);			  panel.add(button3);	   add(panel, BorderLayout.NORTH);		  button.addActionListener(this);		   button1.addActionListener(this);			button2.addActionListener(this);			 button3.addActionListener(this);		 }
    That adds the buttons on.

    Section 6

    Let's make the outcome of clicking the button. Add:

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)		  {		   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, " was selected." );		  }	 }That tells you what button was selected.

    Now save and compile. Now run the program and see what the outcome is.

    Section 7

    You can view other things like this at:
    This will help you understand all the functions of java GUI.

    -Bill for Unkn

    note:i copied this from my word and pasted it here hope this helps ya out im sorry if i misspelled anything i type fast :)

  8. well, you can have it at like 60+ mage 40 cb easily with no hp then, all u gotta do is get the hp up with more mage? items/levels needed:level 4+ magefull iron or any good armourbody runeswater or earth runesearth or water staff (depending on the choice of runes^) if chosen to take earth runes take water staff or other way round.well here it is:1. buy like 5000 body runes, earth and water, oh and full iron (or highest armour possible) and have ALL magic minus bonus items. NOTE: you cna have earth / water staff you chose.2. go to varrock sewer wearing all your iron and minus magic items and body runes and stuff 3. now go to the zombies in varrock sewer if you dont know the way look at the picture: 4. now youre there go to the magic book near inventory. and click on the curse/weaken/confuse and when youre at the zombies you can keep using it on them until you get the magic level wanted or you run out of runes.5. if you like this guide and it helps feel free to press the "thanks" button in the corner.NOTE: may take time to get 60+ mage but its worth it for like a 10 hp pure!!!!! then after, to get your hp up do range or more mage (not using that spell). :) hope this help__________________

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