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Posts posted by narutorasengan17

  1. even i, who isnt an xbox fan, side with the xbox on this one, the wee really sucks, most nintendo games target younger players, the system doesnt really offer many games that too gorry or sexually explicit.or so i have heard from many peepsas for the 360, the graphics kick a$$, the games are much better, and it even took games that where supposed to be great ps3 exclusives, and it wont break your tv if the controller slips from your hand, but honestly electronic games are supposed to be enjoyed while being lazy.instead of playing wee bowling, id rather go do the real thing instead.so yep, xbox 360 gets my vote.

  2. its not just an xbox thing, i mean common, even people on psp's glitch, i hate the concept though, its unfair to those who wanna have fun and play fair, in the online play for metal of honor, some people glitch it so that they cant die, and that really pisses me off, cuzz they keep killing me, when ive like shot them in the head with a rocket launcher, please note that the rocket launcher can kill, even if i dont hit the person, it can kill even if it only hits near the person....so ya, like i said, its unfair, it actually ruined the fun, cuzz the kid was hosting a level and he called it "my space", a few people would come in and try to play, but then leave a few mins later cuzz they cant kill the person.damn, i talk too much XD

  3. the only thing i ever use paypal for is for recieving donations from members, i just set it up recently, but i havnt gotten any donations yet, i was wondering though, so even if the transfer for the donation was just 5-20 U.S. dollars, they still take off? what im trying to say, is it only for big ammounts, or all amounts, and what is the percentage that they take off??

  4. you where pretty darn lucky there, to get google to index you so fast, and dont worry, i think this works, what u do is, provide the link in threads in big forums, i mean hell, even my username gets indexed on google, if you type in narutorasengan17 in a google search, u will surely find me, XD, but anyways, my site got indexed when i had about 60 members, right now i can pretty much find it as the top result if i type in the following: mangalounge.com or manga loungei havnt tried typing in manga lounge forums, but im sure that will work too, anyways, good luck getting your site index, and oh ya, no offense, 5 members and like 2500 posts isnt really much to be proud of, sorry to dissapoint u, but like i said, i dont mean to offend u.

  5. ya, its always good to think into it good before you tattoo something on your body, because if ever a time comes that you regret having the tattoo, then its gonna be a pain in the behind getting it removed, not only is it hard to remove it, the process takes so much time, i mean months, and it i heard that it hurts like hell to remove it, so think carefully before you decide to get one, and maybe pick a spot on your body where you can easily hide it.as for me, no i dont have any "body art" on me.

  6. hmmm, i used to like counterstrike, though i havnt played it in soo long, i kninda miss the game, i used to play it when i was in the 6th grade, (im going to 12th after the summer's end)i used to play it allot, i think i wanna get back into it, but ive been soo busy with my website and many other things in life, i havnt been too much into gaming in these past few years, and i hope to get back into it and play this game, as well as many others....need some free tim though XD.and oh ya, how has it changed since then?? is it better, funner?? im sure the graphix are better...but what about the rest of it?

  7. hoestly, i think Xisto - Web Hosting rocks, and it would own phpnet's a$$ anyday, even the paid section, i mean think about if computing hosts free subscription gives so much, (pretty much as good as paid hosting, just with less space) imagine how the paid hosting would be, probably no down time at all, i used to be with phpnet, i used to get constant downtime, and error 404 pages when i was sure that the actual page exists, im pretty sure that i would never use phpnet as long as Xisto - Web Hosting exists.

  8. traffic zip is an ad exchange program that is based on pop unders, what it does is when you sgn up, you add code that they give you to your site, and you start to get these pop unders, you get 1 popunder per unique visitor per visit, and for every 2 pop unders you get one popunder add of your site displayed on somone elses site that is in this program.i found out about this like 2 days ago, and i was planning to use it, then i decided not to, since my site is an anime and manga site, i think that the kind of traffic that it will bring in, would not be fit ofr an anime site, and for me, its hard getting members since my site is pretty new, so having pop unders (no matter how little of them) will drive the visitors away.also i forgot, if you reffer new people to the program, you get 10% of the ad credits that the reffered gets, if you get what im saying, lol.anyways, the program isnt fit for me, but i thought it might be fit for some of you all's sites, good luck advertising! lol.

