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Posts posted by blogmaster

  1. your script though was a little generic. try to make one that not only lists related keywords, but digs through the related keywords to find more keywords. make the script to send all keywords found to a file that eventually outputs all keywords and related keywords down to 5-6 generations.

    I will look into this. Thanks for your great contribution anwiii :rolleyes:

    Great script you´ve developed...I searched a few keywords and I liked the results.
    I will use this tool whenever I need to know some info about keywords.
    Keep up the good work

    Thanks for the compliment nummell. It inspires me to keep on improving the tool.

  2. Ha ha, what bad luck! :P

    You can say that again. I hope I haven't lost a few of my loyal traffic in the process :D

    It is for that very reason that you are recommended to leave a single blank lne at the bottom of the .htaccess file on an Apache server.

    I'm sure it would. You see jlhaslip, I wasn't even aware of this recommendation. Now it's the last thing I will forget! :D
    Oh, and thanks for confirming my observation :P

    or you may consider leaving some blank lines after your last line of code.

    When I wrote that, I figured it should work but I hadn't tested it.

  3. A few minutes ago I was looking at site management tools section in my Control Panel. The tool "Index Manager" caught my eye. If I used it, then I wouldn't need to create placeholder pages in my folders with no index pages :P What I had forgotten is that I already had an .htaccess file in my site. Needless to say, enabling this option took down my whole site instantly and displayed an "Internal Server Error" message. How stupid of me! :D Upon inspection of my .htaccess file, I noticed that the tool had added the relevent command in the same line with my last command (and not leaving any space between my last word and it's first!) causing the commands to clash.So if you are thinking of using any of these tools and you suspect that it may alter your .htaccess file I suggest you get the relevent code first and place it yourself in the .htaccess file, or remove all your code and place it after the tool has written to it or you may consider leaving some blank lines after your last line of code.Having said that, I hope you won't make the same stupid mistake I just did :P

  4. I use notepad++ to edit my website, I only need this because I use CSS and only use a bit of graphics (small ones).

    Notepad++ is a great piece of software. It's the only one I use since I the bulk of my sites are PHP codes. It does include a WYSIWYG editor but I don't use it at all. I focus more on functionality than on design. I'm a programmer not a designer. I'm not very creative :XD:

  5. I guess you guys are talking about BruteHost :XD: I share the same sentiments with you. I've also hosted a mock site with Byethost. At first I wasn't worried by their stone age control panel since they promised NO ads, PHP and a database. But then I found out I couldn't sent emails from my website since they disabled the PHP mail() function, and NO SMTP either! I just abandoned the site but sometimes when I check it out, I see some ads, sometimes I don't. These guys just don't stick to the service they promise.I have also tried a handful other free host, some are OK but most suck. ONLY Xisto rocks!

  6. Starting an online business is not rocket science, but it's very easy to fail if you are not careful either. Below I will try to outline some of the steps you can to increase your chances of success.

    Decide what you want to do. it is very important that you do someting you enjoy doing. I suggest evaluating your interests first.

    Carry out keyword research.

    Register a domain.

    Create your web site.

    Market it.

  7. I made tips for this HERE.

    Great tips you have there CJ :XD:


    You will also need to research your market. Use research tools like Keyword Enchanter.


    You might need to advertise, to save your budget. Try Adsense.

    I think you mean AdWords there.


    Then to make the amount of money that it has cost to advertise, use Adversal and Adsense on your website!

    There is a trade off here. If you use pay per <- snipped -> on your site like AdSense, you risk losing some of your customers to your competitors. You are actually advertising competing products on your site this way. Besides, these ads also do not look professional. I suggest displaying AdSense ONLY on content pages or pages that you are not offering any of your products for sale.


