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Posts posted by wwcckidschurch

  1. I was once a catholic,

    no i am still a catholic

    but i am a non believer.

    it have to be that way

    or my society will persecute me.


    Interesting how you phrase it that way! I am a Christian and society does not persecute me. In fact, most nations look up at America in awe (being an international type of person I can say that; I lived in China the last three years and was born in Germany), and it was built on Christianity when the pilgrims came over; the founders of our Constitution were Christians! How then can you say that Christianity is a weak faith if it built this nation; this amazing nation?!



    ive read the whole old testament,

    its a great story, there is moral to it

    but it is a story, nothing more.

    Like the parable of Jesus

    it gives us enlightenment,

    it answers our questions

    and cast our fears for the moment

    but it is not true.

    An illusion that we have to create

    so that the belief in god

    can be substantiated in someway.

    It appears to me that most of your writing is entirely vague, not at all specific. You do not give any examples of any thing that has really happened except for saying "it answers our questions and cast our fears for the moment but it is not true." could you please point out somewhere in the Bible that isn't true please? Also, the whole foundation of Christianity is the New Testament, what happens after you become a Christian. In my opinion, the Old Testament emphasizes God's creation in general and how amazing it is that we can actually be forgiven of all our sins and all the laws and everything; abolished in Jesus' name!



    i do not distinquish the pagan gods

    and the one God

    that modern believers worship

    they are the same.

    in fact the one god comes from pagan gods.

    as our maturity turns into teenage

    we decided, no we believe

    that there should only be one god

    for god is to be absolute

    and if there are many of them

    then it would make them a lesser god

    so we cast aside our pagan gods

    and created a god of all gods

    The one God did not start when teenagers made up a new god. Did you know that God has been believed in many many years ago? Of course that is obvious. God has said in the Bible (I wonder if you really have read the Old Testament or not) that he DETESTS pagan gods!!! Then how can you possibly not distinguish the difference?


    jews are not the first believer of a one god

    they just borrowed it from an egyptian pharaoh

    once there was this egyption pharaoh

    who ordered that the worship of all the gods will stop

    for he believed there is only one god, the sun god.

    but since during that time

    we are at our babyhood,

    our understanding is too young

    such concept can not yet be accepted

    that when he died, the pharaoh next to him

    erased the belief in one god.

    I know exactly what pharaoh you are talking about. I have to admit, I wonder why you bring it up, because, in fact, this is EVIDENCE for Christianity! After Joseph left with his people, the next pharaoh was called Amhotep I think. He changed his name or something like that because he believed in God. In order to make it acceptable to his people he called it Amun-re, the sun god. This gives strong evidence that there was such a thing as God long ago who performed miracles by the hand of moses and caused this man to come to God and have a sun god. The hearts of the other pharaohs were hardened after him and they had not seen God's miracles, so they of course did not believe in God. This pharaoh did not start Christianity, but Christianity reformed the pharaoh himself! How amazing!!!


    do we need a god?

    why do we struggle.

    why do we protect our belief in god?

    are we too weak

    to seek protection from an almighty god?

    we are being murdered in many forms

    becuase of god.

    wars are fought, children are mutilated

    women are raped becuase of god.

    is it not true that one god

    should have united us all?

    but why are we divided

    when all of us believe in one god?

    Again, I can not reply to this if you have no evidence whatsoever. So right, I'm supposed to believe that children are mutilated because of God. When?!?!


    is it not enough already that

    we used god from time to time

    to enslave people and capture their lands

    like the Spanish did and Portuguese.

    if god existed the world would have been

    striked by a lightning hundreds of years ago

    for we have violated the first rule an of almighty god

    "not to use his name in vain"

    but yet we continue to do so.