  9. i honesly dont find iot to be all that, thanks for the link though, its ok, but i know a better site that is also free (eggdisk.com), instead of 1GB free, they give you 5 GB's free, and at the time i left them, they where upgrading to 6GB i beleive, i didnt leave them for any bad reason , i left because i didnt need a file host, because along side my trap 17 account my friend gave me an account for my anime content with 500GB's on it XD.anyway back to talking about eggdisk, eggdisk lets you also share files on your own page, i think they allow hotlinking too, you can set private files and public files, i think the only con is that there is no progress bar when uploading, though that might have changed since the time i left them.

  10. i like it, it looks pretty nice, but i didnt see any content!! btw, if you want a good cms, i honestly would reccoment you to use joomla, its nice, has good templates, very managable, and has allot of mods and hacks.my site is infact run with joomla. so u can use it as a demo, or u could always go to the joomla iste and check out their demojoomla: https://www.joomla.org/ my site: http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=mangalounge&e=com

  11. im too late for the first hundred, but i gotta say happy B day Xisto.you guys are the best, after i moved here, i still do constant backups, but i dont have to worry about you guys dissapearing over night like other free hosts, the quality is awesome, hardly any downtime, and the cpanel is nice, unlike other free hosts that ive tried. and ofcoarse, no ads!!!you guys always get to the hosting requests fast, and your staff team is awesome.i hope you all stay successful.keep up the good work Xisto!

  12. you should watch bleach, its a really kicka$$ series, its got lots of comedy, and the fighting is just awesome, the animation is better than naruto's animation, even though i like both, i like bleach more, bleach ahs less fillers and better quality ones, and with a better filler story line, in shippuuden, they stall and take so much time with everything so that they wont catch up with the manga, so its really slow going, bleach is more straight to the point, less flashbacks too, lol.though i would recommend reading both naruto and bleach's manga too, manga is in my opinion better than the anime, it is much past the anime, and is drawn by the story maker himself (naruto: kishimoto) (bleach: kubo), while on the other hand the anime is done by an animation team, and the mangaka isnt involved wiht making it. but anywayz, back to talking about the websites.mt favorite website out of those has changed, bleach exile really is starting to annoy me with all the popups they have, its so frequent that everytime i click on a link in that site, i get a popup. they promised that they are working on a new and improved version of the site, with less popups.so my favorite now is my own site, lol, this week was my break through week, i got both the bleach raw manga and the bleach english manga up like 3 hours before bleach exile did, and i got the naruto manga up beofre naruto central and naruto kun and da anime, i went from having 10 members to over 80, in 1 day, lol, im happy, and hope it stays that way, anywayz, any input on my site?http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=mangalounge&e=com

  13. for me, i just recently started a new anime site, i plan to have free anime and manga downloads, info on series and up anime news updates, online manga, and online image galleries of characters and such, i hopefully soon will start up a manga coloring team, like color requested manga chapters from many series, til now i only got some of that accomplished, i really blame it on my connection speed though, i ahve the slowest bellsout dsl connection u can ever get, so usually i can get about 2 to 3 episodes uploaded in a day, since they are in high quality avi (about 165mb to 180 mb each episode), though trust me, im not lazy!, i was at a hotel a week ago and they had a fast a$$ connection, so i got about 50 episodes uploaded in 2 days! lol, wich me luck with my site though, cuzz some members on my forums are causing trouble and making the traffic go down...