    2). Use Freehostia to be hosted

    Yes FreeHostia is a good host BUT NOT for business websites. FreeHostia does not give you access to SMTP or the PHP mail() function. What this means is that you can NOT sent emails from your website or from your domain hosted on FH either :D This is bad for business as you would want to communicate with your customers now and then. The best free hosting package I know is right here at Xisto :)

  8. Great Article. I agree that open source is more secure. That is a fact. A good pointer is MS Windows vs Linux. The later is open source and it is known to be more secure than the former. I think this is mainly because of the fact that open source is more flexible in that anyone can apply a patch for security holes found in open source.

  9. A member of my keyword research forum recently asked me "the best practical uses of keyword research tools". If you would like to know my answer to this question, then read on...


    In short, the best uses of keyword research tools is finding the best words:

    to get search engine traffic,

    to persuade people to act,

    to increase return on pay per click investment, and

    to analyze the demand and supply of a particular product/market

    These "best words" are the words that potential users expect to find on a web page. These are the keywords. The more popular a keyword is with potential clients, and the less popular it is with webmasters the better.


    Getting search engine traffic (search engine optimization)


    When searching for information on the Internet, surfers (your potential clients, visitors, customers - whichever way you like to call them) use words to locate it using search engines. Search engines look for these words in the text of a web page, its indexable code and/ or in the links pointing to it. These are the words that are important to website owners and hence are known as keywords.


    Knowing these keywords and optimizing your web pages accordingly, helps website owners to attract a lot of traffic through search engines.


    Keyword research tools help you to identify these and any extra keywords that you may not have thought of by yourself. Not only that, a good keyword research tool should also be able to show you the competition for that keyword. A good example is Keyword Enchanter.


    Persuading people to act (Copywriting)


    Every web page is created for a purpose (I think :P). Some pages are created to persuade people to buy certain products or services, some to give away things for free etc. To get people to do what you want, you need to demonstrate you can fulfill their needs. So how do you demonstrate this? We use words!


    Use keyword research tools to find keywords that your potential customers are trying to use to find information that fulfill their needs. Then use those exact words to persuade them!


    Increasing return on pay per click investment

    Pay per click advertising


    This is probably the second most popular use of keyword research tools. After search engine optimization, that is. Keyword bidding or keyword advertising across pay per click networks like Google AdWords is a popular form of advertising. It requires one to research keywords carefully if they are to maximize their return on investment.


    The more competitors bidding on a certain keyword, the higher the cost per click that keyword is likely to incur for you as an advertiser. In order to minimize costs, one would have to look for keywords that have less competition but enough demand to get the desired traffic.


    Hence we use keyword research tools to find keyword search terms that can minimize our cost per click and yet get us as many click throughs as possible.


    Pay per click publishing


    Publishers, on the other hand, use keyword research tools to find keywords that give them the highest earnings per click and as many click through rates as possible.

    Analyzing the demand and supply of a particular product/market


    Any serious marketer would tell you that it is very important to assess demand and supply before you dive into any market. When marketing offline there are various techniques one can use to gather this data. This is also true for Internet marketing. Keyword research is one of the tools one can use for gathering this data online. Assessing the number of searches done on search engines for a particular keyword can help us estimate the demand for a particular product or market. Though keyword research tools are NOT the only source of this information, they should not be ignored when carrying out this important research.


    So, as you can see, keyword research tools are not only there to help you increase your search engine traffic, but also to carry out other important market research. It is also important to note that some keyword research tools are specific to certain research types.

  10. Hi blogmaster, thanks for your contribution. When I click to your website, it automatically redirected to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Do you have any special scripts for redirecting a website?

    Yes. There are a number of ways to redirect a website. I especially like a 301 redirect since it's search engine friendly. However, it all depends on what you want to accomplish.

  11. The most prominent feature I can see is the tab browsing.

    A lot of browers now have tabbed browsing. Even Internet Explorer 7. Mozilla appeals to me because it's faster and it can even go much faster with a little tweaking :P However, I use both IE and Mozilla quite often since I need to test web pages I create in different browsers.


