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Posts posted by lloydg

  1. Im wanting to make a program that can inject a dll into a process. Im trying to make an utility program for an online game I play.If any one can help with an idear of how to do this it would be greatly appreciated. if you need more information on what im doing just ask but i hope u get the idear.thanks, lloyd

  2. I want to learn C/C++, i know some other languages such as some BASIC once and python, what should i download to get C/C++ is it Visual studio? and is that free and if possible could i get a link to the right 1.. i have looked on Google but there was to much stuff to pick from. also if you know nay good tutorials to learn the syntax of C/C++ i would like a link them as well.thanks

  3. well to make a mod if thats waht u want to do u need to download from the elderscrolls page the elder scrolls construction set
    witch i beleave were all the mods are made i dont think there are any third party program but i havnt really done much modding for this game.

    here is a link to the page
    and a download link

    good luck with your mod

    p.s. Oblivion rocks!

  4. This sucks i get the same error saying 'Failed to obtain a trial activation code from the nTitles server' when i open the game then it just closes it :):)has any one fixed this problem im use a leagly downloaded version and you are ment to get a trail maby there servers are down?can some please help i really want to use this program

  5. Hi i have been growing my hair for severn months now and i keep getting told it looks gay now it is quite long i have to straightening it which only causes further torment.
    Is it gay to have longer hair? Should i get it cut or just keep on growing it like i want?

    Also i was looking on the net for website with mens hair styles so i can choose how to style my hair they are all rubbish with wacky hair outragous styles and pictures that look like your grandad took them when he first got a camera, 60's porn stars are the only hair "style" sites i can seem to find! (not literally lol ;.) )

    does anyone know a site i can look at pictures of decent hair styles for men so i can finnaly get my hair styled properly how i want it?
    Please let me know by replying thanks alot. :)

    lol my hair is way longer :):) well think its like half way down my chest lol.... it dose have anythign to do with your orientation.... lol

  6. lol you know nothing :) u need to lern to make scripts there still not cheating but it geats pritty close.. i mean cheating as it VAC would not like it... lol like u used hax and stuff but they can get u ban but u can use scripts with dont get u ban waht they are is basicly a file u call apon with has a buch of commands in a row or bind some key to do stuff.... i had a script that let my do bunny hops and a scripts that let me go birst fire, single shot, and fully qutomatic option and automatic for pistalls.... witch is sweet with the dules :);)...btw this is for Counter-Strike souce but im pritty shore the work for cs...if u guys waht me to post any of these scripts just ask me or soemthing :)

  7. If you read the Xisto read me you would know that the longer the posts the more credits you will get, shorts posts like these are considered spam and do not contribute to the forum. Also some forums are set up to give less credits while some are set up to give more; the max being 10 credits per post.

    Hmmm what forums are set up to give the most is there a page about this or can u tell me or some please would be usfull but maby it would be aloud becasue its "cheep" or soemthing

    but please tell me some 1

  8. I like it :)... Im not shore if they would do it lol.. its a good idear because if u have a site with lots of trafic u would not have to post as much... not that posting is bad its a good thing...i think maby 0.01 is a bit to low maby 0.1 or and maby there could be more credits for if htey click on it but maby 1 per ip butsounds good i would want it

  9. Dose any here play DotA.. because i do.. what hero do you use and what is your faverout mode..

    Fav hero: Luna (just cuz she's my more currnt not really my fav but yeah)
    fav mode: apem.. lol n00b mode

    abit about dota from there web site so you can know what it is if u dont play.

    What is DotA?
    DotA stands for Defense of the Ancients, it's a free mod for Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne. The purpose of the game is to defend your Ancient and try to destroy the opponents Ancient. The ancients are located deep in both bases, which are located at the top right and bottom left corners of the map. There are over 70 heroes that differ greatly in play style. Each of these heroes have been carefully designed so they are both balanced and unique. The map is updated frequently, sometimes to add new heroes, fix bugs or to make a balance update. The strategies possible with DotA are pretty much endless, choosing the wrong item and hero combination can mean the difference between a win and a loss for your team. The gameplay in DotA Allstars can be classified as relatively fast because as the game progresses any small mistake you make can be fatal to the overall team.


  10. Previously i have used phpbb... but i have only herd bad thing about it from people... like its good becuase its used by lots of people... but there like it gets hacks heeps n stuff... it was alwas a pain add mods when u have a different theme... are tehre other onces that u can add mods easyer... or they all that hard?... e107 or something i used 1once that has a forum in it?... and is myBB good and dose it have lots of mods and themes out there for it?... i need to dicide what to use for my site when i get hosted here..

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