I Eat Kittens
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About I Eat Kittens
So...how did you spend it? Starting tuesday, I surprised her with a bouquet of cut orchids (white, her favs), then took her on a private boat ride along the bay. Afterwards, we had dinner at cityscape, with panoramic views of san francisco and the bay bridge. Then my driver took her home, to more flowers and an invitation to my place wednesday.wednesday, I drop the love-bomb and cooked her dinner at my condo, decked out with at least two dozen roses, italian/french fusion cuisine, wine, with slow dancing on my balcony followed by some cognac. Then we did something unplanned, lwent and played video games at the metreon (if it gets that far), then went back to my place, make love until sunrise, breakfast in bed before work.thursday, I surprised her with limo service to pier 39, where I was waiting with a single orchid, and rode a boat out to a private pier restaurant (maximum seating 6), where I preordered kumamoto oysters and caviar. Afterward dinner we walked along the pier, had fun visiting various shops, etc. Then I tolokher out to a distant dock via horse carriages at pier 41 where I gave her a v-day present, the three-diamond pendant from tiffany's. Then, told her I loved her.
Have you ever tried to think about how long an eternity would be? Whether you believe in an afterlife or not, have you ever tried to wrap your head around such an infinite amount of time? What is your opinion how it, on how to understand it? I saw this a few minutes ago and thought it was pretty cool- Notice from truefusion: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
http://www.apple.com/iphone/ omg. I've always been kind of anti-ipod and stuff (not that I dislike apple, I'm actually think they create excellent machines), but this is just amazing. I want one!
Although I like them both, I primarily play 1.6 and CZ because in source, the hitboxes are easier and no one knows how to play.I know thats a sweeping generalization, but for real, most people I see in source dont plant the bomb or rescue hostages. They run around guns blazing, without any sort of tactics or planning. In the rare occasions they do plant the bomb, they dont guard it. Whenever they do, they are labeled "camping noob lamers"Also, people tend to be more angry and verbally explicit about their feelings in source. They go crazy overboard with it.bottom line, source is full of immature little kids. I didn't say ALL people were, but from my experience, theres more than a handful of em.Just yesterday I had to TK a numbskull on my team in 1.6. Dust2, 2v2, refusing to plant, and the one CT left alive was nowhere to be found. We had already run from B to A, and then he was running back down Long towards T spawn, so I gave him a headshot with the AWP and planted.I wouldn't have done it if he wasn't such an idiot... But the fact of the matter is that boneheads play 1.6 too.I've played both games competitively for multiple seasons of CAL.1.6 is the better game, but it has no future. Especially with the recent CGS announcements and a handful of top 1.6 teams switching to Source.Both are fun, but right now 1.6 is still the better game. As Source evolves more and some important bugs and animation glitches are fixed, it will eventually overtake 1.6.
ok so i was tidying my room which i've never liked and have a tendency to go off at any given tangent, when i came across a box off "cook's matches" that had a warning on the back of it that made me laugh. i wondered if it was truly necessary to put what i can only presume is a 'stick' child distressed and on fire to hit home the dangers of matches? To be honest as my contract recently ran out and i'm out of work i thought, that's the job i want. I want to design stickman warnings for potential dangers. I appreciate the certain genius of a man being told "stickman warning - your title is -DANGER! FIRE KILLS CHILDREN" and coming up with that
none of this stuff is titled, but who cares. plus, ym english teacher told us poetry should never be worried about with capital letters etc, just to let the ideas flow. so here it is. i wont be offended if you dont read it all but at least read one and tell me what u think!those old hands never grow tirednever seem to careabout the time they're ticking awayand that face never smilesnever laughsbut it's not downno, it sure isn't downwhen tomorrow's just a memoryand next week becomes the week before lastthose old hands will go right oncaressing the hoursthe minutesthe secondsand that face won't show a hint of worryas we continue to wage warsas peace dissolvesand the world falls to piecesthose old, reliable handsand that cold, emotionless facethey tell us the timeand time tells us it doesn't carethere's a socket in the walland the serprents, they lay siegefirst to strikefirst to draw bloodplugged in, turned onnever a refrain from the neverending drainwe've all sockets in our mindsand the serpents, they lay siegeteeth sinking invenom coursing swiftlytuned in, amped upwe upload, download, input and take outalways putting strains on our overloaded brainsthere's a socket in the walland it's time to pay it mindwe've all sockets in our mindsand it's time we built a walli hear the faint pitter patterthe giggles as they scattermemories of a childhood long since pasta time when innocencemeant not having to make senselullabies gently silencing crieslaugher lasting forever afterlife was fun, not dysfunctionalfear was a monster under the bednot murder, not war, not tolls of the deadi hear toys being tossed aboutthe joy and the glee of a playful shoutmemories of a childhood long since pastwe've all grow up far too fastnow innocence is a foreign planetand we haven't wished up a starsince we were kids
