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Posts posted by ravin

  1. Can anybody tell me how I can activate kernel logging of USB messages (usbfs_snoop)?

    # modinfo usbcore gives:

    filename: /lib/modules/2.6.18-gentoo-r5/kernel/drivers/usb/core/usbcore.ko license: GPL
    vermagic: 2.6.18-gentoo-r5 mod_unload K7 REGPARM gcc-4.1
    alias: usb:v*p*d*dc09dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip*
    alias: usb:v*p*d*dc*dsc*dp*ic09isc*ip*
    parm: usbfs_snoop:true to log all usbfs traffic (bool)
    parm: use_both_schemes:try the other device initialization scheme if the first one fails (bool)
    parm: old_scheme_first:start with the old device initialization scheme (bool)
    parm: blinkenlights:true to cycle leds on hubs (bool)

    So I tried to activate usbfs_snoop by:
    echo Y > /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/usbfs_snoop

    But dmesg is not showing the USB messages.

  2. On my XOOPS support site, http://www.warpigw2.com/, I have a web based live help application to communicate with my customers. When someone clicks on the Live Help image and enters their information it is suppose to give a sound notification that someone is waiting. It used to work fine, and I do not know where to look to fix it. It is a *.wav file, so pretty standard. It works on my windblowz box so I know it is not the application. I have tried in both Firefox 2 with the mplayer plugin (it plays fine in mplayer itself) and in konquerer, neither one will give me a notification when a request is made. Any ideas where to look? (I am using alsa with oss emulation.) Oh, and sound works when playing in flash through the browser. I know it has to be a simple setting somewhere

  3. I saw a bit of a flaw in the last 3 word story, so here's a little "rule" for this one: When ever a user adds his/her 3 words, said user should copy and paste the entire story into their post, as to help eliminate the need to have to read through pages and pages, just to see the entire story.Simple enough?

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