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Posts posted by Azeri_boy

  1. Guys, thanks for reviewing the site.

    I didn't understand a single word!!!

    There was link to english version of site through flag of Britain http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    and add some flash based parts, if you know Flash

    Initially, I did not want to use any flash content, since Flash might not be installed on users computer and it will make site to weight heavy I think) maybe I am wrong

    Also add a little AJAX for tab transitions

    Also did not want to mix Javascript with HTML. Any idea how to make HTML-CSS based tabbed menu?
    And one question else, how to make table class="rounded_box_cen" to fit parent table in height, I mean to fill whole hight of parent table?

    Last question), I have drawn top banner in Corel Draw. Original picture was very colorfull-alive, however after exporting it into JPG format that "glow" disappeared. So my question is that how to export from Corel Draw without too much change in colors?

  2. Opera is the best browser. It has everything that one needs for working with internet: from download manager to RSS engine.But Opera has minus sides, too. For example while developing code of web page after refreshing opera gives the same result. But in comparison with minus sides of other browsers Opera is minusless.OPERA!!!...OPERA!!!...OPERA!!!...OPERA!!!...OPERA!!!...OPERA!!!...OPERA!!!...

  3. Hi everybody. :) Actually, I think each OS has its advantages & disadvantages.Windows 98 is good for office works, because it doesn't require so much PC power (RAM and HD usage is low) and quite fast. But for Internet Win98 isn't advicable (low security).Windows XP is suitable for both internet and office works.Win Vista requirements are very high (uses more storage, RAM, shortly not for weak PC's). But it has very nice interface.Actually, Linux was built for networks.I haven't used MacOS and that's why cant say anything about it.Now I am useing XP. :) No complains...

  4. I understand what they do but I don't understand exactly HOW they work. Does a script just parse all everything on the template page and look for the "{" and "}" and then replace that with some dynamic string?

    If you use {someting} -style template pages must be parsed and replaced with certain values. It takes time. Best way is simply to use <?=$somevalue ?> -style. In this case server itself will replace variables with its values.Take a look to this article :

  5. I don't believe that in internet there is comprehensive tutorial for that. This is very long topic. But main idea is to separate design and php coding so that designer could edit veiw of site without php knowledge. For example:

    <head>		<title>{site_title}</title>	</head>	<META http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html"; charset="{site_charset}">	<META name="Keywords" content="{site_keywords}">	<META name="Description" content="{site_description}">	<META name="Author" content="AztEK (zhkot@bk.ru)">	<LINK href="skins/guest/{guest_skin}/style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"></head>
    This is header part of one guestbook(real). As you see there is no exact value for site charset, title and so on. These words that in {} will be replaced by its set values in server side. If you want to change or add some tags you don't need to know php.
    If you want to make proffesional template supporting projects the best way is to buy book and begin to read and try.

  6. I should filter bad words and replace them with three dot. I know this is not so difficult to write function for such purpose. But function that I wrote doesn't give any result neither necessary result nor error. May be you know what's going wrong with my function.




    function filter_bad_words($s)


    global $abuse_list;

    foreach($abuse_list as $k=>$v)




    return $s;


    $s="abuse, badness, bad word";

    echo filter_bad_words($s);


    _linenums:0'><?php$abuse_list=array("abuse","bad");function filter_bad_words($s){global $abuse_list;foreach($abuse_list as $k=>$v){ eregi_replace("^".$v."$","...",$s);}return $s;}$s="abuse, badness, bad word";echo filter_bad_words($s);?>

    Thanks beforehand.


    The problem was in the way of using function eregi_replace() must be so:

    $s=eregi_replace($v,"...",$s). RegEx patern also was incorrect. I had hurryed.

    In general filter bad words is not good idea. :lol:

  7. People, use Denver, it is the most usefull tool for checking your php and perl scripts on local machine. It includes Apache+mod_rewrite+SSI+Perl+PHP(GD included)+MySQL(transaction support included)+Sendmail and all in 1 small file - only 2MB. You can simply install it on your local machine and it is all. You can made any count of domains, subdomains etc.
    Download denver you can here.

    I also use Denver for local testing. It is really good tool. Just download installer, intall it and enjoy by testing your php+ mysql+perl scripts. Denver is downloadable with both php4 and 5 versions. Additional libraries are also available.
    For full info go to site http://en.dklab.ru/
    Good luck!!!

  8. Some virus dmg the motherboard immediately. That was wat happen to my previous comp...

    Yeah... I have heard that virus called Chernobil spoils the motherboard.Last year something happened with my HDD. In the morning when I opened computer it didn't start. It was unable even to format HDD. I thing it was because of virus. Eventually I have changed HDD. Some people say there are viruses that makes work of bios unstable and harms hardware with this way.

  9. I'll answer to my question myself. :)

    While surfung internet I have found very interesting site(for webmasters ofcause) :


    How it works, just type web address (starting with http://) of your site and click start. Then in next page "Select browsers and configuration" and submit.

    Note: Input maximum time for wait.

    It is free of charge. but in future it can be paid service.

    Write here your opinions about this service.

  10. I think it is not possible completly avoid spams. :unsure: But we can make something to reduce them. How spammers know our email addresses?We ourselves put our addresses in different forums, chats and so on. One thing stays for spammers, just to gather addresses along internet.For instance, I have special email address for such purposes. Once or twice a week I check this email and erase all "annoying" messages.

  11. For kummy,
    gmail is currently suitable for IE 5.5+, Netscape 7.1+, Mozilla 1.4+, Firefox 0.8+, Safari 1.2.1+

    For unsupported browsers like IE 4.0+, Netscape 4.07+, Opera 6.03+, you'll be automatically directed to the basic HTML view of Gmail.
    So you will still be able to log in to your Gmail account from these browsers but with limitations.
    You will find features missing in unsupported browsers.

    To name a few :
    Filter creation
    Spell checker
    Keyboard shortcuts
    Address auto-complete

    For access to all of Gmail’s features, sign in to your account from a fully supported browser, and make sure you have cookies and JavaScript enabled.

    With Reference from Gmail.com

    I use OPERA 9.02 and GMAIL works quite well. no complains. May be it is because I have installed VB supporting plugin I don't know exactly.

  12. Nobody really needs that much space for storing mails. The email services should upgrade the attachment space limit. Most of them only support up to 10 MB attachments, but then there is the time wasting on uploading big files to a mail which will take a lot of time to send after the upload. Its hard to top the other email services nowdays.

    You are right, nobody will use all 45Gb and administration of this service knows this. By my own expirence I can say that 10-50 Mb is enough. But "increasing the size of attachments" this would be really good.

  13. First of all, hi everybody. :unsure:
    i must say there are a lot of web building tools and each of them has their advantages and disadvantages. For example: Dreamweaver is very powerful tool and it's the best choise for fast mork up but in weak computers it slows down a computer. I use Notepad++. It's free and has several pluses. supporting Plug-ins makes it be more powerful. i like auto complete function in Notepad++ :( .
    For PHP coding I use phpExpert Editor. It works very good. Preinstalled Debugging tool of this soft is good help for coder. It supports also HTML, JavaScript, CSS coding. and one can check work of program written in PHP without using browser. It's free for old sovet union countries. In fact i live in Azerbaijan and I have got free product key. You can download it from here http://ankord.com/
    Corel Suite, Firework is my favourite graphic software. I don't like Photoshop it stops my computer :D .

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