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Posts posted by hippiman

  1. A while ago, I was learning about threads, and about asynchronous and synchronous functions.

    The way this site explains it, synchronous code makes the current code wait for the function you called to return. Asynchronous functions are called, but the current code just continues after it starts the function.

    What I don't understand is why they use them the way they do. I'm pretty sure synchronous means something about more than one thing being in sync.
    ("occurring or existing at the same time or having the same period or phase" from google's definition.)
    Asynchronous is just the opposite, then, meaning more than one thing not being in sync.
    ("not occurring or existing at the same time or having the same period or phase ".)

    So, if synchronous code has to wait for a return, that means that the current code and the called function are not executing at the same time, and therefore not synchronous, right?
    And if asynchronous code doesn't wait for a return, that means the current code and the called function are executing at the same time, and not asynchornous.

    I don't get it.

    If someone has some better way of explaining it that makes their definitions make sense, I'd appreciate it.

    It seems to me that they just used those words backwards to confuse people while they're explaining threads. :P

  2. Flash is a lot more powerful than it looks at first. I don't know how you could think that all it can do is slide shows and play video.Have you ever seen a flash game? Or YouTube? Or anything animated in flash? I'm pretty sure there are some whole cartoons that are animated just with flash.The main things people love about flash are how everyone has it installed already, the IDE (like flash MX or CS3) has a really easy to use interface, and the fact that actionscript makes almost anything possible.I have an internship right now where the software we're developing uses flash as the front-end. It was a lot faster to set up and be able to add effects to the GUI with flash than it would have been if we just used C#, which is the language the back-end is in.I've never really used Flex Builder, so I have no idea why it needs so much RAM. IMHO you should have at least 1 gig of RAM anyway. It's pretty cheap, especially if you really had the money to get Flex Builder.Adobe's not really a sham, but they are getting close to being a monopoly on graphic software, just because it has become the standard.GIMP can do a lot of the stuff Photoshop can, but you would have to learn a new interface, and stuff like that.Nothing else really comes close to what Flash can do, though, in a web browser. Java applets can do it, but it takes a lot longer to develop, and not as many people have Java installed. I don't think hardly anyone has the JMF installed to play video, so flash is winning so far when it comes to web-based stuff like that.And people are able to make some flash content free, if they know actionscript enough and they found one of the open source projects. So instead of having to figure out everything you'd need to do to make the java applet, and just hoping that everyone using the site will have java installed, they can just make whatever they're doing in flash.I think java should try making its graphics APIs better, and try making an IDE like flash uses, then it might even out their use a little.But flash is really powerful, if you know how to use it.

  3. USB Ram? I think you're talking about a flash drive, which has nothing to do with system memory. There's no way to speed up your computer with a flash drive, it's just extra space.If you get more RAM, it would definitely help speed up your whole system. And stuff probably wouldn't crash as much. I have no idea how you're able to run anything nowadays with less than 512MB of RAM, unless you're only using your computer to edit text documents or something. I don't see why you wouldn't get more RAM, it's really cheap now, and it's not hard to install.

  4. I just found this out today:
    When you're using arrays, when you reference a certain index, you can switch the pointer and the subscript around. I know I'm not explaining that very good, but here's and example:

    int a[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11};int b =1;int c[] = {0,-5,11,0,0,5,0,0,0};cout << b[a][c];	//Same as c[a[b]];

    See? 'b' is actually just an integer, it's not an array, or pointer, or anything. Usually, you would have to put the array first, then an integer.
    Like if you have an array of type int, of length 5, you could reference something at index 3 using:

    It doesn't really make sense, but I found this on a forum, as someone's signature:
    int main() {	char o[1920]={0};	int _;	double l[]={0,-5,11,0,0,5,0,0,0},_1=0.174533;	for(_=0;_<36;++_)		(((int)(2[l]=((cos(_1)*(4[l]=2[l]))+(sin(_1)*7[l])))+12)*80		+((int)(7[l]=((cos(_1)*7[l])-(sin(_1)*4[l])))+40))[o]=_<27?(((int)(8[l]=((cos(-_1)		*(6[l]=8[l]))+(sin(-_1)*5[l])))+8)*80+((int)(5[l]=((cos(-_1)*5[l])-(sin(-_1)*6[l])))		+40))[o]=(((int)(1[l]=((cos(_1)*(0[l]=1[l]))+(sin(_1)*3[l])))+16)*80+((int)(3[l]=		((cos(_1)*3[l])-(sin(_1)*0[l])))+40))[o]='*':'*';	_=0;	while(_<1920)putchar(_++[o]);}//don't forget to include iostream and use namespace std
    That was actually more garbled when it was in their signature, I just indented it, and added new lines where the semicolons were.
    What really confused me was that they used and underscore as a variable(hard to see in a signature, I thought it was a space or something), and there were some parts where they switched the pointer and the subscript for an array (like in that last 'while').
    All this really does is print out a bunch of asterisks in the shape of an 's' with a circle around it.

