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Posts posted by lifemaximum

  1. Zero hour is great.... They have sets of generals whom has different weapons ... for e.g. there is air force general u have all these planes and your airplanes are strong , if u choose the laser general he uses laser weapons and all and there are many more. Zero hour also got a new section for single player mode , it is called challenge and each general challenge each others weapons and tactics to see who wins. there are whole new lots of maps that u can download from the net by updating the gameIt is a really good game i recommand this game, It is my fav so far .... Try to get the demo version and give it a try first

  2. Hi allPrince of persia such a great game , i love it .it has a great story line and cool actions it is really great. anyway i have a problem , u know the level where he gains the scropion sword in the prison level , where do u go after that ? I can not get out of there it is quite frustrating no being able to find the way . Anyone out there can help me with it ??? it will be much apperciated ,

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