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Posts posted by mattmgill

  1. These are some WoW sigs I cooked up whilst revising for my exams. Could you please tell me how I can improve each and the which parts are good in all 3, they are all similar but state which parts from each should be used to make a better versio nfrom all 3.

    hope that made sense.


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    Thanks in advance.

  2. To me I generally think that the Cavs have a better, more interesting and more accurate style of the game whereas the Spurs run as they say "a basketball clinic." Although i don't support the Cavs or the Spurs but the Cavs have many unnoticed stars in their team, for example Gibson shot 5/5 3's in the conference finals against the Pistons and looked strong to keep this up throughout the final series.

  3. Iceman Tutorial

    This tutorial will show you how to make this sig in FIREWORKS:

    Posted Image

    This is the render that was used (I know the ice that he is standing on is cut out but I didnt make this render):


    Canvas 350x150 with 300px per inch:

    Firstly, I made a rectangle with an 11 border and a wave fill, this is to add a darker effect to the total image:

    Posted Image

    Then I used an oil slick brush and scattered it across the canvas, this was Gaussian blurred at 4.1:

    Posted Image

    I used the oil slick brush again with a lighter colour; this was set at a radial blur of amount 26, quality 20. Also there was a glow of: 6, 65%, 12 and offset of 0:


    Posted Image


    By cutting out a section of the ice, blurring this is the next part of the sig:


    Posted Image


    Now, use the render, this will need to be at about 480 wide x 320 high, use an average on the render and change the opacity to 60:


    Posted Image


    Shrink the render to about 370 wide x 160 high, use a glow of: 4, 65%, 12 offset 0:


    Posted Image


    Duplicate the render (without the glow) this time use 51 opacity and use the blur tool as much as you want:


    Posted Image


    Now add some text, I have altered each letter by converting them to paths:


    Posted Image

    Create a thin border of 346 x 146 and an X 2 and Y2, by changing the layer of the border you can create some different effects from the ice coming out of the sig to Iceman doing the same, just choose what you want:


    Posted Image



    I have updated my sig and added the icerain as requested, this is where i got the rain tutorial from: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/37180-how-to-make-cool-rain-effect-photoshop-tut/

    I could do anything but use the twirl part. (For the use of the rain effect I duplicated the whole signature and not just the render.)


    I hope this all makes sense.

  4. I agree with Jarlaxe that NOKIA RULES, the simplicity within each phone and product that they make, to add to this nokias has all of the media functions along side the business applications which is perfect for anyone who wants to listen to music whilst viewing PDF files etc.Personally i think that Nokias are great and very durable. I vote Nokia'sover any other.

  5. Most of your post i approve of, but i would like to put across my view with some more points:

    so think about this:

    Are the games rushed titles made purely to extend their line up

    Would they have good gameplay

    How good is the online part of each game as once you've completed each one a couple of times online is great addition. (I've been playing Call of Duty 2 online for months and it's still my top game. This is on xbox btw! I have almost forgotten it has a single player campaign as the online is so great.)

    Are they fun to play?

    This is very important in any games console, also the online gaming aspect is growing very quickly obviously as more and more games have this feature, some of what is majorly important to any game or console is just what you have said above.


    Yeah one good game for PS3, but most of them are copies from other consoles/computer systems simply for the PS3 with nicer graphics - NOTE these will also be on Xbox so ignore these games when choosing.)

    I belive that their are many games that are better or even worse on any given console, these version exclusives really annoy me as they would receive a wider market on many consoles (mainly because i have the other console that it isn't one) to add this, most games are copies from other consoles/ computer systems because that is what happens to all games they get portted to all consoles sometimes for the worse.


    I would definitely say xbox, even when looking at the two honestly. I spent ages deciding myself, looking at the actual facts not warbling a descision like everyone else seems to have done whether they love sony or microsoft. Bear in mind Xbox360 really doesn't feel like a microsoft product (or look like it) if you hate microsoft. And if you hate sony, get an xbox anyway!!!

    To me personally, i have a PS2 but i wouldn't play any old games on a PS3 anyway so i am back to square one. I want a clear winner because their are games on both systems that make me swing to either console. For example the Xbox has great games like Halo (obviously) gears of war and Graw (i know its on other consoles but much better on xbox) whereas the PS3 has games like LAIR which looks fantastic and the new tekken and metal gear solid which may never port to 360. Assassins creed is going on both consoles so it doesn't make a difference but still a good game.


    The xbox is not cheap mate!! but neither is the PS3 which is certainly one almighty step up in price.

    You say the PS3 is excellent and the xbox is ok. Pretty sure you based that on absolutely nothing. Specs are almost identical (xbox out performs PS3) so the only difference is games.

    As you say xbox has the more games (might I add the better game selection is for xbox) so why bother with a PS3. Get the fun console. That is an Xbox 360

    Firstly i didn't mean cheap i just meant cheaper. I also based the opinions of "ok and excellent" on my personal experiences of each console, the PS3 seems much easier to use and control for me and the xbox seems as if it isn't quite as good as it is suppossed to be, yes i know the PS3 can be a big let down at times aswell, but on both consoles there are no must have games that lie specifically on one console for me. The specs don't worry me as i have analysed them time and time again (yes i am a huge geek.)

    Finally, i will wait to the end of the year before making any decisions (as i have no money at the moment and need to save up to get one.)

    Sum up i guess:

    Specs: virtually the same

    Loading time please watch this video from gamtrailers and see the waiting and waiting for both consoles (i am ashamed at the PS3 in this) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    To me the console winner really will have to wait for me as it is still hazy for me as they are both fun and not just the 360.

    Also, what is with the Elite 360 not playing HD-DVDs, it might struggle there in the HD movies department.

    I'm still thinking what to get..........

  6. okay dude why would you get a playstation 3 they suck and you know what sony should not have even got into the game console industry they should stick to what they are good at making some freakin sweet plasma tvs and stereo systems.

    Well, Sony actually made the gaming industry what it is today by almost hammering the last nail in the dreamcast coffin, also they do make other decent electrical products, the PSP SUCKED.It is wrong to say they "suck" because that is your view and both consoles have equally decent games including the various exclusive games, 360: Halo obviously and the PS3 has the tekken series, MGS, LAIR. The titles and gameplay are both good, but i personally this "gaming war" will end with one console getting the "exclusives" and the other being left to rot like the dreamcast did. I just hope that the exclusives spread across both platforms e.g. tekken and MGS because the PS3 and 360 will become cheaper FAST and hope that one consosle will rise above the others.I am still surprised that the new 360 Elite is not sporting the HD DVD drive where as the PS3 has Blu Ray.
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