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Posts posted by doom145

  1. So the new 3G mobile phones are quickly becoming a success - in Japan, at least - with Vodaphone leading the way.


    How about in your area? Have the 3G phones arrived on the market and are they selling like hotcakes?


    Urm, they been out here for ages, and i dont see the point of them, they are just a complete waste of time, i just want a really awesome phone , video calling would be nice but it aint needed :D its boring, the signal has to be on at least 50% to do it, otherwise it says no signal, and there isnt much of a difference in the speed of the internet either, yeah sure now u can use the mobile as ur internet but u could do that anyway, but now all u can do is download a file artound about 3kb/sec while before u could download at 1kb/sec not much of a difference -_-

  2. well it isnt bad, why would it be bad, tell us that and I will see if i can help u, but invisible counters is better because the info stays with you, but if it visible, other people can see and take advantage of that, if you NEED a counter, have an invisible one because its safer for the person who comes on your site because if some1 has your ip address, man can they ruin ur pc in like 10 days

  3. well,i atm, with my dad am building a pc, my old pc also used to make a LOT of noise and the cpu overheated, the best thing to do i think is to get a tornado to cool them down, or put an ice pack in there, thats quiet,lol, urm u could have a water cooler, i have seen them work quite quietly and very good coolers, the only problem is that u need a 450 watts power supply LOL the other fans are no good, a brass fan is good but in U.K u can only get them for AMD and stuff, not for INTEL, try a water cooler, and also, it depends on ur hardrive, they make a lot of noise

  4. Nice guide Doom, even though that wasnt' just 2 mins.  A good way to test my webpages before sending it to hosting. I tried to install Apache+PHP+MySQL on my Windows XP, couldn't get them to work, after 2 hours I just gave up and decided to find a free hosting site with all these provided. and here I am.


    ya, i had the same problem, win xp is realy nasty for this sought of stuff, i would try and install them manually, like create a new user in ur win xp and then open up CMD and then install from that, it automatically runs the services needed for that, if your styill interested

  5. well, is this the first domain you added? I think you might have clicked the add button too many times and it counts each click as one domain, but i also think Xisto might be having difficulties, bear with them for just a second and if you cant add even after a few days, contact an administrator prefrebly Opaque(no offence nilsc)

  6. I would like to add to whyme's reply. Also do not forget to post of some content and not just "LOL" or "thank you". And copying things of the net is a big no-no here as well.


    In your case huls, please make slightly longer posts. That in itself will help you with your hosting credits. The length and content of your posts is more important than the amount you post. (and one other hint... the "report to moderator" feature sends a pm to all admins and moderators and is solely used to get our attention to problems - not to reply. While I can understand a mistake, just try to not do that again LOL :))


    no offence but how are u moderator when u have just posted three times :);)B) Lol, thats freaky and wrong, u dont have the capability to be moderator as ur dont have the time to even post at this forum, so why tell us to post longer when u urself dont post at all!!!

    Notice from NilsC:
    This is an offence to me, you received a warning for your 'glib' remark. Moderators are here to moderate the forums, they do not answer to you. I made moonwitch a moderator and if you have any problem with a moderator, PM me!

  7. Are you for or against cloning?


    I will start by telling you that I am for cloning. Why? It can save many human lives, bring back extinct species and maybe put an end to many of mankind's problems (see world hunger). Of course it can create many more, some of them could seem SF.

    Well I see cloning like the nuclear bomb. At first it could and it will probably be an weapon (see hiroshima and nagasaki ... off-topic: two months ago, before the american elections someone intervied a lady in Ney York and they asked her why she will vote for Bush. She sad "because it is good to know he can drop the nuclear bomb again to protect america". Well that kind of thinking seems very, very, very stupid to my but i am not an american citizen so... ) but if that won't wipe us out from the surface of the earth cloning will be the future. Remember that we where near (30 min near) full nuclear war in the '60. But we lived and now the nuclear bomb is still a threat but it's the same technology that gives us energy and maybe one day take us to the stars.


    So I ask you once again are you for or are you against cloning?

    I have one more question for you...

    It has been a documentary on Discovery Channel regarding the cloning of the tasmanian tiger (for the ones who haven't seen it you should see it). Did they do any more progress other then what thay showed on TV?


    I am for cloning to a point, if it is for experiments, no, if it is for a life and death situation then that is fine, i wouldnt mind getting a clone of myself so that i can tell u lot my knowlege of technology :) but the problem with cloning is that ur not alive, if you die, ur not alive, ur "clone" is alive but ur heart and sole is dead, it might satisfy ur friends but ur familywill recognise that its not the same to have me than the cline as the clone will know half the stuff you know but i puke myself if the clone went out with the girl i fancee lol, thats just lame and that would be stupid, a clone having sex rather than me, NOT FAIR :)B)

  8. Okay first of all let me mention that I like sex just like anyone one else.  When I first started using the internet I thought cybersex was kind of fun in a unique new experience sort of way.  Well I learned there was more to the internet and grew up and decided that cybersex was not for me anymore.


    Well I have put out many innocent profiles on my various instand messanger sevices and well strange men contact me hoping to chat about sex.  I have had to put in all my profiles that I am not into that sort of thing.  The most annoying thing of all is a high percentage of those men are from froeighn countries and have wives.  I always tell them to read my profile first because half the time they don't bother.  I also tell them I don't want to chat about sex or cybersex.  They still persist.  What is it about men do they think that us american women are easy or something.


    I am more than just hormones and physical needs.  All well that is my rant.


    you GO GIRL!!!! POWER TO U

  9. look, steven(aka holyhedghog)i wouldnt get neither of these phones, if you want to get a decent phone, get that new slim nokia, its like flat as ever!!!!and its so light u cant feel it, and the memory is verrry big, i am selling my nokia 7600(the one i showed u when we were walking to home/train)i am selling that and getting that slim phone :)

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