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Posts posted by Burke

  1. okay. 911 was both aviodable and non-aviodable. Bush apparently knew about it all along, but didn't stop it because he wanted a reason to go over to the Middle-East for the oil ( Bush only sees money signs ($$$) not the lives that it cost.) and has killed thousands of people so that teh world can watch oil jump to astonishing rates. It was non-aviodable, because ti was going to happen sooner or later anywayas, when an oil-loving person becomes president and wants to make $$$, he will do whatever it takes, no matter what teh cost.Now, i support the "War on TERRORISM" but once you go after the oil and fake "nuclear bombs" then it is tiem to get oout.

  2. i could see universal system happen in near future at some point or not. It would be somewhat of a computer for updating or whatever. Another point would be the competition; none of the company would just make any old game and not compete with each other. Not quite really, if a company can make a console that would last more than 3 years (there are). I'm saying in general in order to that; would have to make it best console that could make and not have to worry about making another one in 3 years. Like you said technology is growing and theirs something new is coming, things might change.

    all im trying to say is that eventually, there will be almost no difference what-so-ever between gaming systems.

  3. WAr will EVENTUALLY be all technolgically done. It will turn into a big video game, with one or two people controling hundreds of robots capitable of doing a lot fo damage to antire countries. But, for now, war is war. Nukes and so on will be used soon i would imagine, as teh US and other nations are becoming ever more tense towards each other.

  4. I'm starting to belive that charity do nothing. I do belive their is poverty but these charitys are doing nothing to help. They are pocketing the money we give probably to fund warfare or something. Think about the amount of money given to Research and yet they haven't found the cure. It doesn't take billions of money just to find 1 cure.
    There is probably something to do with the government holding back the charitys. If we found a cure for Diseases the government would lose loads of money. With us paying them to prolong the diseases we have and not curing it forever. That is like paying them for your whole life.

    But hey, this is just what I think.

    Charities are good and bad.
    There are some Charities ( The Red Cross ) that are around the world are trying there best to help the people in povertized countries. This is not an easy feat as a lot of people need there help. You can not jsut come on to a site and bash ALL charities because of something that a couple do.

    Also, to find a cure for something you dont know how to solve, that is like saying " I found God today" which is completely NOT true, because there is no evidence that there is a God... so how do we know that there is a cure for something we know so little about? that is why the do RESEARCH.

  5. Technology is rapidly developing. Therefore, in order for people to be entertained, they have to make a new game console every few years, or else people will not keep buying the old time game consoles (even though thtey are AWESOME!).But for kids growing up now, all they want are games that will keep them interested for a few hours during the day, and their parent don't mind paying like 600 $ US for a game system that will last about 3 years. Then they go and buy 70 $ US games that will alst about a week, and then the kid will want another game. All gaming consoles will eventually be identical. All it will come down to then is what brand you like more?

  6. i choose the Most Are Great Manipulaters because it is true Most "Great" people are people who either come from rich families where they are already "Great". Or, they are a celebrity, and are therefore going to gain an extreme amount of monetary gain.Mostly all "Great" people have to manipulate people in order for them to get people to do things for them.They sometimes lie, cheat, blackmail, or do anything they can to make sure that they will always be considered a "Great" person.and with being a "Great" person, it means that this person often becomes overwhelmed with themselves and the power of being considered a "Great person"Just my opinion..

  7. The Dallas Stars are somewhat close to me, though. I was a huge fan up until the NHL lockout. Now I'm not really doing much of anything to support pro hockey in general. College hockey? Well...if my school had a hockey team, I'd be cheering them on *grins*

    Why not? jsut because of the lockout? The lockout, actually made the game better (except for there is less fighting, which is not really the best.)
    But now the game is speeding up with up and coming super stars such as Sidney Crosby, Alexander Oveckin, Jordan Staal, Evgeni Malkin, and others.
    These players bring fun and excitment to the game, they don't take away from it.

    I would recommend that you consider looking at teh playoffs this year (Dallas are in) and watch how much the game has changed for the better.

  8. GO LeaFS!!!!The biggest game of the season is tommorow night. Toronto Maple Leafs vs. Montreal Canadiens. The Leafs are one point behind the Canadiens for 8th spot in the eastern conference. If the Leafs beat the Canadiens they are in teh playoffs, and if they go into Overtime, the Canadiens Are in.Hopefully the Leafs win seeing as they have Home Ice Advantage. If they make the playoffs, they have teh potential to pull off wht teh edmonton oilers did last year, making the Stanley Cup FinalsGO LEAFS!

  9. Basketball is most defintily my favorite.. here is the info

    If its basketball you must tell me:Your favorite player
    Your favorite team
    Your favorite league

    Favorite Player: hmm, it is either Chris Bosh, Dwyane Wade, or Josh Smith. Each has his own talents, and i like each one a different way i suppose.
    Favorite Team: Definitly Toronto Raptors. Considering they are the only Canadian Team in the NBA. They are also winning the Atlantic Division this year and are third place in teh Eastern Conference.
    Favorite League: The NBA. Nothing else even needs to be said. The most talented basketball players on the planet. Entertaining and everything. i Lvoe watching it!

    Go Raptors in teh Playoffs!

  10. My Favorite sport is BASKETBALL. It is my favorite sport for a few reasons. Mainly though, when i was younger, all i did was play basketball. Every summer i play basketball, eat basketball and everything. i love it. haha.. i even used to sleep with my lil basketball .. haha. Oh my, what good times. This sum,mer though, i need to get ready for university, so i wont be able to play as much, which really sucks. But, i do get to play under-23 basketball which is cool, considering im only 17...

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