    I don't really have a problem with pop-ups, so why get it? Sometimes you miss announcements at websites because they have it coded to appear in a pop-up; which google will block. :D

    The pop up blocker option can easily be disabled. So if the other features appeal to you, don't let that put you off.


    The only thing I wish I could do is figure out how to delete all of the things from I guess it is called the autocomplete? So when I type in b all the previous searches don't show up. I have tried to delete all other web forms but that doesn't seem to want to go away.

    You are right, that's autocomplete for you :D Here is what you need to do to clear your autocomplete history:

    In your IE menu, click on Tools,

    Click on Internet Options,

    Click on Content,

    Click on AutoComplete

    If it's only previous searches from the toolbar you are worried about, you can simply clear history from the toolbar.


    I only think that the google toolbar is useful for webmasters due to the PR display.

    Average users can also benefit from things like autocomplete, address finder etc


    Toolbars can be good, can be spyware.

    Yeah, that's why you have to scan every software application you download from the Internet before installing it :lol:

  12. I was just wondering what is everybodys favorite Email service. I have a hotmail and a yahoo. I have tried aim's email and it's really slow and i dont think the service is all that great because the servers were down often. Hotmail and yahoo are both good, reliable, and i have never encountered a time when the servers are down. My favorite overall is hotmail though.What is yours? And why?

    I also have both Yahoo and Hotmail accounts. Yes both are great, but I prefer Yahoo's email search engine.

  13. Don?t you ever wonder how ironic it is that we are drifting towards Web 2.0 and yet it?s becoming harder to get great links for search engine optimization?


    Nowadays more and more webmasters are barring search engines from seeing or following external links. Techniques used include:

    using a rel=?nofollow? on external links,

    forwarding the links through JavaScript,

    barring pages with external links in robots.txt, and

    using 302 (temporary) redirects.

    Getting links from websites employing these techniques means that your link won?t count in your search engine optimization efforts, even though you may benefit from direct traffic from those pages.


    This problem is NOT only limited to traditional pages but also covers any other sites you may think of. Be it blogs, forums etc. I guess this pronounces the death of comment spammers :lol:

  14. saint i disagree with u in any other way,first of all i don't know what kinda computers u guys use overthere...

    We are only trying to help out, crazymind21 :D Don't be offended. :lol:
    Ok, I'm viewing your site in Internet Explorer 7 running Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 2) at 1024 by 768px. Your site does appear fine at 1280 by 1024px, but I don't like using my computer at this resolution. I would have to adjust my text size as the default size would appear too small :P

    I'm afraid I will have to agree with the other guys. Why don't you crop your background image to make it narrower. Your actual content area is almost half the width of your site.

    Please also note that even though a lot of computers now stretch upto 1280 by 1024px, not everyone uses their computers at that resolution (I'm one of those that don't).

  15. it is actually better to download from the source, rather than from fantastico, fantastico does not always have the most recent versions of these open source softwares...

    I agree with you completely dude :) Fantastico, or any other auto installation programs for that matter are always outdated. They can't keep up with the pace :) The only purpose I use these packages for, is to check out the popular open source packages out there, and the links to them, full stop. Installing out dated software is very risky. Sometimes updates are released to fix various discovered security issues, which may make you vulnerable if you don't have this update.

  16. Hi. I just want to find this out before I submit a support request. It may probably be a global problem :) I have an addon domain in my account which is showing fine in my addon domains section, however, the emails and subdomains associated with this domain just disappeared. I can't add subdomains to the this addon domain either :) Is this just my account or it's global?

  17. What realy matters is the amount of infomation and quality of it that a search engine can provide and as most of us know,google is the best on that.

    I agree with you on the amount of information but not the quality part. Google sure has the largest database but a lot of spam too. Google values offpage factors more than Yahoo. Yahoo is more focused on onpage factors which makes it really easier for you to find the information you want without using any operators. Of course Google becomes better when you use it's powerful operators but not everyone know these. Most people who really know how to use these operators are those interested in search engine optimization, not the average searcher.
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