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Posts posted by hunggar

  1. defend yourself... well the only way to do it is to learn to fight. there is no such thing as self defense techniques, because you have to be able to fight to use them, so you are fighting to win not defending your self...... that said, technique and skill will out do strenght. if strenght was the key then the guys from the strongman comps would be world heavywieght champs! ;-) very few guys have any fighting skills other than a few tricks that they have used with sucess, so if you learn any fighting stlye, and then move up to freesparing, you are ahead of the game. but the ones who will attack you are ready to do what it takes, and will be brutle, so you have to be the same if you want to win....so learn to fight, katas and forms or step sparring are not going to get you there. they have uses, but you have to be able to do the moves full speed and control them, with out thinking ...ok he is setting up a kick, i will-BAMM!!! you have just been nailed while thinking of the block or counter. boxers have a lot better 'ring ' knowlege than most fighters, so studing some of that will help you a lot, but there is no silver bullet, no style that defeats all styles, so be open to what others have. try a system, any system, and if your teacher knows his stuff, hang in for a while, like at least one year and see where it takes you, it wont be wasted time even if it is not the one you stick with.

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