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Posts posted by woobydoo

  1. Hi there. My name is Arnold and I am from Bregenz, Austria. For almost 5 years ago I discovered a wonderful world of the Internet and the opportunities it gives to the lonely person. At that moment I was married with a woman I loved, but it all did not work. We were living together without being committed to each other. We tried it work, but all was a failure so we were both very lonely in that marriage. The Internet provided me not only with a great amount of information, but it gave me some ways to communicate with other people. I did not use any dating services but mainly forums related to history. There were many people from Former Soviet Union and we discussed the Second World War and other related issues. I liked some women from here, they were mostly well-educated and at the same time really family-oriented, so after my divorce I thought I would like to have a wife from somewhere there. I placed a profile on matesmaster.com and started participating in the life of the site, I used forum regularly and sometimes I was stunned by women there. I am rather good-looking, so I got of letters every day. I was a member of the site for more than two months already when amongst many responses that I received; one in particular caught my interest. That was from woman from Russia and contains rather sharp response to something I posted in the forum. I wanted to write something and while thinking about my response I re-read her letter again and again and saw that she had her point, and it was even more valid than mine. So instead of any comments, I just choose a greeting card to her and sent this. Here it all started, we corresponded almost every day, actually all throughout a day. And we spent a lot of evenings together. Alena was a single mom with a child of 6 years old. The kindness in the words he typed, the care and concern were enough to get me involved in her! Just in several days, it seemed I was falling in love. And you know, looked like so was she! Although my story has a very happy ending, it was not such in the beginning. After five weeks time, I flew to visit her to Nizhniy Novgorod. My trip was very short, just for a weekend so I was at home in three days. It was all very stressful and I overestimated my emotional state. Having a divorce, meeting someone I had strong feeling to face to face, found out that I love her even more than I could admit and then finding my parents completely against my Russian lady. That was too much even for me. So I moved into my own apartment, asked Alena about a week break and started picking up the pieces together. So I met my wife the "normal way", we spent a lot of time together, we knew each other well before marriage and we loved each other, but it still did not work?and now a woman I saw only once and the decision should be taken quickly as I did not want to play any games with her. I thought it all over and over and then just followed my heart. I went back to her and we were married four weeks after my second arrival to Russia. And you know, seems it was the most correct decision that I ever did Time for it was not right when I first met her. Time was definitely right the second time. We have now been married for over a year. She is not only the love of my life; she is my best and dearest friend. So thank you all for reading my story and thank you God for bringing the correct decision to my head. Sincerely,Arnold, Austria

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