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Posts posted by logansmeadow

  1. Personally, my switch to vista has been relatively flawless for the programs that I run....that being said I bought a new computer a year ago and had no choice. XP was no longer available where I made my purchase.I've been relatively happy with it. Once I made my piece with the constant "Are you okay with this action" pop ups when I was customizing and the odd upgrade needed I was okay. My only BIG problems were the fact my one year old printer was obsolete and I was forced to buy a new one as an upgrade wasn't going to be available for another 4 months (grrr).If I was to do t all over again though......I think I would have gone the Mac route, just to try it out at the very least. In all honesty I only stayed with Windows due to the graphics program I have become accustomed to.

  2. logansmeadow - Not Good, this sig is cut and paste without any effort.


    EXCUSE me! I will have you know that I used layers with this sig as well as the animated effect. Unless you are the one sitting at MY computer making THIS tag, you have no clue.


    Make your vote....if I don't win I honestly don't care. i thought it may be fun to participate as a fellow Xisto member invited me to do so, however if I'm to picked apart by someone who obviously has no clue about what I can and can't do.....well I don't feel like being banned so I won't post exactly what is going through my mind.


    If this is the way that members here on this board judge people, than I want no part of it. I am sure that the others who have been rated negatively would feel the same. Easy to judge when you yourself haven't participated isn't it?


    Request being made:

    Either remove your post, or remove my entry. This is ridiculous and pure spite.


    ***edit*** I formally retract that part.....I think that it wouldn't speak well of myself to have it removed merely from what

    was said regarding my work. contrary to how my post may sound, I can take criticism.....what I won't stand for is an insult.

    I would love for his comment to remain, as I think it speaks volumes as to how the post lacked both judgement and taste.



    Thanks you sonesay for your comment :)

  3. Wow that is incredibly creepy. I have never heard of this story but I have heard of the paintings.I'll definitely be passing this one on to a few friends I know that love a good tale that makes yourskin crawl.What's really interesting is that if this story was just made up, how much creativity the editor shows.It really makes me wonder if this really did happen.

  4. and it comes out of the ground less than a 2 hour drive from here, the refinery is a 4 hour drive away.

    I often wonder about this. Here in Ontario, our gas prices are lower compared to those in Western Canada. And yet
    I am further from the refineries? I have given up on trying to figure it out. The more I think of it each time I fill up
    my vehicle the more frustrated I get. There seems to be absolutely no rhyme or reason as to how they get their final
    number that they put up on that sign.

    This weekend my husband was able to get gas at 89 cents! The next day it went right back up to 104 :)

  5. You are quite talented! I particularly like the one with the dragon s beside your ID.With the fire breathing dragon, I think it would look even better if you were to redo the fire. It seems quite uniform and not enough colours/tones.Another aspect I like is how you have the characters popping out from the sig boxes :lol:

  6. Hi :lol:There are a lot of choices on the internet for selling your art work. Mind boggling at times and most times it's hard to decide which one will be more lucrative or worth the time and effort you will put into selling your work.I have been selling my art on Ebay for over a year now. I mostly specialize in ACEO and OSWOA formats, both are Small Format Art. UnfortunatelyEbay isn't quite the venue for collectors of art anymore, but the traffic and exposure are still there. I also sell on a site called Etsy. It's a site similar to ebay, however it's for handmade items only and only offers a fixed-price format without an optionto auction your work. I really like the site, however it has nowhere near the traffic that Ebay does.I also have a blog speaking of my art and a space within deviantart (which also has the option of selling prints of an artist's work) And just recently I have launched my own website to tie these all together.I guess my advice to your friend would be this: get your name out in as many places as possible. However be smart about it. Ebay is great because ithas the traffic, however the market is fickle and a sale depends greatly on wether the right buyer sees your work or what's "hot" at the moment. It can get overly expensive rather fast there (listing fees, possible relist and yet another relist, plus final value fees, plus paypal fees if that's one of the optionsgiven to the buyer to submit payment).The listing fees at Etsy are quite a bit lower. I believe it's 20 cents per listing for a 2 month period....not sure, I'll have to check. but again, the trafficis nowhere near as high as Ebay, but would be the second best site to go with. I use Etsy as my actual "store" however I do have a shop section withinmy site that leads to it. Do the site, however make sure he doesn't limit himself to only that. Word of mouth and business cards are great, but you need to go where the buyersare. Use those other venues to drive the traffic to the site and hopefully it will work for him! To be honest mine is still rather new, so that part I can'tguarantee. I will definitely say that the other parts that I have had a part in during the last year have definitely help get my name and my art out there.I wish him the best of luck! :D

  7. Hello matt2 and mich, thanks for the welcome :lol:I'll be sure to remember to holler out for help when needed.I will definitely have a look at your site mich. I have a paid hosting site that I just recently launched. But I'm sure there will be a time when the layoutwill need to be revamped. :D

  8. In your original opening post, I prefer the 4th sig...very nicely put together. I'm really loving the effect.In regards to your latter three, I prefer the third sig, however the writing is hard to read. If that is whatyou're going for, then great. Otherwise I would recommend a different font.Overall you're doing really great. :lol:

  9. Thanks for the welcome jhaslip! :D I deal with many types of images....but I gravitate quite often to fairies, fantasy and anything unusual in regards to graphics.As far as my paintings and drawings, I frequently use animals, fairies and landscapes as my subject matter.I think I have checked the Readme, but I'm sure that I will be reading it over a few more times. I definitely don't want to step on any toes or be in violations of any rules while I'm here*hoping I haven't already done so :lol:

  10. Hmmmm.....you seem quite familiar as well. Can't place it :P Thank you so much for the welcome! I'll definitely go and find me a place to park myself over at the graphics forum :D *btw the fruits and veggies were quite good.....although the pears were a little over-ripe :Dummmmm, quick question....would you happen to have a link for the graphics area....I can't seem to locate it :lol: Thanks!

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