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Posts posted by Jarlaxe

  1. Whooah, i found one i really like! Its called Ewisoft. Very simple with a load of great templates. You can also switch between html and normal is a click of a button. Its easy to use and even fun! Hope to upload my site soon =)Note: I highly recomend ewisoft.

  2. ahh yeah i tried wysiwyg "you see what you get" and it worked well until i started getting some bugs with it. So im out again looking for some more free site builders. Thanks for the info on the mozzilla one, ill look into that.Thanks people.

  3. Yes, well generally its quite hard to teach history when there is no history to teach. America has onlt been a free country for... what 300 years? It must be hard to fill up the history lessons with only how America got its independance, and the part they played in the second world war. But anyway yes schools are going to (bad swaer word :lol: ) everywhere. Ever since they stopped using the cane and beating children results have been slacking. And thats coming from me.... A 15 year old.

  4. Great new free game that I have been playing for a while now. It is one of the five most popular PC action games played online. It provides players with the most realistic military experience available, from exploring the development of Soldiers in individual and collective training to their deployment in simulated missions in the War on Terror.Visit official site here: https://www.americasarmy.com/
    Get your levels up, join a clan, drive veichles and much more. I like it and i hope you do too! :lol:

  5. I dont like America because:1) They are the biggest polluters in the world (china is second)2) The only reason they sent troops to Iraq was to steal oil3) They stole the idea of rounders and changes it into baseball4) The stole rugby and made it into their own sport5) Largely rascist (Everyone is rascist but america goes the furthest)6) Still treat blacks like dirt in some parts of the country7) Trying to control everything. --> Americas 53rd state --> The Universe8) Claiming part of Antarctica even though they went their behind many other countries9) They think they are better than everyone else (generally)Im sorry but thats just the way i feel. As well as this most americans i have met i have not liked.

  6. Adults always say to go tell a teacher. But me (not being an adult) prefer to do things by myself or with my friends. Telling a teacher will just get you a bad reputation (expecially in secondary/high school). Get back at him would be my advice. If you are smaller than him then do stuff he wouldnt expect you to do. ie take his bag when hes not looking and set fire to it. Only back down when there is no teacher near you and always stick up for yourself.Nobody likes a whiner... (.... this idea is not to be used if the "bully" is really dangerous, ie he brings in knives)Also, if this is in the US then you would probably get killed because kids are always killin each other over there.:)

  7. Adsense Manager is a new Wordpress plugin to help manage Adsense ads on your blog. While other plugins require you to copy and paste code from the Google Adsense site, Adsense Manager generates the code automatically for you.

    You can modify Ads right from your Wordpress admin panel - change colours, type and size of ads with a push of a button. On Wordpress Widgets enabled blogs you can also drag the Ads around your Sidebar to position them as you like.

    Sidebar Modules (as used in the popular K2 theme) are now also supported.

    Download the latest version --> http://www.ssh101.com/

    1.Unzip the downloaded package and upload the Adsense Manager folder into your Wordpress plugins folder
    2.Log into your WordPress admin panel
    3.Go to Plugins and Activate the plugin
    4.Adsense Manager will now be displayed in your Options section and Ads appears under Manage.
    5.Set your AdSense Account ID under Options ť AdSense
    6.Create and modify your Ad blocks under Manage ť Ads

    Complete usage instructions are available here --> http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    (Sorry for posting links but im having trouble using hyperlinks at the moment)

  8. Do you like his books, i think they are some of the best i have ever read.Heres a list of the series you can buy: (the forgotten realms)The Icewind Dale Trilogy The Dark Elf Trilogy Legacy of the Drow Paths of Darkness The Cleric Quintet The Hunter's Blades Trilogy The Sellswords Trilogy Transitions War of the Spider Queen I highly recommend them!

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