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Posts posted by PEUGEOT

  1. I guess it depends how you define take over. In a job situation it is not only possible but it have been shown in history. Many jobs have been replaced. Computers do some thing better and can work in environments that we can?t. It would be silly to send a person into outer space to bounce signals back to the earth manually or operate machinery laboriously in a factory.Money which is power can be managed entirely by computers and a smart program. As computer advance they may someday be able to out think humans. Tasks aren?t the only thing they might be able to do, perhaps someday they could handle things like law or governmental tasks or as a talking friend a computer may even fill a need for companionship. However the question may be - Can people take over the world from the machines? As we rely on computers we could forget what it is like to make decisions and manage things any other way. That would mean we will have to be educated, interesting and have something a robot will never have ? the human spirit. In other words we would have to learn to be human again.

  2. I am personally against human cloning. Human system is a result of millions and millions of years of genetic engineering by God. Nobody can interfere. I don't want my country to allow cloning of humans. I don?t really know how much cloning will help enhance our lives. I think genetic engineering has much more prose in terms of the benefits to society. Unfortunately, the question of who regulates genetic engineering could be very difficult. Genetic engineering is happening now, almost every gene in human has been cloned and half of them are studied in detail. hunderds of genes have been knocked out of mouse one by one to see the effects. Many of the drugs in hospital (not drug store) are the products of genetic engineering. more and more plants are engineered plants now, corn, rice, tomato, even chicken, pork, beef. It is everywhere.again about cloning a species like tiger, it is not the same tiger when you cloned it. it is more important for us to stop the abuse of environment by human. It is not natural rule when human power are involved. in fact because of the technology human now have many natural rule are not applied to human any more. human now does not evolve any more. To protect extincting species, protect the surviving environment is the only way. Cloning is not the way to do it. Just as you know, there are numerous new species emerging now everyday, but most of them are viruses, bacteria, parasites, due to the change of environment. So that's why i'm against!

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