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Posts posted by L3athle

  1. Ill tell you my fav. Ok this glitch will allow you to hold 3 weapons at once but you can only do it with the dual weildable weapons. Ok go get an smg and swap it with like a nedler. then go find another smg and dual weild it with the nedeler so now you have 2 smgs then go find another smg and swap it for the nedeler so now you have 3 smgs and when you fire and extra stream of bullets come out of your head and you do twice the damage. :angry:

  2. There are several different ones but this one in patucular just totaly takes all controll of your computer. So it would suck bad if you got it.Everyone is saying dont get on msn messager! My freind almost got it he got one of the same pics but he knew what it was and didnt save it so even if your stupid freind saves it YOU WILL GET IT ALSO. Thats one of the manin thing im woried about because all of my freinds are complet idiots so im scared of what might happen.\Just a warning

  3. Okay there?s a new virus going around MSN, I thought only my dumb friends were the ones accepting it, but turns out its across the nation. So I dont know if you've got it and deleted it, or was smart and didn?t accept it. Well it goes by (as far as I know) three names. There like "Frog something something blender" "My new photo!" and like "Me and my lesbian friends!". Its a 17kb file, so if some1 in your list tries to send you one the those, DONT ACCEPT! It goes into your list(takes total control, so you cant do anything) and sends itself to EVERY1 in your friends list! And again, you might get this file, and you might not. But it is smart to always be aware. It may also be something like really funny pic or something like that but we have been warned not to get onto MSN messenger.Keep on the lookout for this virus and they said they would have it fixed in a few days.

  4. Sorry about the double post but i wanted to tell you guys a little bit about the game.Ok you are this doctor sent to earth to escort this woman off of earth and when they go to leave their plane gets shot down and they half to fight to get off of earth.Its a fps and if you check out the screenshots its going to have realy good graphics.It is coming out for Xbox and Pc and will have a map editor in both versions and it will go on xboxlive (im not sure if it will have clans)Anyways i cant wait for this game and thats what im Hopfully going to make my site about.Again i am sorry for the double posting not meaning to spam.

  5. i looked up in the sky at a cracking noise only to notice that a pine tree was falling down and i was like cool. Then my eyes were following its falling motion then BAM!!! it landed on two cars completley ripping through the top of one and coming through the windsheild of another and i was like SWEET!! i felt bad for the ppl though. But it looked awsome the front back and side windows total shattered and flew off the cars and a limb stabbed into one of the cars airbags. Then i looked inside the car only to notice that a limb went through the hood and came in the car through the cd player. SWEET!!!!

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