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Arbin Gurung

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Posts posted by Arbin Gurung

  1. I started using computer from 1998 since then i have been using computer for different purposes. which includes-playing games (i used to play age of empires a lot at the beginining even 18 hrs a day he he he).-some music-web site designing- lots of programming- hmmm playing games (sometimes - stratagies)-using internet to learn different things and get knowedge on different topics-yeap watching moviesThat's all but some thing might have been missed

  2. ok the method seems alright but what if someone found out the file that contains the passwords. That would ruin you wouldn't it? And also if you put the same password the problems is the same as above. Plus if you make a file to save password, the another problem is what will you do if you lost the paper or your hard drive crashed. Won't it be terrible?

  3. I have been using gmail for a long time and have 3 accounts. But these days it's making me hopeless. I have 150 invitation left in all accounts. I tried hard to reduce the invitation but unfounately after few days the invitation is restored back to 50.

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