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Posts posted by FateisLeet

  1. I am planning on upgrading my computer soon and am going to pickup an 8800 when I do. I will post my results and FPS counts in various different games once I gather the money up to start my project. I have heard they are pretty nice, but I wanna see for myself. I am also hearing that ATI's new card might be better, but again, I am not really sure.

  2. I also recommend you use Opera 9. I personally use Firefox and am satisfied with it, but that doesn't mean it is for everyone. Download speed isn't exactly affected by browser, but response time from websites can be. If you are having problems with speed from any of your other browsers, clear your cache and history once in a while, it usually helps a bit. I highly discourage the use of Internet Explorer, no matter what good and bad things you have heard about it. Hope this helps.Browser sites:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ [FIREFOX 2]http://www.opera.com/ [OPERA 9]

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