  14. atycto, i could agree with u more, w3 schools kicks a$$, infact i learned all of the coding that i know from there, they have much more tuts other than just html css and javascript, they have tutorials for php, and for java(note: java and javascript are way too different things, java is much more advanced) they also got tutorials for SQL, they have reccomended hosts and they give you tips on how to get your site out there and known, so i would reccommend it to all!!they have this thing called learn by example's wich really helps allot...

  15. I have to say that I have used Naruto Fan before and I love the website. The website layout, downloads, everything! The community is great too. Though it kind of sucks that you have to pay to get access to some places, but I suppose they need to support themselves somehow! I have never been to bleach exile before but it seems awesome. Just like Naruto Fan actually! haha. The color scheme, banner, and the updated information about bleach is great. I tend to push toward Bleach a little bit more than Naruto so if I ever decide to get back into it I will definitly go there. I should really register there so I can start getting some episodes again. Though, if I have to pay i don't think I'll do it xD! Thank you for the links though, I will check them out a little more :lol: !
    By the way, if you by chance have any good Inuyasha sites that would be a huge help, and I would very much appreciate it. I like how the Naruto and Bleach are layed out and what you can get/do on them. So anything similiar would be just perfect. Thank you!


    thanks for your input, ya, bleach exile is really nice in my opinion, and its free to register there, all of their content is free, but since they need a source of income, they tend to have allot of advertisements.

    i would like to add two sites to the list..

    first: my site, when looking at my site, please keep in mind that its not complete yet, and i have allot of content and episodes to upload, but at the speed of my connection, it takes allot of time, right now im starting up the site with, naruto anime and manga, bleach anime and manga, death note anime, samurai champloo and fullmetal alchemist, but it takes time!!! i also started up an online manga gallery, which allso is not complete yet....but anywayz...the site might become great in the future...

    and it is, http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=mangalounge&e=com

    the second site: i would like to also add http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to this list, i love the layout of this site, it is a naruto/bleach based site, it offers allot of content, but the biggest downfall is allot of it is via torrent, and i hate torrent!!! lol...

    so if you have any imput of advice about my site, go ahead, though keep in mind i will have a layout change soon.

  16. this is why you eat subway son!!! for me, when i eat out, its mostly subway, the food is good, its the least harmfull out of all the fast food thats out there, it is clean, and since your meal is made there right infront of you, you dont even have to worry about having a roach in your sub, so u can take them big bites, lol, and oh ya my friend, pizza aint safe either, my uncle had a roach in his pizza hut pizza, so really, aint any food safe from them creepy crawlers, except for subway. :)

  17. wow, how is spam a threat to human existance?? i agree that its retarded and annoying and all, and that its a pain in the *bottom* for people managing forums, though ive never been bothered by it in emails, no need to complain about it when it comes to emails, cuzz you can tell by the title of the message that you recieved, if it looks like its spam mail, i just ignore it. so i never get put through any crap.but one thing i must say is, yes it can hurt some people, like the one rich dude that got scammed out of all his money, and the many others that fell for the same bull$hit of a scam, but those scams dont last for long, the people that run the scams get caught and there a$$es get booted to jail....

  18. i would rather buy an ipod video, if you want something that plays mp4 and has a bigger screen than an ipod video, then buy a psp, i mean the thing that u posted sounds cool, but as for me, it would be too expensive, and it wouldnt be worth it, i wouldn't ever use it....lol

  19. so it really isn't anywhere near as expensive as the others, the reason we all complain is because we have to buy so much more of it that we do for other things, so for example, when you buy perfume, you buy one or two or maybe three at a time, making it seem not as expensive, but when filling up your gas tank every week, you fill up with several more gallons, week by week, it ads up, so if u drive less, it wont seem so expensive, or ofcoarse you could get a car with a better mpg rate, anyways, nice finding.

  20. u dont have a pet, but i think that animals do dream, but it depends on what it is, and how big the brain is, and how much its used, so for example, a goldfish might not dream, but a dog, or a cat might dream, because they have more things going on in their brains...i dont know if i made sense, but thats what i think, i could be wrong, but thats just my guess.

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