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  1. So I've been dating this girl for about 5 years now. Things were great at the beginning but 3 years in her father passed away and things went crazy. During our fourth year together she started to spiral down into depression, most likely due to her father's death. Despite her constant sadness she never allowed herself to talk to me about her problems. As time went by, she started meeting some guys, 3 to be exact, and began to confide in them about her sadness and depression. This gradually developed into feelings and she was seeing these 3 guys behind my back, at different times of course. When I found out, she claimed that they were only friends and they were temporary relief from all the sadness she was going through. I believed her. All 3 times. She was a good girl when I met her, that's why i fell for her. She was very kind and considerate. But now things are so different and she's no longer the person I fell in love with. But I'm such a hopeful son of a *BLEEP* that I don't allow reality to soak in. Everyone of my friends, including hers, have been telling me to walk away. And I've tried but can't because I know she's got a medical condition that's making her make irrational decisions and act on impulse. I am also very close to her family. They love me just as much as I love all of them. Now i'm torn. This girl i'm with is constantly going through emotional ups and downs and is constantly looking for relief away from me. Because I am her reality. I remind her that life isn't always peachy. I remind her of the times we had with her father before he passed. Like I her family loves me. She still sees guy number three. She said she can't just cut him off like that. She needs time to slowly pull back away from him. But to me it seems like forever. He calls her everyday, and he emails her everyday. He's making her gifts and she would call him when she feels like *BLEEP*. And she does this while i'm around. Sometimes she would wake up in the morning feeling very irritated and groggy and she would be soo cold to me, then she would call him up and all is smiles and laughter. But to me, this is her depression getting the best of her. Can somebody slap me in the face with the truth. Friends have been telling me all this but it just doesn't register. How do I harness enough hate and anger to walk away. I am not an angry person. I try to give her the benefit of the doubt, but she's just abusing it. What should I do? What could I do? Life's a *BLEEP* and mine is a perfect example of it. I'm torn and everyday a little more of me dies because of her.
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