    I'm pretty sure that the way they coded that isn't good practice, they were just trying to condense it a lot so they could fit it in their signature.
    But hey, I guess I learn something new every day. :lol:

  5. I think IE is just trying to steal more from FireFox. FF has had all of those features for a while now, and many more. And if you go to their add-ons page, there are plenty more features. Probably even more than any one person will ever need. It just depends on what all you want to use it for.FF even has an extension to render pages with IE and stuff, for if you want to make sure everyone else will see the page the same as you when you're making something.It kind of helps, though, that people can add their own stuff to FF. Microsoft just has a group of employees that have no reason other than money to come up with new stuff. People that make stuff for FF are doing it just because they can, and they want a good browser that does whatever you want. It's all in the incentive.

  6. I think that would be pretty cool, but I wouldn't want one personally. I would probably spill something on it or something stupid like that, and I would probably get a kink in my neck from looking down at it too long.
    That looks like something that is meant to stay with the businesses.

    I saw a spoof of their commercial on youtube, too: Microsoft Surface Parody
    SarcasticGamer.com (the site that made the parody) has a bunch of parodies like that.

  7. I think I'm kind of late for this, but stage6.com has shut down on Feb 28th. They said it was too expensive or something.
    Just try going to Stage6, and you'll see their long explanation of why they shut down.

    I'm not sure how many of you used it, but I loved it. It was a good place to find free movies, for a couple of hours before they got deleted. :P
    They also had plenty of good user videos. And when you downloaded DivX, stage6 was the first place they sent you.

    Now they're trying to send everyone over to Veoh. I don't really have a problem with veoh, because I use that, too. But I don't really think they needed to shut down. They didn't even give much of a warning. I was just using it a couple of days ago.

    I don't know what I'm going to do now. :P

    Kind of sucks, huh?

  8. I've been trying to make an applet to draw things, and I just started looking into it, and I realized with GeneralPath's curveTo function, it looks kind of pixelated. I'm not sure if it's the AWT image, or if it's the way curveTo works.I've tried drawing the curve to a bigger image, then drawing that image on a smaller image, and that didn't really help. It just used up more memory for no reason. Then I found this thing about anti-aliasing, and that didn't help.What I'm looking for is a way to make curves that are as smooth as the curves in Flash. It's just the edges that are pixelated, but I'm not sure how to fix it.I was going to ask my brother, because he knows a lot about programming and Java, but he hasn't come over in a long time and I'm getting tired of waiting for him :P If you can help, I'd appreciate it.

  9. A couple of friends and I just did a programming competition using PHP and we just used a cookie with 3 values, for the different kinds of users.We didn't make it so that it didn't show the links, though. We just made each page show a thing saying that they don't have permission to use that page. I think what you're doing makes sense, too, though. I think you should also have each page deny access for if they just type in the right url, though.Nice tutorial.

  10. It also kind of helps to use a WYSIWYG editor like Dreamweaver just to learn HTML. You make some stuff in design view, then look at the cod that was generated, and you can learn a lot. Sometimes it can help more than the w3schools tutorials.Once you get the basics from that, it becomes really easy to code in HTML. If you want to do something new, you can always just google it, or try and figure something out with CSS or javascript.PHP is more for the functionality of the website. If you need to use a database or something, that is the most useful, unless you know some other server-side language.

  11. The only reason I even know what Python is, is because of Blender, the 3D animation program. It lets you use Python scripts so you can make your own functions and stuff you help with your work flow or whatever.I started to look into it, but I didn't like the syntax at all. Java is the best that I've found so far, except that it's usually limited unless you get swt or something, because you can load DLLs so you can do anything you can in C++.