Hey folks. I've been spending some time on planning and preparation for a fairly lengthy story, and I've now started a first draft I just thought I could share part of the beginning with you all. Just a couple of things to note before you begin reading this:The story will be a mixture of western and eastern story motifs. It's primarily a medieval fantasy setting and takes place in a world where a great empire known as the Anglen Empire has taken over the kingdom of Chin. As you can guess from their names, the two nations are loosely based on the English and the Chinese. The story will follow many fantasy genre archetypes, but they will be seen through an east meets west lens. There is also a prologue that takes place ten years ago when the father of the main character dies, and I hope that it will fill some of the holes you'll likely see in this passage, namely involving the parents and the sister. The main purpose of this passage is to establish the story's "present" following the flashback prologue. The names of the principles are mostly set, though location names are still up in the air.As always, comments are welcome. Anyways here it is:Will Wei leaned wearily against his spade as he removed his hat to wipe thesweat from his brow. A welcomed spring breeze skipped across the fields,carrying the rich aroma of freshly tilled soil. Will inhaled the familiar scent,thankful for the cooling wind. The sun was starting its journey beyond thetree-topped hills along the western horizon, painting the sky around it with apalette of cherry blossom pink and tangerine orange. A ray of sunlight brokethrough a gap in the hills and caressed Will’s bronze face in gentle benedictionwhile behind him, his long shadow streaked across the field. Will enjoys thesequiet moments of solitude after a day of hard labour. Will rarely allows himselfa moment of rest, stopping only briefly at midday when his sister Wandabrought him his lunch. Only now, as the sun bid its farewell, does he givehimself a chance to rest and reflect on the day.But he still had one more task to fulfill. Collecting his rucksack and balancinghis spade over his left shoulder, Will started towards the lone oak treestanding by the road which marked the northern border of his family’s land. Ashe neared the end of the tilled field, he paused for a moment to scoop up ahandful of soil.The oak tree had stood at that spot for generations. Its roots spreadgrandly, some of the lengthier roots expanding beyond the fencing that ranalong the road to the nearby town of Shidong. The tall, reaching branchesalready a vibrant green with new foliage, cast a broad shadow across theadjacent meadow. Under the protection of the mighty branches, near thebase of the tree, stood several thin wooden planks driven into the ground. Each plank stood three feet tall and was painted white. Down the broad faceof each marker, in red ink, a series of Chin pictographs were painted withskilled hands, marking a different name. The top character on each marker,however, was the familiar symbol for Wei, the family name.They were not exactly grave markers. Several of Will’s earlier ancestors wereburied here but several generations ago, a law was made restricting burials tochurch owned lands. Nevertheless, the Wei clan decided to honour andremember their own with these simple markers. The actual graves in theAnglen graveyards displayed only the Anglen names of those interred, butunderneathe the old oak, their true Chin names can proudly be displayed. Thefamily made sure to keep the markers in good condition, and just a week ago,Will replaced a couple of damaged markers with new ones that Wanda hadcarefully painted.Will set down his spade and rucksack and stood before the markers. Therewere sixteen in total, each one bearing the name of one of Will’s ancestors, allof whom had once toiled on the same plot of land. Will faced the markersand, clasping his hands to his chest, bowed three times to show his respectfor his predecessors. Then he approached the nearest marker, the onebearing the name of his father, William, or as the marker read, Wei Wi Lan.As he did at the end of every other day, Will knelt before his father’s markerand sprinkled the handful of soil at its base. Then he began to recount theday’s events, letting his father know of the state of the farm.