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Everything posted by filia

  1. With its central location at the heart of the European Union, Germany is attractive for economic technology, research and environmental innovations, and thus also for many foreign businesses, organizations, offers cursos de idioma and cursos de verano . Makes the most of these advantages, and runs numerous programs for foreign learners in Germany. In particular, the participants in our practice-oriented programs benefit from the ?dual? structure of the German training and upgrading system, whereby school-based training alternates with training in industry. I have found some informative site: cursos a distancia
  2. Very nice site, I love it! I wonder if somebody could help me finding good language reference for learning. I am very much interested in Italian Language, nowadays it is very advantageous to learn other languages such as Italian. I found these voyages linguistiques angleterre and Italian language school. They?re very useful for beginners, as I go along visiting the sites I noticed that I learn a little step by step. Also try tefl courses , really helps me communicate well. I already informed all my buddies online and as of now I?m so excited to share it with you guys. Investing your mind is a good idea in reaching other people through communication skills.
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