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Posts posted by LethalX

  1. Your lucky, at least your site got listed, me, I tried adding my URL, but i dont wanna pay for giving them something, and if I want them to add my URL then I will just add search spiders, but I never saw my site listed any way...Google is good and bad, but still, it doesn't change the fact that I only got 13 members within the first month of trying by my self, advertising at graphics forums, the site is dead now and I am aiming for a new site, so this is where i hope Xisto can help me out :)

  2. In my opinion, google, rather than take over microsoft, can make its own microsoft similar desktop and laptop personal computers, I think that it would probably a nice, smooth white tower, a flat screen moniter, and the button for turnon/off would be a blue G and restart button would be a red G. And on the side, it would probably have the google logo and all. And I had a couple name ideas for it as well: Google Desktop Google-Top G-Inventor GD-i6000 Google Desk Elitewhat do you think? well feel free to comment on my name ideas and theories. and its a nice thought, just think if we could have an even better system than microsoft.

  3. Well, I just played half life 2:deathmatch, and let me tell you, its pretty fun, although I think that it could have at least allowed microphones, and the the whole weapon switch thing is a little odd, it does kind of remind me of halo in a sence, but the jumping is rediculously stupid, if you want to jump high you have to crouch too, and that (for me) is pretty hard. What do you guys think of Half Life 2: Deathmatch, and what would you do differently with it.Me personally, I would have added some more (deathy) things in there, make it less hard to do things, and I would have added some better character design. (not graphics wise but shape and things like that).Well, go ahead and discuss.

  4. Do you think there will ever be a free Image, File, Video, and flash host all on one site? I doubt there is, and wouldn't it be great if you could register and have your own account, kinda like a photobucket layout, but with more file extensions and file hosting, if there is link me right away! It would be so awesome if they had unlimited image size and 5 minute video length. well what are your thoughts on this?

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