“I had to repair the south fence again. Ever since the flood last spring theground near the stream has not been very sturdy. I might have to build astone wall along that side. I will visit the mason when I go to Shidong thisweek and ask what he would suggest. There were more signs of wolves thispast winter than usual, so I need to secure that section if I want to keep thechickens safe.”Will did this every day since he started handling most of the farming duties. When he was a child, Will helped his father with some of the simpler chores. In the evening when the sun set, his father would ask him to report on thework he had done that day. Will would recount his day, much like he did now,and William would praise him for a job well done.“The Anglens changed their quota again. Their war with the Franks endedsooner than they had expected and they now have a surplus of turnips andbeans. Fortunately, we decided to change our focus away from turnips lastseason, as the price has dropped now that the war is over. The beans arestill holding steady but I don’t know if we can meet their demand for cabbage. I might have to adjust our crop rotation schedule to make up for it.”Will stopped his report as he heard a horse approaching from the road. Heturned around and saw a thin man dressed in a grey church frock astride asmall pony. Will stood and wiped his hands on his jerkin before greeting thevisitor.“Pastor Bisham, what a surprise. What brings you out here this late?”Bisham, the young pastor from the chapel in Shidong, dismounted as heneared Will. He carefully adjusted his frock before reaching over the fence toclasp Will’s outstretched hand.“Good evening, Will. I hope I am not disturbing you.”“No, not at all, Pastor. You are always welcome.”“Please, Will, call me Henry.” Henry Bisham was fairly new to the area. Hearrived two years ago to replace the former pastor, John Creegan, who hadpassed away from pneumonia. Henry was young for a clergyman, only a fewyears older than Will’s eighteen years. His slender frame and youthfulappearance contrasted with Pastor Creegan’s heavy build and elderly visage. Henry had only recently completed his studies in the Anglen holy cityStreehan. What he lacked in experience, he made up for in enthusiasm andone of the first things he did when he arrived in Shidong was to set up aschool for children, both Anglen and Chin.“What can I do for you, Henry?”“I came to speak to you about your brother Walt.”“What of him?”Walt was Will’s younger brother. He was born ten years ago, not long aftertheir father died. Under his mother’s urging, Will had enrolled Walt in PastorBisham’s school shortly after his birthday on new year’s day.I'll be continuing it as I keep writing. I lost the .doc of the second chapter, so I'm going to have to rewrite it. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK
it wasnt our 'first date' persay, but it was the first time i met her parents, and we were eating dinner at their house when i excused myself to use the resteroom. I go in, do my business, and wrap it up only to find that the toilet is clogged. Well, that sucks, but it happens...i look around for a plunger, and start getting panicked when i realized that there is none to be found. At this point i'm already minorly embarassed, because i've been in there for a while, and i am in a strange environment with two people i'm trying to make a good impression on...I quickly ran over my options and decided i couldnt just leave it there and ignore it...i mean. thats silly. I also didnt want to return to the dinner table only to pull the girl aside (probably with lots of giggling) and pull her away to the curious stares of her parents. so i ended up calling her cell phone and having her bring me a plunger and a candle....and eventually returning to the table to resume my meal. obviously this was a scarring event for me, and naturally her whole family knows by now what happened. i think i'm going to dump her before christmas so that i dont have to deal with the extended family. why does this *BLEEP* always happen to me. another SLIGHTLY better date that i did was more funny than bad...but still pretty bad. I went to the movies with this other girl and went in for a kiss but ended up with a mouthful of her hair. I was chewing gum so she got a head full of bubbalicious. We left the movie to clean out her hair but it wasn't helping so she just cut it. I tormented my whole junior year. But I am still good friends with her and we always get a good laugh talking about it. But yeah, I don't like going on dates.
The Best Media Player Which is your best media player?
I Eat Kittens replied to finaldesign's topic in Software
Winamp FTW!Here are the reasons why...Winamp sits there on a small piece of my screen playing my music. It works well with internet radio. What more do I want. It doesn't want to take over my life like MSplayer, it doesn't try to deluge me with advertising like RealPlayer.It produces playlists for my iRiver.OK it doean't rip, but I would rather use dedicated software for that.It has great skins and visualisations. Fully customisable, plays almost every audio format.A vast number of radio stations and streaming music all for free.Fully skinablevery light on cpu usage(When minimised uses less than 3%)Very good Media Library.Plugins extend functionally even further.Windows Media Player...most of the screen you don't even need. Media Players are emant to do one thing: play music, and that's what it does. Sure it's a bit slow opening up, but other than that, it owns!