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Posts posted by v36rox

  1. i am using ubuntu but i cant seem to get my broadcom wireless card to work in iti found some other forums and 9 out of 10 people tried to get it working but couldent.i was thinking of changing to kubuntu but it just doesnt seem much betteri think i am going to totally get rid or ubuntu and get OpenSuSE i heer its alot better. i'm not sure but i also heer its better fr the wireless card and that the broadcom card works in it. :):(:) :) oh wel good luck with that:(

  2. Ok wel i hate school because it is so boring and so i am now home schooled. it is way better and now i get to finish school at 10 and spend the rest of the day here on trap. lol :) :) :P:):( :( and i can take a day off wenever i want and just make it up the next day. i hated stayin in school til 4. it really sucked and everything i learned is gone anyway lol.i spend most of my time on youtube anyway. microsoft sux.:)

  3. hmm wel i have a laptop only. for my school work but when i'm done school i plan to get a desktop because my gaming and stuf takes alot of processor speed, ram and a good grafics card which are very hard to come by on a laptop so i have an almost new (since black friday) compaq laptop which is not good for much gaming but its alright. the only thing that really gets me about this computer is the video card (radeon 200m) it is a piece of crap it can barely run any fps games. and if it does its very slow. and a friend has a old dell with a p4 and it runs most games great. not sure what to do but i want a desktop partly because i can just upgrade the video card rather than just buyin a new comp. i find a desktop better. idk

  4. Hello, yes i have tried them all in the past. the only one i actully kept was vista inspirat. friend tried the transformation pack but it just screwed over his computer wen he tried to unnstall. my fav look is also the vista inspirat very nice start menu. nice clock. also it comes with y's shadow which is kewl and very useful. and my favorite part about it is the object dock it is very easy to use and now i rarely clic on any of my desktop icons. it adds nice real looking minimise resore and close buttons and a very nice look. transformation pack was ok since it had the real vista start button which wasnt as nice as the inspirat button anyway but just really messed up your computer. i got tired of it eventually and now im bac to classic but it was nice and really impressed some people. i wouldent get the transformation pack though. just the inspirat bickopack it was way bettern and better designs.Good luck.......I see noreson to buy the real vista though bec my dad justbought a new comp with it and its not really any better decides some more eye candy.i'd never upgrade anyway i'd just buy a new computer.

  5. cant be real. google has only 4 results of "microsoft bill gates edition" and 2 of them are here.get me a screenshot. if he does hav it i would def get it from him and try it outhe prob just put up a bill gates bootloader screen and some wallpaper or mabe bill gates on the start menu. not hard to doi highly doubt he has anything of the sort and even if he does it prob isnt installable on another computer.i think your friend just might be on drugs or something

  6. i just keep up my firewall and i also try to keep AdAware up and running it seems to be working good. i woud never use Norton i HATE IT. all the updates and all it slows down my computer. and especially on the new one it makes you do setup and everytihng unless u end the process lol :).avast is pretty good. avg antivirus is also good.

  7. WAT!?!?!?. doesnt anyone here use the best web browser ever..... MOZILLA FIREFOX!!!! i think it blows away any other web browser. tried opera but too much stuf and too complicated. i like mozilla b/c its fast, has tabs, kewl skins, keeps it simpleand also it is available for linux too. DONT use IE its the worst and to much popups. and its VERY slo.anyone agree???

  8. I really don't think Microsoft will win this one. I can think they are just trying to scare people, making them think they are doing something wrong so linux will stop. But this really shows that Microsoft knows that linux will eventually be a threat to them in the future.

    i'm sure there is no way of microsoft winning this. there are millions of linux developers and to make them all quit thats just crazy. i have never heard of something so stupid. i do not support bill gates or steve jobs. they both have plenty of money. microsoft is just too jelous that lunux is getting all the attention now. within a few years more and more people will start to use linux and see that there is no need for microsoft products. M$ makes enough money as it is off of just the xbox and the zune. i own neither of them nor will i ever use any of microsoft software. i do currently run xp on this old machine just for my scholing which requires MS. the new linux beryl is just amasing. if u think vusta's aero affect is neet check out the linux beryl. videos on youtube. the 3D affects are just amasing. if you want to give linux a try but dont want to download a gig of software go to puppylinux.org and try that out. its great for beginners and is only 85mb to download and its on a live cd so there is no need to install it just pop it in the rive next time u boot. or for more advanced users there is opensuse which has every program u could want but is alot to download and lern. also there is plenty of great open source software that is free out there and is even better. like the Gimp and Open office. i see no need for microsoft products. just because everyone thinks that is what everyone has and they will never find the right programs in it they dont even give it a try. i think linux is just great i dont know what i would do with out it. and as far as microsoft coppying off mac its true. microsoft; make something original for once.

  9. There is something which no one can disagree against and that is how computers have revolutionized our world, in many aspects, not just in the different fields but also the way we work and play. There is always this talk about how we are going to enter the new generation filled by this amazingly built processors. We can go on about how computers really help to conserve a lot of things, take for e.g. with more reliance on computers, we would not need to cut down as many trees, and we could help go a further step in saving our environment, saving the habitats of our animals in the world who needs these trees to survive.
    However, we have to go forward in a realistic point of view. Documents on a computer, they are all digitalized forms, there can be 1001 ways for anyone to gain access, delete or modify them. We honestly can't hope to have a 100% safe way of protecting them, because there isn't. Look at how many sites are hacked per day, that should really give you an idea. Soft copies may be the in-thing but hard copies in my opinion should not be disregarded no matter how far we progress in terms of building our information highway. Grades may be entered in the database or through some web portal of the school, teaching can be done wirelessly and through certain output devices but what I am trying to emphasize here is not to be over-reliant on a PC. Lets have 2 sides, one based on the raw materials and one based on technology.

    If ever a day comes whereby somehow our computer crashes and all servers are not functioning, what then? We will be thanking these raw materials.

    true, anyway if it wasnt for computers bill gates wouldent be so rich. I actually dont support bill gates or steve jobbs. i use linux :) . also computers have really changed the world of gaming. i myselfe dont own any game systems. i find online games way funner wen u can talk to eachother. i think the new windows vista isnt all that great. its not worth neer all its credit that everyone gives it. if you havent seen it yet you should go to youtube and chech out the new Beryl for linux. i think linux will play a big roll in the future of computers. windows is goin down within a few years.

    anyway is u think vista aero is neet check out beryl linux. its amasing and it is the future of computing.
    :):(:P:( :( :) :)

  10. Same here. Lying on the internet is acceptable and recommended to some degree, but don't take it too far.
    I have lied too much and I have learned it the hard way. Now, I just avoid questions or try to confuse who's asking it.
    For example, if somebody wants to know my age, I'll give them a complex equation and tell them that the answer they get is my age. I even lie then, if I think that the person asking is capable of completing the equation properly.

    I give a latitude and longitude region for my location, as untrustworthy people don't have maps ( from my personal experience, only nice people can figure out my location that way ).

    well i wouldn't lie outright maybe exaderate a little.

  11. No, but only if very very necessary such as when i come out of a fire accident, or get bitten by a lion or something, that disfigures my face, but all the minor things, i won't do it. It makes you look unnatural, makes your face look like its been made out of plastic

    True. I'd say it is wrong because you were ment to look the way you are.
    just like if you are really overweight and you get some kind of surgry to look more skinny it is wrong because if you would just have selfe control in your eating you wouldent look the way you do.
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