    There's two statements here. First of all, you say like the Spanish and Portuguese did. These weren't doing it in the name of God! God did not want them to do that! They were doing it for themselves, for the gold of the Aztecs. I wonder greatly how you can think that they did that for God!


    when will we free ourselves

    from the shackles of slavery

    from our belief in god?

    when will we cast our fears away

    and accept that we are what we are,

    a part of nature like the trees and humming birds.

    weve created god to make us very special,

    different from nature but we are nature.

    we do not need god to be special.

    we are already special

    we are the only specie

    that have developed wisdom

    and that is special.

    we are the only specie

    that have the power to protect

    ourselves and everything around us

    and that is very special.

    God made us in his image. He has given us many blessings. In return, we ask when we will free ourselves from God's shackles. We become proud, and we say that we are an amazing species. Did you ever wonder how suddenly amongst all other extremely inferior species we rose up? Coincidence?! No, it is because of God and we are blessed.

  2. I think your ring analogy was better off with the no-start, no-end thing. For a line can have a beginning, and, i believe, even if it stretches for infinity.
    Meh, if i think too far into this i run into paradoxes.

    Yeah, this topic can get a bit confusing. That's why I like it, I love debating especially when you have to really think hard. I think the ring idea is better too. It's more simple. Another person I know once read something out of a book that I will mention now but I really don't think that it is as good/simple as the ring analogy. The person said that time is like a blanket. Many things happen on it, but it is not like there is a beginning or end in time itself. For example, God may have begun some time, but that is just a segment of a line on the blanket. Our lives are also like segments of lines on the blanket. I guess it's an okay analogy, but it doesn'tn get much better than the ring analogy.

    Please edit your post if you want to respond again. And please discontinue from signing off your posts. Thanks. :P

    Ok, I'll make sure I try to do that. I'm not 100% sure I understand though. Does that mean that instead of clicking reply to another person's post when I already am the last one who posted I just say "Edit" on my own post and add a quote and what I would have said? And I'm pretty sure I know what signing off my post is :( Did you edit that and take away when I signed my name? Thanks for the tips.

  3. When I googled for a free file storage website I found a website it seems good, myfabrik.com. so, with this website you can store, view and share files, and the nice thing here is viewing the files of any extention without download, it's provides you a no cost basic account 1GB free storage and a premium account permits you to buy additional space for a monthly fee of 0.49$ per 1GB, have a nice interface too. :P try it

    It's a pretty good website. However, I've been looking for one without a subdomain. I've been looking for a website with just a domain name after it like "wwcckidschurch.org." Slight problem though... :( I did find something called domainlagoon.com though. This will give you a free domain name for as long as you like if you get 10 points!!! However, it is extremely strenuous to actually get those ten points. Especially because you have to give your address out often and I don't like doing that. You could try it out though (to all of you out there), it might be interesting for some. Xisto.com works pretty well though for my purposes. The forum posting is fun and the editor is 'bery' good (which makes up for the subdomain problem). Bye all.


  4. so you mean he put it there himself, but the devil aka satan in the form of the snake teased then into eating the fruit. if he knew it all along, why didn't he prevent it from happening himself? if he cared so much for his creations, he'd do anything to let it stay away from harm.

    I just felt that I might be able to put a little debate into this. I love debating :P I think he did that because he actually wanted them to be able to learn from their decisions. I mean, think about it. If he is deciding everything and making everything work out good, it's like we're all a bunch of robots. If everything is always good and nothing is bad, then what is good? There's no joy or anything! If someone does something good when that person could have done something bad, how much better it is than just not making any difference! That's all I really wanted to say. I know he probably caused himself a lot of pain, but I think overall in the end it's all worth it. He knows how everything will go, and I can guarantee that everything that looks bad will cause something good to come out of it. I hope I didn't offend you.



    Also, if God is real, which may be true, then why are babies dying of cancer. What have they done wrong?