  12. I had never used the $_SESSION before, because I always used cookies, but I just looked it up, and it said you need to do a "session_start()" before reading from the $_SESSION[] vars, if you haven't called a session_register on that page.So on the page you're going to (login_success.php), make sure you're calling session_start() before reading to see if they're logged in.Also, most browsers should have the "remember me" box pop up when you're logging in, if that's part of what you were talking about.

  13. My site won't let me upload anything new. I was trying to upload a new flash thing I made, and it kept saying that my disk quota was exceeded, so I deleted some files, to see if that would help. That didn't work, so I deleted some more, and it still didn't work.

    Then, I was looking around, and I found the /etc file, and it had three files, passwd, quota, and shadow, and they were all 0kb.

    Then I decided to use the cpanel, instead of fireFTP, and I tried emptying the trash to see if that would work, and I got this:

    Unable to create trash folder. You do not seem to have the necessary permissions! (System Error: Disk quota exceeded)

    And this:

    making .trash failed: Disk quota exceeded at cpanel.pl line 436	Carp::croak('making .trash failed: Disk quota exceeded') called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Fileman.pm line 2569	Cpanel::Fileman::delfile('/home/hippiman/public_html/flash', 'MoveFirstTry.swf') called at cpanel.pl line 436	main::__ANON__('/home/hippiman/public_html/flash', 'MoveFirstTry.swf') called at cpanel.pl line 1462	main::exectag('<cpanel Fileman="delfile($FORM{\'dir\'},$FORM{\'file\'})">') called at cpanel.pl line 4361

    Any help would be appreciated.

    And if you think resetting my hosting account would help, go ahead, because I just backed everything up, just in case.
    Hopefully that won't delete all of my old posts, though.

  14. I think they need to make a Google OS for PC's/Laptops. It can't be that hard for them, I mean, come on! They're Google!They could make it perfect for developing code or applications or whatever, and they could make it run all the stuff you already run on windows, like games and stuff.I wonder if they've thought of that yet, or if they'll ever start one. I can't think of why they wouldn't.

  15. I just want to know who came up with doing all of those things in the first place. Did people really want to keep people away for some reason, or were they just retarded?There's only one thing I kind of disagree with. I don't think .co.nr adds ads, does it? I never saw .tk before, but I went and looked at it just now, and it looks like it sucks. They force ads on your site and force you to link to all the other .tk sites..co.nr says you're supposed to put a link to their main site, but I don't think you really do. One of my friends has had one for like a year without the link, and they still haven't done anything about it. I put it on there just in case, but it's not even really noticeable.

  16. I used to mess around with flash a lot, and last year when I started on Xisto, I uploaded two of them to my site, but I don't think anyone except my friends and I have really seen them.

    My Site.

    If my site is up when you get to it, (I run out of points a lot), the two images on the right are the links to them.

    The top one is the only one that I can even consider finished. It's kind of crappy with looks, because I didn't spend very long making it.
    All you do is move the mouse, and get the ball to the blue box without hitting anything. It's as if there was a rubber band attached to the ball from the mouse, that's the easiest way I can explain it. When you click, it does a little explosion animation for the ball.

    The other one was supposed to be like asteroids. All I got it to do was point at the mouse, and when you click, it goes towards it. It's pretty fun for about a minute or two.

    I made them for the Wii, because all you have to do is make it a mouse game and it works on the Wii browser.

    If you guys think they're alright, I might make some more, that will hopefully look better, be a little longer, and be a lot funner. Maybe I'll make something with a story line, like a platformer or something.

    Also, if anyone has any ideas for games, and they think these are at least almost ok, I'd appreciate it. And it doesn't have to be a mouse game or anything.

  17. I think this was happening to me a little while ago, too. I was looking around the forum, and I clicked on someone's link, and it said their page couldn't be displayed. Then I checked mine to see if it was just theirs, and that didn't work, either.Then I checked google to make sure it wasn't just my connection, and that worked. I went back to my site, and that didn't work.Then I looked around the forum for a while again, and when I checked my site again, it was working.I don't know what's going on.

  18. If you know most of the concepts of Object Oriented Programming, learning any language becomes easy.I have only used tutorials and the references they have on the Java site, and I think I'm learning it fine. I started out a long time ago (not that long, I'm only 18) doing QBasic, then I learned some C and C++, then when I went from that to Java, it was really easy. the hardest part for me was finding a good IDE, because using the command line just sucks for me. But then I found Eclipse, and it's pretty much the easiest programming experience I can remember, except, maybe, for Actionscript with Adobe Flash CS3

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