    I think babies die of cancer because of our decisions. If Adam and Eve hadn't made the wrong decision babies wouldn't die of cancer. God wanted us to have a choice, so that we wouldn't be like robots (I said this in a previous discussion). Humans made the WRONG decision, and so we have to face the results. God doesn't like it. But he doesn't want to have to control everything, it's time that we learn how to face our mistakes and what joy there will be when we do make right decisions! I hope this made sense :(



    I would love to belive god is real. Someone watching over you and guiding you though life. But the sad fact is, there is no God. If there was a God where is he? Christans say the proof of god is us and everything around us. Yes Science had discovered that that is wrong. Science can explain how life began. With hard evidence. Yet religion ahs nothing to stand on by, only belives and faith.


    If there was a God would he allow the amout things that happen, happen.

    I would greatly appreciate it if instead of just stating that Science has hard evidence for how life began, I'd really appreciate it if you could post the hard facts themselves! I get the feeling that many people are saying there is evidence (on both sides) yet no one really gives any evidence. The discussion is not nearly specific enough, it seems. I will post what in my opinion is some specific evidence for Christianity:


    The Bible itself is a very strong indicator of the truth of Christianity. Did you know that every single historical fact (other than possibly the specific details of how God was involved) has been found in multiple other non-christian manuscripts? Did you know that this is the oldest book, yet, surprisingly, most supported by other books than any other book? Did you know that the Bible never contradicts itself? Everything fits in perfectly, if understood well. In my opinion, this itself is very strong. If everything is supported in the Bible, then why wouldn't the rest be true? Would the authors of the Bible just lie on certain points? I think it would be incredibly hard to be found so extremely true but not to lie in several aspects; wouldn't that immensely change the story?



    Give me some time to do a bit of thinking, and I will be able to give you more facts about Christianity; I don't think it is only faith.


    On your question on why he would allow that:


    I have previously said this:


    I think he did that because he actually wanted them to be able to learn from their decisions. I mean, think about it. If he is deciding everything and making everything work out good, it's like we're all a bunch of robots. If everything is always good and nothing is bad, then what is good? There's no joy or anything! If someone does something good when that person could have done something bad, how much better it is than just not making any difference! That's all I really wanted to say. I know he probably caused himself a lot of pain, but I think overall in the end it's all worth it. He knows how everything will go, and I can guarantee that everything that looks bad will cause something good to come out of it.

    I hope it answers that question.



    Is God there? Who is god? Why is God? How did God come into being? There has to have been a start of everything and FAITH is what humans turn to. God did it, God did that. But is God there? Who is God?


    Did God really do this?


    I personally do not believe in God.

    Good arguments. When we really think about it, our minds are so incapable of completely understanding anything! When did God start? It seems impossible. However, I just wanted to tell you what I believe is when God started. Imagine a ring. It doesn't start, and it doesn't end. I think it's just like that. Eternity is like a ring, never beginning and never ending, it just keeps on going. We all imagine that what then? What after that? More is the answer. It's also like a line. Never beginning, never ending. We can only hope to understand it a little bit. The other question is, let's just say evolution is true, then what? What happens? No one knows... God will only reveal himself to you if you seek him out. If you really believe in him, then he will reveal himself to you. It's like standing at the edge of a cliff. At the bottom is the softest and best feeling cotton, let's say, and you will not hurt yourself because you will just keep falling through the cotten and eventually stop. Now, you can't see the cotton! So you say "Where is the cotton?" but you can only find it if you actually jump. Thankfully, supposing evolution is true, you will have no consequence for jumping. Supposedly, it doesn't matter. I assure you, if you seek him with all your heart that you will find him. He's right there. That's the big problem. Most parts of Christianity can be faith, although there are many facts. So if you believe in just the facts, that should be enough to get you through the faith part, unless you are set against it. It is impossible to get anywhere if you are in the standpoint "Jesus does not exist. I will not ever even think of that idea as being real." What do you suggest other than Christianity? I mean, I'm just interested in what you do believe in. Most of the time, it seems that the only thing ever suggested is Christianity. It would make for a more interesting debate if we could talk about the other side too :( See you all soon


    P.S. I wish someone would reply to my posts! :([/hr]

    Notice from truefusion:
    Please edit your post if you want to respond again. And please discontinue from signing off your posts. Thanks. :(

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